Making Sacrifices Upon Converting


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I know converts make many sacrifices when they join the church, everything from giving up coffee to being under the condemnation of family and friends. Having grown up as a member of the church, I am grateful that I didn't have to face a difficulty like this or make any sudden changes. When my mom joined the church, she was disowned by her grandmother, one of the few dependable adult relatives she had left. That hurt her a lot. She also received a lot of insensitive comments from her sister who mocked her for her beliefs. Fortunately for her, she didn't have the added difficulty of giving up coffee, drinking alcohol, etc. I think what a challenge that would be and how would I handle it if I had to give up chocolate, ice cream, or cheese for my beliefs. Those are a few of my favorites.

I'd love to hear about your struggles in these areas when you joined the church and I am even considering giving up something for a significant period of time to identify with you better. Yediyd, I see how you really miss your coffee!



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I know converts make many sacrifices when they join the church, everything from giving up coffee to being under the condemnation of family and friends. Having grown up as a member of the church, I am grateful that I didn't have to face a difficulty like this or make any sudden changes. When my mom joined the church, she was disowned by her grandmother, one of the few dependable adult relatives she had left. That hurt her a lot. She also received a lot of insensitive comments from her sister who mocked her for her beliefs. Fortunately for her, she didn't have the added difficulty of giving up coffee, drinking alcohol, etc. I think what a challenge that would be and how would I handle it if I had to give up chocolate, ice cream, or cheese for my beliefs. Those are a few of my favorites.

I'd love to hear about your struggles in these areas when you joined the church and I am even considering giving up something for a significant period of time to identify with you better. Yediyd, I see how you really miss your coffee!



I come from a Baptist background...My who family thinks that I am nuts...My sister will not even speak to "so-called" friends have disowned me. I have been "written off" or "given over to Satan" They think I am going straight to Hell...

...and I miss my coffee more than the whole lot of them! :angry:

...Good riddence!!!

...Anybody have a chocolate bar for a needy soul? :rolleyes:

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That would be so hard. :( I can't imagine being treated that way by my family and friends.

So how do you feel about hot chocolate? My son came home one day with a recipe called "Snowman soup" and told me, "It warms your spirit." There was a packet of hot chocolate, two Hershey kisses, and a peppermint candy that you mix together. It was really good and so cute how he couldn't wait to give it to me after school.

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That would be so hard. :( I can't imagine being treated that way by my family and friends.

So how do you feel about hot chocolate? My son came home one day with a recipe called "Snowman soup" and told me, "It warms your spirit." There was a packet of hot chocolate, two Hershey kisses, and a peppermint candy that you mix together. It was really good and so cute how he couldn't wait to give it to me after school.

I love hot chocolate!! I stir it with candy canes at Christmas time!!! I have also started drinking postom...but is AWFUL!!! I have to disguise it with lots of flavored creamer!! I just keep praying that the Lord will reveal to the Prophet that cofee cures cancer or something!!!

...My family was dysfunctional, it is no huge loss...the friends hurt me more. I expected to be treated badly by my family, would have been surprised by anything else...but the hostile treatment by so-called friends really hurt ME...oh well, I have lots of NEW friends!! And Garden Girl is going to be my new "mommy"!!! :D

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I love hot chocolate!! I stir it with candy canes at Christmas time!!! I have also started drinking postom...but is AWFUL!!! I have to disguise it with lots of flavored creamer!!

Switch over to Pero - it is way cheaper and tastes more like coffee. I was raised on coffee - as soon as us kids were taken off the bottle we went to 1/2 cup coffee and 1/2 cup milk. I even took a thermos of coffee/milk to grade school! I tried Postum and it tastes like old, scorched coffee.

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That would be so hard. :( I can't imagine being treated that way by my family and friends.

So how do you feel about hot chocolate? My son came home one day with a recipe called "Snowman soup" and told me, "It warms your spirit." There was a packet of hot chocolate, two Hershey kisses, and a peppermint candy that you mix together. It was really good and so cute how he couldn't wait to give it to me after school.

Try it with a cinnamon stick instead of the peppermint stick - that is good too. Or put in fresh mint leaves - yummy.

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Try it with a cinnamon stick instead of the peppermint stick - that is good too. Or put in fresh mint leaves - yummy.

That sounds good! We have a pot of mint growing on our back porch, so I'll definitely have to do that. I've been meaning to go to Costco to buy another gigantic box of hot cocoa. After our huge windstorm/five day power outage last year in December, I appreciated hot chocolate more than ever. :) It was FREEZING. Our kids slept in front of the fireplace for three nights and my husband and I cuddled under our big down comforter. After that we had had enough and we went to my sister's who was lucky enough not to lose power.

