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How do you donate to the church? Can I make a donation to the elders who helped me?

I don't know the rules for missionaries, but we usually accepted dinner. :D

For financial donations, we fill out a donation slip (found by the clerk's office on the outer wall, usually) and put it in an evelope. Only a member of the Bishopbric can accept the donation. Most missionaries will tell you you can't give them money, but again, I don't know the current rules.


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If you attend a ward, you can ask for a tithing slip from someone in the Bishopric (it’s just a small envelope with a little slip for you to fill out). You can choose what the funds will be used for if you want. One of the options is the “Missionary Fund.” You can also earmark you donation for humanitarian aid, or for other purposes. Or, you can just give it to “tithing” which is basically a general fund.

You could probably even ask the Elders to get a tithing slip/envelope for you.

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If you want to donate to a specific elder you have to get the donation to that elders home ward. You just fill out the form and instead of checking the general mission fund put the money in the ward mission fund and send it to his home ward bishopric.

really?! here i've been a member my whole life and never knew that....

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Siousie, often times people help out different elders, usually anonymously. When a young man is being called on a mission, and people know that the family would find it a real stretch to support him, ward members can tell the bishop they would be able to donate a specific amount, and the family would never know who had.

50 years ago, my husband's extended family help support him on his mission. We have helped others along the way since then.

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Guest prnldsfrms

The OP may not know that missionaries pay their own way. And some missionaries pay all of it up front, and cannot get a refund if someone else also donates. If what she wants to do is to help a particular missionary in the field, she should get his mom's telephone number and ask her whether he needs a new suit or pair of shoes or shaving cream and deodorant. A really good treat is a bunch of gift certificates for restaurants (though if the elder is due to be transferred soon, it is better to get them from a restaurant that will have branches in a lot of different places.

And as sweet as the gesture is, the OP should know that many missionaries would feel uncomfortable being singled out for doing what is the Lord's work. Most, if given a chance, would probably suggest that the person donate to the church mission fund that helps elders in other nations who could never afford to serve a mission.

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