LDS Trivia and Puzzles Game Tonight Maybe

Jeremy A

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Hello, potential trivia players:
There's illness abound in my area, and since I couldn't go to church today, I thought it great to host a game of LDS Trivia and Puzzles. I am in the #lds_trivia channel on DALnet through IRC for a game until about 7 PM Pacific. I'm going to script test and play until one or more shows up to play.
I made many changes since the last post, so I thought I would go over a few of them:
  • Increased point values for puzzles. The objective is for players to solve the puzzle as fast as possible. The value still decreases with each letter revealed. Further, its value appears in the channel, so players can see how it decreases.
  • Increased point values for questions. Having two... point values for level one questions weren't enough, because it's difficult to ascertain toughness.
  • Players' scores appear as the game progresses, allowing them to see how they're doing. When awarding points for questions, players' scores display after awarding all points to avoid confusion.
  • Word scrambles now have two hints at the 40 and 20-second mark. The script will show the first letter of each word, and then display a hint to help people solve them.
  • Revamped jackpot to give more entries based on question point values with a greater chance for the player that posts first.
  • Added Scripture category. If players can find the answer in any of the standard works, it appears.
  • Finally, I reset the stats page to allow a new accrual of high scores after moving the current one to the end of its page.
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