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On my way home from work today I called the phone number the church headquarters gave me for my new bishop. I've tried to call a couple of times before but always got the answering machine. Well this time he answered. He seems like a very nice person. I told him who I was and that I had been inactive for about 10 years and was ready to come back to church. He was so happy to hear from me and I gave him all of my information that he needed to obtain my records from the church. I am definitely going tomorrow morning. Sacrament meeting starts at 9:00AM and my husband said he'd go with me.

I also told him where I lived and he mentioned that there are several members in the ward who live in my town! And one couple he mentioned I already know but never knew they were LDS! How cool is that? :)He also asked if I would have some time to meet with him after Sacrament meeting to discuss some things. I am sure he is going to want to know why I left and why I am returning. But for some reason I am not nervous about it anymore. I am ready and excited for tomorrow!

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On my way home from work today I called the phone number the church headquarters gave me for my new bishop. I've tried to call a couple of times before but always got the answering machine. Well this time he answered. He seems like a very nice person. I told him who I was and that I had been inactive for about 10 years and was ready to come back to church. He was so happy to hear from me and I gave him all of my information that he needed to obtain my records from the church. I am definitely going tomorrow morning. Sacrament meeting starts at 9:00AM and my husband said he'd go with me.

I also told him where I lived and he mentioned that there are several members in the ward who live in my town! And one couple he mentioned I already know but never knew they were LDS! How cool is that? :)He also asked if I would have some time to meet with him after Sacrament meeting to discuss some things. I am sure he is going to want to know why I left and why I am returning. But for some reason I am not nervous about it anymore. I am ready and excited for tomorrow!

Good luck tomorrow, Courtney!! I hope your return this week is the first Sunday of many!! May God bless you and your family, and keep you in His cinstant care!! I will be thinking about you!!

Silver Girl

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Well, I made it there this morning. :D Oh it was so nice to be back! I got there about 10 minutes before the start of Sacrament meeting. I parked my car and walked in the door and found myself face to face with our ward's missionaries. They shook my hand and I talked to them for a bit, letting them know who I was and that I'd been inactive for 10 years. Well one of the missionaries happened to be from a town not too far away from my hometown in Georgia, so that was very cool! I sat with them during the service and they introduced me to the bishop afterwards. I spent most of the sunday School hour telling the bishop about my last 10 years. He was so super nice and helpful and listened. He didn't make any judgments or chide me for my shortcomings in life, which was very cool! He also asked me if i would be interested in serving a calling within the ward and I said that I would. He also gave me a new set of scriptures, which was totally awesome! And I let him know that if they ever needed any musical assistance that I was a musician. At that, his eyes grew wide and he said, "Really?" I told him yes and what instruments I play. He grinned and said, "Sister, you are the answer to our ward's prayers! We are in dire need of people with musical ability!" How cool is that? :D

On a side note, the missionaries are coming over to meet with me and my husband next Friday evening at 6:30PM. It should be fun and provide others who can help assure my husband that I haven't lost my mind in wanting to return to church. :)

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Guest AutumnBreez

Well, I made it there this morning. :D Oh it was so nice to be back! I got there about 10 minutes before the start of Sacrament meeting. I parked my car and walked in the door and found myself face to face with our ward's missionaries. They shook my hand and I talked to them for a bit, letting them know who I was and that I'd been inactive for 10 years. Well one of the missionaries happened to be from a town not too far away from my hometown in Georgia, so that was very cool! I sat with them during the service and they introduced me to the bishop afterwards. I spent most of the sunday School hour telling the bishop about my last 10 years. He was so super nice and helpful and listened. He didn't make any judgments or chide me for my shortcomings in life, which was very cool! He also asked me if i would be interested in serving a calling within the ward and I said that I would. He also gave me a new set of scriptures, which was totally awesome! And I let him know that if they ever needed any musical assistance that I was a musician. At that, his eyes grew wide and he said, "Really?" I told him yes and what instruments I play. He grinned and said, "Sister, you are the answer to our ward's prayers! We are in dire need of people with musical ability!" How cool is that? :D

On a side note, the missionaries are coming over to meet with me and my husband next Friday evening at 6:30PM. It should be fun and provide others who can help assure my husband that I haven't lost my mind in wanting to return to church. :)

AWESOME! Your on the right path sister!

Was Thomas with you at church? Is he being ok with the situation right now?

Keep the faith girly! Praying for you both!

What instruments do you play?? I play piano but only songs I made up. I can read music up to the extent of not too many notes at one time and no more then 1 flat or sharp. However, when I play my made up stuff it has more flats and sharps and notes. I could have someone put my songs on paper for others to play, but I would not be able to play my own stuff....silly, but true :P

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Thomas did not go with me but he was cool with me going. :)

I majored in music education in my college back in Georgia. I was 5 classes away from my degree when I got pregnant with my daughter and had to drop out of school. My main instrument is flute, but I also play piano, clarinet, saxophone, tenor sax, bass clarinet, piccolo, French horn, and a little bit of violin.

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Guest AutumnBreez

Wowzers! That's a lot of instruments, that is talent, how do you play all those??

I think that is great you can play them individually let alone at once :P:lol:

As far as your husband, he will come with you soon I'm sure.

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Wowzers! That's a lot of instruments, that is talent, how do you play all those??

I think that is great you can play them individually let alone at once :P:lol:

As far as your husband, he will come with you soon I'm sure.

:lol: Oh, if I could play them altogether I'd have my own stage show! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

In college we had to learn the basics of most instruments, since we were all hoping to become band teachers one day. That's how I learned them. :)

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Welcome from Georgia...(Atlanta area). Hard questions, I hope you find the right answers. I have learned in my 50 years...do the right thing and all will work out.

Proverbs 3: 5-7

5 ¶ Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

7 ¶ Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

Pa Pa

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