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Everything posted by FigBearingThistle

  1. I don't know what perfectionism is. Wikipedia has this to say: "Perfectionism, in psychology, is a belief that perfection can and should be attained. In its pathological form, it is a belief that anything less than perfect is unacceptable. At pathological levels, this is considered an unhealthy belief." Sadly, I think that pathological perfectionism is alive and thriving in the LDS culture--especially in the U.S. This kind of perfectionism is a competitive sort of thing- and is not according to God's Plan, IMO. Psychological Perfectionism is also taken to unhealthy extremes, and should not focus on "self". It should focus on others, it should focus on perfect love which is mentioned in the scriptures. Also, the scripture verse says "Where much is given, much is required." and NOT Where much is given much is expected. Things like "the perfect mom" "perfect parent" are silly, unhealthy, undefinable, and are set upon unstable expectations of others, rather than on clearly defined scriptural requirements. Striving to be the "perfect parent" seems to focus too much on self pride to me.
  2. I wonder about the origins of the Brass Plates--why they were written in Egyptian. Obviously some record keepers and Hebrews must have kept up on their Egyptian. (At least the written language). Lehi understood and could write Egyptian script. He must have also understood the Hebrew tongue because he was a prophet in Jerusalem. Having a written record (brass plates) by which they could maintain and preserve their written language says something. When King Mosiah the First, took his people and met up with the Mulekites, even though the Mulekites were more numerous, the Nephites became the dominant culture because of the preservation of their language. Interesting thoughts though.
  3. Do you believe Adam was born? Or created like an adobe statue, and given life?
  4. Sometimes money hurts families more than it helps them. Pray for a way to be opened up that your family may migrate. But I would not presume that "lots of money" is necessarily the solution to your problem. Keep taking it to the Lord, and leave your mind open to other possible answers He may have for you. That's my 2 cents worth.
  5. I have never followed this program in the past, but this year, my wife has brought to my attention 2 contestants to keep an eye on. They are Brooke White from Mesa, AZ, and David Archuleta from Murray, UT. I was pleased to see Brooke stand up for her standards in the face of slight ridicule. And the YouTube videos of David Archuleta singing "Mary did you know", were especially enjoyable for me. We really enjoyed reading the comments below these videos. I hope they continue to represent their standards and help rescue our culture from complete decay. For those here who have no idea who I am talking about, you can check these clips out. Brooke: YouTube - Brooke White Hollywood Week American Idol Season 7 YouTube - American Idol - Brooke White - You're So Vain David: YouTube - American Idol - David Archuleta - Shop Around (HQ) YouTube - American Idol - David Archuleta - Imagine - 2/27/08 YouTube - David Archuleta - Christmas - Mary Did You Know