Did anyone glance at this post just now and think I wrote I have pot growing on our back porch? :P

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That sounds good! We have a pot of mint growing on our back porch, so I'll definitely have to do that. I've been meaning to go to Costco to buy another gigantic box of hot cocoa. After our huge windstorm/five day power outage last year in December, I appreciated hot chocolate more than ever. :) It was FREEZING. Our kids slept in front of the fireplace for three nights and my husband and I cuddled under our big down comforter. After that we had had enough and we went to my sister's who was lucky enough not to lose power.

Did anyone glance at this post just now and think I wrote I have pot growing on our back porch? :P

The thought never even crossed my mind!!! :blink:
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That sounds good! We have a pot of mint growing on our back porch, so I'll definitely have to do that. I've been meaning to go to Costco to buy another gigantic box of hot cocoa. After our huge windstorm/five day power outage last year in December, I appreciated hot chocolate more than ever. :) It was FREEZING. Our kids slept in front of the fireplace for three nights and my husband and I cuddled under our big down comforter. After that we had had enough and we went to my sister's who was lucky enough not to lose power.

Did anyone glance at this post just now and think I wrote I have pot growing on our back porch? :P

I sort of thought you might have an old thunder mug (toilet) out there with mint growing in it! :lol:

I used to grow Chocolate Mint, Pineapple Mint, PepperMint and SpearMint on my deck. Used a HUGE peat pot that I sat on an old plate from my busted microwave. The plate was 22" in diameter - yep, big, big microwave. Mince some of your mint and toss into a garden salad. I used mint as a decoration on my dinner table, then just before I was going to serve dessert I would take the mint, put it into a tea pot, add boiling water and let it steep while I served up dessert, then poured everyone mint "tea". MMMmmmmm goood. Helps with digestion.

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Yediyd, I see how you really miss your coffee!

You have no idea how much Yediyd really misses her coffee! That girl can miss coffee like no one else on this earth can miss coffee! One day someone is going to write a Relief Society song about the Mormon convert who sang as she missed, and missed, and missed her cof--fee!

Okay, iambic pentameter it's not. But Yediyd will appreciate my lack of lyrical skills. hehehehe

Yediyd is one of the most enthusiastic members you will ever meet in your life. She is a constant inspiration to me and I love her dearly. :wub:


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You have no idea how much Yediyd really misses her coffee! That girl can miss coffee like no one else on this earth can miss coffee! One day someone is going to write a Relief Society song about the Mormon convert who sang as she missed, and missed, and missed her cof--fee!

Okay, iambic pentameter it's not. But Yediyd will appreciate my lack of lyrical skills. hehehehe

Yediyd is one of the most enthusiastic members you will ever meet in your life. She is a constant inspiration to me and I love her dearly. :wub:


LOL!!!!! You crack me up!!!The education specialist at our Stake said much the same thing to me recently!!! He said I was the poster child for a convert to this church!!!! I just love that after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness of confusion, I have finally come home to the truth!!! No coffee taste THAT good...but I sure do MISS MY COFFEE!!!!!!! :P
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LOL!!!!! You crack me up!!!The education specialist at our Stake said much the same thing to me recently!!! He said I was the poster child for a convert to this church!!!! I just love that after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness of confusion, I have finally come home to the truth!!! No coffee taste THAT good...but I sure do MISS MY COFFEE!!!!!!! :P

I used to brew Blackgang (engineer's) coffee when I was in the service- strong enough for medicinal use, just a pinch of salt, and egg shells thrown in the grounds to cut the bitterness and absorb a lot of the natural oils.

I was good at it- to the point that there was talk of drafting me as a cook ( I wanted to be an engineer)- and this was before they found out I could bake!

I also used to smoke a pipe (kinda weird for someone under 30, but better tobacco and better smell).

When I converted, I gave up both coffee and tobacco- but every once in a while, I miss having an old, well-worn briar pipe in my hands. I don't miss puffing on it, or the lingering smell of fine tobacco- but I miss holding it. Somehow, it always seemed conducive to good thought to have a warm pipe in my hands. :(

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When I reactivated 12 years ago... I had to walk away from a very good but "worldly" life that I had come to enjoy, i.e, golf with hubby on Sundays, 49'er football games, cocktails at 5:00, etc., etc. An honorable life, but certainly walking in the ways of the world.

I still maintain friendships with some of our previous friends from San Francisco days, but I have moved on to a deeper purpose and understanding of life... I've come "home."

The Garden Girl

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I used to brew Blackgang (engineer's) coffee when I was in the service- strong enough for medicinal use, just a pinch of salt, and egg shells thrown in the grounds to cut the bitterness and absorb a lot of the natural oils.

I was good at it- to the point that there was talk of drafting me as a cook ( I wanted to be an engineer)- and this was before they found out I could bake!

I also used to smoke a pipe (kinda weird for someone under 30, but better tobacco and better smell).

