Expressions Of Faith

Guest Iggy

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Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun

Jesus shall reign where'er the sun

Does his successive journeys run;

His Kingdom stretch from shore to shore,

Till moons shall wax and wane no more.

People and realms of every tongue

Dwell on His love with sweetest song,

And infant voices shall proclaim

Their early blessings on His Name.

Let every creature rise and bring

Peculiar honors to our King,

Angels descend with songs again

And earth repeat the loud Amen!

Isaac Watts</div>

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<div align="center">O Jerusalem

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem . . . how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings." As the slanting rays of the sun reflect upon the rooftops of Old Jerusalem, Christ reflects upon his life's mission and upon those he came to serve and bless. His gaze take in the glistening gold and marble of Herod's temple and the smoke of burnt offerings upon the altar. He was keenly aware that soon he would offer himself up as the true Passover lamb- "the Lamb of God." Here, upon the Mount of Olives, Jesus could see the day, like his mortal ministry, coming to a close. However, a new day always dawns and there is home and comfort in his words, "Lo, I am with you always," Just as he looked down upon the traveling pilgrims entering Jerusalem, he watches still, ready to extend his protective wing to all who seek him.

Greg Olsen</div>

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<div align="center">O Jerusalem

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem . . . how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings." As the slanting rays of the sun reflect upon the rooftops of Old Jerusalem, Christ reflects upon his life's mission and upon those he came to serve and bless. His gaze take in the glistening gold and marble of Herod's temple and the smoke of burnt offerings upon the altar. He was keenly aware that soon he would offer himself up as the true Passover lamb- "the Lamb of God." Here, upon the Mount of Olives, Jesus could see the day, like his mortal ministry, coming to a close. However, a new day always dawns and there is home and comfort in his words, "Lo, I am with you always," Just as he looked down upon the traveling pilgrims entering Jerusalem, he watches still, ready to extend his protective wing to all who seek him.

Greg Olsen

Good stuff, wish i could think like that all the day long!


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<div align="center">First Day

Hail, sacred Light, which highly dost excel

And dost our sorrows and our fears dispel!

When first appearing, thou didst strike the sigh

With darting beams, all glorious. fair, and bright,

And wondrous charming. Oh! how great and full

Of sparkling glory! Oh! how beautiful!

How sweet thy shine! How ravishing thy rays!

Proclaiming loud thy great Creator's praise

When marvelously He had now decreed

That day should night, and night should day succeed,

That this His works and wonders might display

And shadow forth His own eternal day,

Whilst that should temper the day's increasing drought,

Moisten the air, and make the earth to sprout.

He gave the Word, and day did straight appear,

Till day at length declined, and night drew near.

Night, which hovering with her sable wing,

Doth ease and rest to wearied mortals bring.

Thus nights and days, and days and nights do fly,

Returning in their course successively -

Each with its comforts, though of different kinds,

Both for our active and our drooping mind.

Since then both day and night such blessings bring,

By day and night let's bless our Lord and King,

The King of all the World, in whom we move

And live and are, the mighty God above.

Thomas Traherne</div>

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<div align="center">A Hymn To God The Father

Hear me, O God!

A broken heart

Is my best part:

Use still Thy Rod,

That I may prove,

Therein, Thy Love.

If Thou hadst not

Been stern to me,

But left me free,

I had forgot

Myself and Thee.

For sin's so sweet,

As minds ill bent

Rarely repent

Until they meet

Their punishment.

Who more can crave

Than Thou hast done:

That gav'st a Son

To free a slave?

First made of nought,

Withal since bought.

Sin, Death, and Hell

His glorious Name

Quite overcame,

Yet I rebel

And slight the same.

But I'll come in

Before my loss

Me father toss,

As sure to win

Under His Cross.

Ben Johnson</div>

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<div align="center">One night I had a wondrous dream,

One set of footprints there was seen,

The footprints of my precious Lord,

But mine were not along the shore.

But then some strange prints appeared,

And I asked the Lord, "What have we here?"

Those prints are large and round and neat,

"But Lord, they are too big for feet."

"My child," He said in somber tones,

"For miles I carried you along.

I challenged you to walk in faith,

But you refused and made me wait."

"You disobeyed, you would not grow,

The walk of faith, you would not know,

So I got tired, I got fed up,

And there I dropped you on your butt."

"Because in life, there comes a time,

When one must fight, and one must climb,

When one must rise and take a stand,

Or leave their butt prints in the sand."

-- author unknown</div>


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MorningStar - you have made my Monday the most glorious day! Thank You for this poem! :D

You're most welcome! Someone posted it on FAIR (back when it was FAIR) a long time ago and I thought it was so hilarious, yet true. I started reading it to my husband last night and he said, "I've heard this so many times!" I said, "Not THIS version." :lol: He laughed his bum off.

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<div align="center">One night I had a wondrous dream,

One set of footprints there was seen,

The footprints of my precious Lord,

But mine were not along the shore.

But then some strange prints appeared,

And I asked the Lord, "What have we here?"

Those prints are large and round and neat,

"But Lord, they are too big for feet."

"My child," He said in somber tones,

"For miles I carried you along.

I challenged you to walk in faith,

But you refused and made me wait."

"You disobeyed, you would not grow,

The walk of faith, you would not know,

So I got tired, I got fed up,

And there I dropped you on your butt."

"Because in life, there comes a time,

When one must fight, and one must climb,

When one must rise and take a stand,

Or leave their butt prints in the sand."

-- author unknown


Now that's funny! :sparklygrin:

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