Missionary Dad - Son Serving In Washington Spokane


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I'm the father of a young Elder serving a spanish speaking mission in the Washington Spokane Mission. He has 10 1/2 months to go (yes we are counting). He loves the work and has been blessed with some baptisms and has become bilingual. Interestingly, Our small ward has seen a number of baptisms approximately equal to those he has been blessed to be involved with. Seems the harder he works and more obedient he is, our ward receives a comparable outpouring of blessings.

As a parent of a missionary I won't say it isn't difficult being away from him and not being able to put my arms around him. I miss my buddy! But I know that he is doing His work and building the kingdom. He absolutely loves the people he has met and feels very loved. Thanks to all those members in the area he is serving in who are looking after him, we feel at bit less anxious and we know he is being protected.

I am so grateful for the Gospel which provides such opportunities to serve. As he has learned through sacrifice and hard work and putting the Lord's will first, he has grown considerably. We sent out a boy. In return, we are seeing him become a man of God.

I am deeply humbled by this.

I would be happy to share our experiences with anyone with sons or daughters in the mission field.


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It's funny how wards take the missionaries "under their wings." My dear husband was non-LDS, yet he treated the sister missionaries as if they were daughters or grandaughters... and they loved him. He was a talented photographer, and made a "generic" videotape of our coastal town of Lincoln City starting about mid-point and then going along... ending up at their apartment where he showed the exterior and then we took a tour of the interior (they had the nicest apartment/condo). He included several activities like the sandcastle contest and the kite festival, and plenty of wave scenes. It was wonderful. Whenever a new sister would come in to serve in our ward, he'd start a tape for her starting with the "generic" scenes... then on an evening when we would be having them over for dinner, he'd set up the video camera down in my art studio and invite the sister to "talk" to her family... at first they always seemed shy and didn't quite know what to say... I'd tell them to just tell about their activities, experiences, etc., etc. Well, an hour later I'd have to go down and get her... many times she would be tearfully telling her folks how much she loved them, and her mission, and bearing her testimony. We never watched the full tapes of the girls because they were meant to be private between them and their folks, but in the final editing in of our closing we sometimes heard a small portion... usually the testimony. I knew it touched my husband, yet still he would not attend with me. We gave the girls mailers to send the tape home to their folks.

We received letters from parents just thanking us so for such a great tape of their daughters. One mother said that whenever she would get lonely for her daughter, she go get the tape and watch it...

Now my hubby is gone... and we have senior couple missionaries... but I enjoy inviting them to dinner just as much...

Garden Girl

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