When I converted, I gave up both coffee and tobacco- but every once in a while, I miss having an old, well-worn briar pipe in my hands. I don't miss puffing on it, or the lingering smell of fine tobacco- but I miss holding it. Somehow, it always seemed conducive to good thought to have a warm pipe in my hands. :(

I had my own special brew that I mixed myself...I got compliments by everyone who tried it and I used to give it out as christmas gifts...because my friends liked "my coffee" so much!!!
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Well I was somewhat lucky when I converted. I gave up coffee, tea and alcohol. Coffee wasn't really an issue for me, I do miss a nice Earl Grey with milk once in a while, but Caf-Lib seems to do the job well(I hope it's okay). Sometimes I miss being able to have a beer. At first I decided that I want to avoid near beer because of the tehnical .05 percent alcohol content. Now I've decided that if I want to, I can, but not make a point of it. I tend to freak out too much about stuff. Also I have this habbit of finding out somthing has the flavour of coffee or alcohol, then proceed to eat the whole thing. I hate wasting food I just bought or was given. Of course if somebody gave me a beer I'd shove it up their...anyway....

I am the sole convert in my family. I often have trouble keeping the commandments. Some sins have even stayed from before I was baptized. I find it hard to do the things I need to while at home because of I how I feel about myself, and how my family percieves me. It's much easier to be rightous in front of strangers. One of my biggest problems is Sunday shopping. On the way home from church I tend to stop off at the grocery store to get stuff I either need or want. Since I take a bus everywhere, doing that does tend to save me bus fare. It's also like I don't have to go far out of the way to do it either. There's a store accross the street from the church, and everywhere along the bus route on the way home.

Oh, I also used to gamble. Actually it was the scratch and win lottery tickets(you scratch them off to see if you win a prize). I was pretty bad with those. I still feel tempted from time to time, so I have to be alert. My mother plays those alot, as well as playing Bingo. I got hooked to gambling since before I was legal. Same with beer. Heck I was drinking beer at the age of 3, and my parents didn't even know for the longest time!

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Well I was somewhat lucky when I converted. I gave up coffee, tea and alcohol. Coffee wasn't really an issue for me, I do miss a nice Earl Grey with milk once in a while, but Caf-Lib seems to do the job well(I hope it's okay). Sometimes I miss being able to have a beer. At first I decided that I want to avoid near beer because of the tehnical .05 percent alcohol content. Now I've decided that if I want to, I can, but not make a point of it. I tend to freak out too much about stuff. Also I have this habbit of finding out somthing has the flavour of coffee or alcohol, then proceed to eat the whole thing. I hate wasting food I just bought or was given. Of course if somebody gave me a beer I'd shove it up their...anyway....

I am the sole convert in my family. I often have trouble keeping the commandments. Some sins have even stayed from before I was baptized. I find it hard to do the things I need to while at home because of I how I feel about myself, and how my family percieves me. It's much easier to be rightous in front of strangers. One of my biggest problems is Sunday shopping. On the way home from church I tend to stop off at the grocery store to get stuff I either need or want. Since I take a bus everywhere, doing that does tend to save me bus fare. It's also like I don't have to go far out of the way to do it either. There's a store accross the street from the church, and everywhere along the bus route on the way home.

Oh, I also used to gamble. Actually it was the scratch and win lottery tickets(you scratch them off to see if you win a prize). I was pretty bad with those. I still feel tempted from time to time, so I have to be alert. My mother plays those alot, as well as playing Bingo. I got hooked to gambling since before I was legal. Same with beer. Heck I was drinking beer at the age of 3, and my parents didn't even know for the longest time!

Say three hail Joseph's, turn around four times, sprinkle some consecrated oil on your wallet and I'll see you next week!!!! You are forgiven, my son.... :P

...(note tongue placed firmly in cheek!)

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I can easily relate to this topic as a recent convert to the church. For the past twenty years I primarily served in evangelical ministries; Southern Baptist and Church of God. I spent ten years as a missionary serving at several Christian camps and conference centers throughout the US and later as a youth pastor. My family is less than supportive regarding my new found faith but the peace of mind knowing that I have finally found what has eluded me most of my adult life. Nonetheless, there's been a few bumps in the proverbial road as I sought greater wisdom through study and prayer.

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I know converts make many sacrifices when they join the church, everything from giving up coffee to being under the condemnation of family and friends. Having grown up as a member of the church, I am grateful that I didn't have to face a difficulty like this or make any sudden changes. When my mom joined the church, she was disowned by her grandmother, one of the few dependable adult relatives she had left. That hurt her a lot. She also received a lot of insensitive comments from her sister who mocked her for her beliefs. Fortunately for her, she didn't have the added difficulty of giving up coffee, drinking alcohol, etc. I think what a challenge that would be and how would I handle it if I had to give up chocolate, ice cream, or cheese for my beliefs. Those are a few of my favorites.

