Worship Of Baal In The Last Days


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Few know or understand much of Baal and associated corruption or pollution of Baal worship on true faith. Especially as the worship of Baal relates to the “Last Days”. Anciently the worship of Baal lost more soles of the house of Israel than any other temptation I am aware of. There was this notion that one could be involved with the worship of Baal and still be a good Jew. Ever wonder why that notion persisted? It had to do with the manner and methods in which Baal was worshiped.

The temple where the worship of Baal took place was actually a theater. Worshipers would come to the temple, pay an admission and find a seat to watch a dramatic presentation of the saga of Baal. The saga begins with his birth. Baal’s mother was a mortal woman and his father was “El” the Father of Heaven. Does this story sound a little familiar It should, this half man half g-d, son of the Father G-d appears in many ancient places. Hercules, Zoroaster, Beowulf, to name some legendary characters and Alexander the Great to name a historical character - and of course Jesus Christ. One of the reason I point this out for the reader is so that we can understand the concept of the son of g-d as a savior was not new with Jesus Christ - the idea is a very old one. Remember, the worship of Baal goes all the way back in the Bible to the Tower of Babylon and Nimrod. Funny how the Son of G-d as the Messiah has turned up missing from the Old Testament we have today and few even wonder why. Anyway let us press on.

Baal is depicted as a really cool likeable guy. He is strong, good looking and especially popular with the girls. But there is one special girl in his life - Her name is Annath. And just if your interested she is one hot babe - the perfect match for Baal. Now back to our story. Baal is not a Satan worshiper, in fact he is the opposite. Satan in this story is Mot the g-d of the underworld. He has a friend, Yaman who is the g-d of the Sea. These two join together and form an unbeatable army of demons and monsters from the underworld and the Sea. Mot and Yaman are big time bad guys that are going to take over the world and rule with chaos. Note that the ancient meaning of chaos and the biblical perdition is very similar. Baal finds out about this plot and decides he is the only one that has a chance to stop Mot and Yaman - but he needs some help. Baal turns to his Father El, that tells Baal he must face Mot and Yaman without his Father but Baal is given a gift from his father. He is given thunder and lightning which he can use to kill from great distances. With thunder and lighting Baal also has control of the weather. Interesting that the son of g-d has control over weather.

Baal goes off to confront Mot and Yaman as a surprise but he is betrayed by a trusted friend and is ambushed instead. A hard battle ensues and Baal is seriously wounded. Wonder why Peter thought there would be a fight when Jesus was taken? Sorry back to Baal - the weather goes out of control and Baal is left for dead. Annath finds Baal in the storm and realizes he is still alive. She takes him home and takes care of him through a long dark stormy night. During the night all mankind is gathered for one last battle, including old men, women and children. The next day they will fight to the last person which does not really matter because Mot and Yaman plan to kill all humans anyway.

The next day a great battle takes place - mankind make a noble stand but are seriously outnumbered and outmatched. Finely man is surrounded and all is lost. But at that last moment a recovered Baal appears with his thunder and lighting and the tide of battle is turned with an awful display of violence against the bad guys. Mot and Yaman’s armies are destroyed and they escape with just their lives - banished forever to the Sea and underworld.

With the battle over there is a great celebration and everyone gets drunk and there is a gigantic orgy. And of course Annath and Baal have their celebration as well. The whole thing is quite fun except for some R rated seens of violence and sex it is an otherwise exciting production. Oh I almost forgot for a small fee you could pick up some silver and gold action figures of Baal and Annath in the lobby on your way out to take home.

Yup, the worship of Baal was quite popular in ancient times. But why was it such a problem to covenant Israel? Much of the problem has to do with improper interpretation of scripture. For example Exod. 20:3 “Thou shalt have no other g-ds before me”. Some think that the “before me” is a ordered statement meaning that G-d should always be first. But the Hebrew phrase “al panai” actually means before my face or in my presence. What it means is that is you come into the presents of G-d (or his spirit - being spiritually born again) you will not be allowed if you attempt to bring with you any other g-ds. Also the Hebrew word to serve (Exodus 20:5) means to spend time with or resources on or to set your heart upon.

Once gold and silver is polluted by being formed into false g-ds it is an abomination that must be burned with fire (Deut. 7:25) Also note that anything that is polluted by this false worship of Baal must be destroyed (Deut 7:4-5). Now ask yourself this question - Why must the world be cleaned by burning in the “Last Days” before Savior can come the second time? Could it be that the world and the homes of some good Christians (LDS) will be filled with videos, pictures and magazines of a latter day Baal? Do you “serve” a false g-d of R or some PG rated pornography (Great and Abominable Church) that will prevent you from being in the presents of G-d? (See Deut 7:26)

The Traveler

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Guest Starsky

You know what I would just love to see? A major Earth re-run....I would love to see the whole thing from beginning to end...before I died...not after...

Thanks Traveler....as usual you have brought some very interesting insights to my plate, and food for thought and perhaps meat for repentence....:)

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Originally posted by Starsky@Jun 12 2004, 08:40 AM

You know what I would just love to see? A major Earth re-run....I would love to see the whole thing from beginning to end...before I died...not after...

