Nervous about having a baby


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Sometimes one must choose between being "responsible" and doing what they know is right in their hearts.

Surely they are one and the same.


Originally Posted by Aphrodite Posted Image

Thats not a blessing, thats making a choice to live off the state. Thats irresponsible. I will never make a choice to do that. I will work to support my kids.

Wow, that's horribly cruel. I'm glad you aren't on governmental assistance, I don't think I would want to feed you and your family if you ever came into need.

Then you are not the christian person you are proffessing to be then are you? I actually implied people in need, do in fact have every right to claim benefits such as my Father in law. You obviously do not have that same attitude. For that, I pity you.

My brother and his wife have to be on government assistance and they both work two jobs. I'd say they work just as hard as you do to support your children.

Great-I once again didnt say NO ONE deserves it. The people I think are irresponsible are people who use assistance instead of a job, so they can have a baby. If you work and still fall short, then of course you are entitled to it. People here can have a baby and basically get whatever they want-house, money etc-and they use the baby to get those things. Its all about attitide-if people like your brother work and still need help that is fair enough-its when people arent working, arent planning to work, and then decide to have a baby then live off the state that bugs me.

I know a lot of people who use those programs, and i'd say that 3/4 of them have jobs. Hard, dirty, exhausting jobs that you probably wouldn't do if your life depended on it.

What you mean like wiping backsides, being verbally and physically abused, and staying on your feet for so long at a time you get swollen ankles at the age of 25? Or what about working in a factory from dawn to dusk and going home with fingers cut to shreds from trimming signs?? Or, how about having 20 hours of sleep in 5 days because of working 14hr night shifts? Or risking my own health to infectious diseases? Or, working a 60 hour week? Those kinds of jobs you mean? Is that what you do then????? Ive worked for the last 10 years all through my school exams and everything. More than likely longer than you have love, as Im 3 years older than you. You dont know me so you can hardly make an extremely far-off assumption about what jobs I would and would not do. I work hard, and Im proud of that.

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When dealing with personal revelation from the Lord, I think it's important to not make absolutes. There is no such thing as "never" or "can't" if the Lord commands it. I also find it odd that culture dictates what is "living off the state" and what one rightfully should recieve from it. Like public schools. Nobody ever mentions how irresponsible it would be to have several children if they all go to public school, (which incidentally, here, costs much more per kid than food stamps do). Or if you live in a country where medical care is paid for for everybody, it is your right, no matter how rich or poor you are, but if you don't, but laws that were voted on say that you can have help paying your medical bills because of your specific circumstances, why is that "taking advantage of the govt."? Everything belongs to God, and if He commands you through personal revelation to do something, then He will provide a way. I know I am not the one to say whether this should be through legal help from the govt. or not. It is all culture - and something I personally have had to deal with having that same cultural concept that it was evil, gently and lovingly reformed, to facilitate spiritual growth.

I am not opposed to people going on welfare under any circumstance because it is there for people who need it. And if someone were to tell me they needed it, I would believe them.

But this is the most convulated excuse I have ever read. Especially "It is all culture . . . that same cultural concept that it was evil, gently and lovingly reformed, to facilitate spiritual growth." Wow.

Just say you need the money. It's okay.


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From your post, you obviously don't have the same cultural prejudices against welfare as I have had. Thus I don't really know how to explain to you what I meant - why try to explain the need to overcome a prejudice, to someone who doesn't even have or seem to understand that prejudice?

To attempt to clarify, I was philosophizing about my attitude towards the existance of welfare, not justifying "needing" it. "Need" is a very ambiguous comparitive term - also often based on culture... :P

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From your post, you obviously don't have the same cultural prejudices against welfare as I have had. Thus I don't really know how to explain to you what I meant - why try to explain the need to overcome a prejudice, to someone who doesn't even have or seem to understand that prejudice?

Okay, LP, I can see where I completely misunderstood your post. Your explanation clears that up.

To attempt to clarify, I was philosophizing about my attitude towards the existance of welfare, not justifying "needing" it. "Need" is a very ambiguous comparitive term - also often based on culture... :P

I agree with you completely, and think it is very unfortunate, as those who often are the neediest are those who may be shoved aside, when in other societies they would be acknowledged as those who need the help most, and should, therefore, receive it.

How was that for a convoluted sentence?

My apologies for misreading your post.


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My wife and I finished school before having kids, and even took summer long time off to ourselves.

We firmly cemented our relationship. Then we started having kids. Then I went to school two more times.

Anyway, there is no reason to feel bad that you want things to be in better shape before having kids. And don't have kids just because everyone else has them. they aren't going to raise your kids or pay your bills or nurse them in the middle of the night. You are. doing something because everyone else is doing it is juvenile and at 24 you are supposed to be motivated by much more adult passions than that. Enjoy school, enjoy freedom, enjoy getting to know your husband. finish the load of seeking work, and setting up your career path, and getting settled into whatever part of the country you are going to live in. One day you will find out you are pregnant.

My wife had her first baby at 25. She had her 3d and last at 29. And now that they are out on their own, and old friend and I are back together full time.

All those things we used to like to do, that we really enjoyed when there was just the two of us, we do again. And have just as much fun.

I know you are hearing the clock ticking, but you still have time to hit the snooze a couple of times.

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