The 3 Things God Taught Me When I Abandoned Him

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If you’ve read about when I ran away on my mission, then you know some of the challenges I faced and some of the bizarre circumstances I found myself in. You even know a little bit about why I ran away. Hopefully, you understand that God is always with you no matter where you are or why you’re there (physically, mentally and spiritually). But if you don’t (or you doubt that he is), I invite you to follow along (this time in a little more detail) about how Heavenly Father is with us and how he is calling out to you. When Living the Gospel isn't Enough As a short preface to the rest of the story, I’ll mention again what really set the stage for my missionary escape. From the start, I had made significant and personal sacrifices in order to be the best tool in the hands of the Lord. Along the way, I felt as though I was losing myself in service to Him, but not in...

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