You Don’t Belong Here

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I was excommunicated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) near the end of April 2017 on a Saturday evening. It was a surreal experience hearing the Stake President, after prayerful and painful consideration, say, "It is my responsibility to inform you that you are excommunicated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints..." followed by some instruction that I don't recall paying attention to, which I later received again. I knew it was coming, but that did not ease the burden. At that moment I had empathy for Adam (Doctrine and Covenants 29:39-45) the first of all mankind when God expelled him and Eve from the Garden of Eden for disobedience...I mean, we are all in a fallen state because of our first parents, but it's mighty different when you are told to leave, no matter how much love and compassion is shown and expressed by the leader. I sat with my family in sacrament meeting the next morning in a pew near the back of the...

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