Why Change Is the Best Part of the LDS Church

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Since President Russell M. Nelson was sustained as the Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we’ve been through a whirlwind of changes. I’ve seen reactions from members range from ecstatic to questioning to downright negative when it comes to changes in the LDS Church. Those who were less than ecstatic seemed to question how the Church can still be true when all these things are changing. How can something be true one day and then done away with the next? The Difference Between Doctrine and Policy Sometimes we think that because a policy changes, the doctrine associated with that policy must also be changing, but that’s simply not the case. Doctrine does not change because doctrine is eternal truth. It is important to note, however, that how we understand doctrine evolves as we as a church are ready to receive more understanding. Take the Word of Wisdom, for example. When the Saints were first given it, the policy was really loose. The doctrine that our bodies...

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