Good Websites about Mormonism


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There are several sites that can be used to teach our friends non-members about Mormonism. This is just a short list:

If you have other interesting sites, please add them to this list

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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally posted by Ray A;127

And yet another one is:

If you are honestly seeking answers to gospel questions, I would watch this one. There is a lot of debate that happens on that board, and discussions can get rather heated.

There are so many people who have tried to pass themselves off as trolls on that board that the apologists grow weary fast. They can bite the head off of a newbie without realizing that they are asking a sincere question.

This board seems a little more "newbie friendly" as far as discussion goes.

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We are Newbie friendly...but please try to understand, I am not excusing the actions of the mods on that other board...but there are a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing out here in computer land...and it gets frustrating to those of us who love this gosple and are sick of people who are just out here to tear down the things we hold sacred....please give us a chance to answer your questions and welcome you into our fold. We are striving to have a good, clean, fun, and friendly site here for members and investigators, and friendly non-members alike...we are NOT interested in people who only wish to cause strife and contention...this site is a place for fellowship and honest answers to honest questions.



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Guest Purple Smidgen

Hi! I'm new here! I just heard about this site by that thread in the ldstalk site...I am interested in Mormonism, but I admit that I don't know much...I had some missionaries come to my door this week and I let them in...they seemed nice, but vacuum salesmen seem nice too!! I'm curious, but cautious...I have tons of questions!! I am not here to cause trouble...but I don't know where to begin!!!

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Guest Purple Smidgen

Thank you for those links guys! I already had the official website one, I have been checking it out. I love the audio books and scriptures option!!!

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I do too!!! I just bought myself an MP3 player, but I can't get it to work with my computer...I think it is because of my windows vista...that software is not compatible and it is beyond frustrating to me as I want to down load all those mp3 files up there on the official web site...can anyone here help me figure out hoe to do it? I am new to computers, and even newer to mp3 players.

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I found that if I stay with what the Prophet has told us then I do fine. I am speaking of reading the 'Bible version' off of the Reorganized Church. We have been instructed to read the King James Version of the Bible. Why? Because that is what the Prophet instructs - in otherwards, what the Lord instructs.

We must always remember Article of Faith #8 "We believe the bible to be the word of God AS FAR AS IT IS TRANSLATED CORRECTLY..." It's not to say that there aren't any mistakes, it's just that it is the most correct book.

When we stay on the track the Lord has laid out, our lives are much happier and more content.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later... = church distribution center = encyclopedia of mormonism = LDS films

LDS music:

The Gospel Priniciples manual is online at

Non-members can start learning our basic beliefs and request a free book of mormon at

These are both good for researching answers to antimormon criticisms:

If you're a member of the church, sign up for your ward website at


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  • 1 month later...

Be careful though- it sounds like the author has had some bad experiences.. some of his articles sound a bit negative. I would almost say that his underlying theme or purpose is to lead people away from the church. That's just my view of it after the few articles I've read. He has a couple good points starting out on his "this is the place" page, and he does claim to not be an "anti-site", but he also admits that he has "been criticized for not always being dispassionate when I share my thoughts on the various issues". It's true that he clearly shows his opinions and points of view in his articles. He admits his site is not an official source of information about the church - I'm glad for that. The site is definitely not a neutral investigator's guide.

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