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I'm a member of the church from Minnesota, currently a sophomore in High School. I've been in plenty of forums actually, mainly for writing and inline skating groups, but one day I thought I'd see if there was an online forum for the church, and here I am!

Little bit about myself: I'm an all out athlete, I made Varsity soccer for the first time year, hopefully Varisty hockey when that comes, and I'll be running track one more year, before I either switch to lacrosse or use the spring time to get a job. I am also only a couple minutes off of being a professional inline skater based on marathon time, so hopefully I'll get myself a sponsor and a team soon enough! :-)

However, I have the same "fire" for the church as I do sports, I incorporate it into my everyday life, and cannot be happier to say so. I love our church, and learning about it. It can be hard, being 1 out of 5 LDS members in a large high school, but it's worth it!

So, that wraps up a lengthy intro. I hope I'm not out of place here! :-P

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Welcome let me be the first to great you... I too am new here... I'm a 40 year old Firefighter/medic here in Utah. I love this church and all that it stands for. I have a great testomony of the gospel as it is what saved me from the "dark" side 15 years ago.... (That and a "Angel" of a wife that the lord used to bring me back when I thought I was Lost!!) :D

Always to good hear from others....

James "Doc" Tarpley

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It's good to meet you! You sound very well rounded having as much passion for the gospel as your hobbies. :) At our stake conference, one of the speakers said they knew a young man whose whole life was soccer and when he went on his mission he felt unprepared. He lived a worthy life, but he didn't feel knowledgable about many things. Keep up the good work!

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