I'd love to hear about your struggles in these areas when you joined the church and I am even considering giving up something for a significant period of time to identify with you better. Yediyd, I see how you really miss your coffee!



Shoot, its hard enough listening to chastisments as a life long member. Let alone a convert, they really do have

my blessing. And as far as living correct and the W.O.W doing "all" we can do e.t.c. yes it is very hard

but as time gos by, i am gladly trading all those bad habits for the constant companionship, Any day!

I have been addicted to alcohol,speed,lsd, {l.d.s too!}cocaine,coffee,crank,{speed},pot,hash,downers,uppers,

all arounders,cigarettes. you name it! But ya know what? even as hard as it has been to kick it all, The constant

companionship of the Holy Ghost is much,much, better!


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I can easily relate to this topic as a recent convert to the church. For the past twenty years I primarily served in evangelical ministries; Southern Baptist and Church of God. I spent ten years as a missionary serving at several Christian camps and conference centers throughout the US and later as a youth pastor. My family is less than supportive regarding my new found faith but the peace of mind knowing that I have finally found what has eluded me most of my adult life. Nonetheless, there's been a few bumps in the proverbial road as I sought greater wisdom through study and prayer.

Thank you for sharing. Have you written about how you became interested in the church? I would love to read it. :)

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Shoot, its hard enough listening to chastisments as a life long member. Let alone a convert, they really do have

my blessing. And as far as living correct and the W.O.W doing "all" we can do e.t.c. yes it is very hard

but as time gos by, i am gladly trading all those bad habits for the constant companionship, Any day!

I have been addicted to alcohol,speed,lsd, {l.d.s too!}cocaine,coffee,crank,{speed},pot,hash,downers,uppers,

all arounders,cigarettes. you name it! But ya know what? even as hard as it has been to kick it all, The constant

companionship of the Holy Ghost is much,much, better!


Wow! That is a lot to overcome! Do you go to a recovery group or do you handle it fine on your own?

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Thank you for sharing. Have you written about how you became interested in the church? I would love to read it. :)

My initial interest in the LDS Church was as an adolescent .. a neighbor, of the same age often offered his testimony. His forthrightness I value till this day candidly admitting he planted a seed. Shortly after High School I entered the military and without the encouragement of other church members gravitated towards becoming a Southern Baptist. I immediately had issues with the church and it wavering doctrinal views depending on the church I attended, after attending Bible college and becoming ordained I became a member of the Church of God, Tennessee. .. very Pentecostal in practices and beliefs. I was married for fifteen years and went through an excruciating divorce. Knowing it was no fault of my own as I did everything possible to preserve the marriage. I started to ask our Father for further guidance. Within a day two LDS missionaries knocked on my door and I welcomed them in. It took several weeks due to conflicting schedules but we were finally able to spend some quality time. For the first time in many years I felt relief; praying and devoting myself to study and within two months decided to become a member of the church.
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My initial interest in the LDS Church was as an adolescent .. a neighbor, of the same age often offered his testimony. His forthrightness I value till this day candidly admitting he planted a seed. Shortly after High School I entered the military and without the encouragement of other church members gravitated towards becoming a Southern Baptist. I immediately had issues with the church and it wavering values, after attending Bible college and becoming ordained I became a member of the Church of God, Tennessee. .. very Pentecostal in practices and beliefs. I was married for fifteen years and went through an excruciating divorce. Knowing it was no fault of my own as I did everything possible to preserve the marriage I started to ask our Father for further guidance. Within a day two LDS missionaries knocked on my door and I welcomed them in. It took several weeks due to conflicting schedules but we were finally able to meet. For the first time in many years I felt relief; praying and devoting myself to study and within two months decided to become a member of the church.

Thank you for sharing that. :) My cousin converted in high school because of the nice LDS friends he had and I was quite surprised. His mom left the church many years ago and was ex-communicated, so he and his sister weren't raised that way like their half brothers were. I am impressed that my aunt didn't turn him against it and was supportive of him going on a mission. It was a little difficult for her, but she didn't attempt to talk him out of joining or going on his mission.

My mom converted in foster care and said she immediately recognized it as truth since many things she already believed in her heart, like the pre-existence. When people talk to her, they would never guess that she was raised in an alcoholic home, abandoned by her mother, then put into foster care. The gospel gave her a lot of guidance and comfort.

A friend of mine was raised in a very dysfunctional home and decided on her own growing up on her own standards that she believed in. One day her roommate had the missionaries over and she said it was fine, but she had no interest in listening to the Mormons. While she was doing the dishes in the kitchen, she listened to their conversation and realized she agreed with everything they were saying and already believed many of those things and she went into the living room to talk to them. It wasn't long after that that she converted.

I love conversion stories.

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