The Great Secret Of G-dliness


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I would like to express a reason for understanding the birth of Christ during this season.

Sometimes simple concepts are lost in the “bigger” picture. Of this post and thread I would have us focus and consider the simple doctrine or “gospel” where by weak things are made strong. It is the nature of this universe and state of things to rely on the strong. It is the strong that wins battles. It is the strength of wisdom that solves problems and makes life better. It is the science of the intelligent that pushes the envelope of human development. Or so it seems.

But it is G-d that makes that which strong or worthwhile in eternity. In the “beginning” G-d created his strongest and wises creature from dust. Dust by ancient definition is a substance that has no value or worth. But we are told that G-d takes that which is worthless and of no value and makes that which is great. This is a much different concept than the understanding of evolution that by thinning out the week the whole is made stronger – but the doctrine of G-d is that there is a method to madness and that which is week becomes the strong.

The most powerful force and intelligence in the universe came to earth and the manner was such a weak and feeble beginning that many do not recognize the truth being taught. Jesus came into the world of a woman – considered the weaker of the two sexes. He was not born in established habitations of human society but under conditions more suitable to beast, that are less than human.

Jesus demonstrated that way – or if you will – method, by which that which is weak becomes strong. All of us that comprise the human family are weak. We will become sick, many of us will become handicapped at some point of our life and have to depend on others for our survival. We will all be so overtaken by feebleness that we will all die.

Now there is a “BUT”. That which will become sick and die can be made strong. That which is weak can be raised up in divine power and void of all corruptible weaknesses. We can be made an heir to all that G-d has and is. Yes, my friends the great message is that which is weak is made into that which is strong above all other that can be related to strength. The true greatness of Christ is not in his suffering and death but in his resurrection to power and strength. All of which was done so that the weakest of the weak can be made strong like unto him.

And what is one of the great elements of this strength that can come to us. It is not by placing ourselves above others – think we will be saved – or that we will be in the great Kingdom of G-d. It is by lifting others – less fortunate than ourselves. It is by loosing ourselves in the weakness of the weak and assisting in their poverty that we overcome our own.

The Traveler

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