Thanks Traveler....as usual you have brought some very interesting insights to my plate, and food for thought and perhaps meat for repentence....:)

Thank you for your interest. It is my belief that the book of Isaiah is exactly the rerun of earth history that you may be interested in. Avraham Gileadi (a converted Jewish Rabbi) has interesting insight in this matter (a history of the beginning to the end - see Isaiah 46:10) he divides Isaiah as follows:

I. Ruin and Rebirth - Chapters 1-5; 34-35

II. Rebellion and Compliance - Chapters 6-8; 36-40

III. Punishment and Deliverance - Chapters 9-12; 41:1 - 46:13

IV. Humiliation and Exaltation - Chapters 13-23; 46:13 - 47:15

V. Suffering and Salvation - Chapters 24-27; 48-54

VI. Disloyalty and Loyalty - Chapters 28-31; 55-59

VII Disinheritance and Inheritance - Chapters 32-33; 60-66

Note two things: First that there is a way outlined for the righteous and the wicked. Second is that the entire history is given twice. (See Genesis 41:32)

The Traveler

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Guest Chell
Originally posted by Rodney+Jun 12 2004, 05:25 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rodney @ Jun 12 2004, 05:25 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Starsky@Jun 12 2004, 09:40 AM

Thanks Traveler....as usual you have brought some very interesting insights to my plate, and food for thought and perhaps meat for repentence...

...and maybe another huge dose of poppycock!

You are a major source of poppy cock. Take a walk. :angry:

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Guest Chell
Originally posted by Traveler+Jun 12 2004, 05:28 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Traveler @ Jun 12 2004, 05:28 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Starsky@Jun 12 2004, 08:40 AM

You know what I would just love to see? A major Earth re-run....I would love to see the whole thing from beginning to end...before I died...not after...

Thanks Traveler....as usual you have brought some very interesting insights to my plate, and food for thought and perhaps meat for repentence....:)

Thank you for your interest. It is my belief that the book of Isaiah is exactly the rerun of earth history that you may be interested in. Avraham Gileadi (a converted Jewish Rabbi) has interesting insight in this matter (a history of the beginning to the end - see Isaiah 46:10) he divides Isaiah as follows:

I. Ruin and Rebirth - Chapters 1-5; 34-35

II. Rebellion and Compliance - Chapters 6-8; 36-40

III. Punishment and Deliverance - Chapters 9-12; 41:1 - 46:13

IV. Humiliation and Exaltation - Chapters 13-23; 46:13 - 47:15

V. Suffering and Salvation - Chapters 24-27; 48-54

VI. Disloyalty and Loyalty - Chapters 28-31; 55-59

VII Disinheritance and Inheritance - Chapters 32-33; 60-66

Note two things: First that there is a way outlined for the righteous and the wicked. Second is that the entire history is given twice. (See Genesis 41:32)

The Traveler

I have Giliadi's book. I want to read more on this. Traveler, you are a good source and I appreciate you sharing your vast knowledge with us here.

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Originally posted by Chell+Jun 12 2004, 12:38 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Chell @ Jun 12 2004, 12:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Rodney@Jun 12 2004, 05:25 PM

<!--QuoteBegin--Starsky@Jun 12 2004, 09:40 AM

Thanks Traveler....as usual you have brought some very interesting insights to my plate, and food for thought and perhaps meat for repentence...

...and maybe another huge dose of poppycock!

You are a major source of poppy cock. Take a walk. :angry:

No "maybe" about it, right? ;)

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Tell me something: Did you ever attend the "models" seminars given by Jim Harmston in Manti, Utah? Seems to me like you and he are in the same boat. A whole buch of pseudo-history has become your mainstay, and you pass it off as truth.

TO MY FRIENDS HERE: Please be very cautious with this person. A craftier Mormon Fundamentalist I have not seen in some time.

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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by ExMormon-Jason@Jun 13 2004, 09:42 PM


Tell me something: Did you ever attend the "models" seminars given by Jim Harmston in Manti, Utah? Seems to me like you and he are in the same boat. A whole buch of pseudo-history has become your mainstay, and you pass it off as truth.

TO MY FRIENDS HERE: Please be very cautious with this person. A craftier Mormon Fundamentalist I have not seen in some time.

Jason, I am astonished....I have friends and family who are fundamentalists....I don't see any similarities between them and what Traveler is putting out.

In fact I see more similarities between Traveler and my institute teacher ....

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Anytime someone starts preaching pseudo-history, and seems to be an avid fan of Gileadi, that's a big RED flag in my book.

Next he'll start preaching about the "loss of the priesthood" to you, and how he's looking for a spiritual wife.

Just wait...... <_<

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Guest curvette

I don't know much about Gileadi except that he was part of the "September Six". I believe he retracted his statements about LDS leadership being the only ones allowed to interpret doctrine and was rebaptized. What does he have to do with fundamentalism?

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For what it's worth, Gileadi is the "Champion" of mormon fundamentalism. His book on The Last Days discusses the apostasy of Mormonism in the current time. For this reason, fundy's love it because it seems to prove their beliefs that the LDS Church is apostate.

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Originally posted by ExMormon-Jason@Jun 15 2004, 10:33 AM

For what it's worth, Gileadi is the "Champion" of mormon fundamentalism. His book on The Last Days discusses the apostasy of Mormonism in the current time. For this reason, fundy's love it because it seems to prove their beliefs that the LDS Church is apostate.

Hmmm (or 'heh' as some say), perhaps less poppycock than I first imagined.
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Guest Starsky

Giliadi backs up everything he says with scriptures....his view...

He makes the mistake of taking everything literally....but I do believe...as Curvette stated...that he has repented and been re-baptised into the church.

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