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Posts posted by Over43

  1. I think my wife and I were the right time, right place, right persons when we met. However, as our marriage has evolved I guess "soul mates" can be applied. I don't think if anything were to happen to her I would be interested in remarrying. But, that is a hypothetical situation.

    In the end, when the kids talk about us after we have "moved on" I would hope they would say we were good for each other.

  2. Just a note for those of you who might have read Born to Run, Micah True died during a run this last week. The Mexicans of Northern Mexico named him Caballo Blanco because he would often run in shorts, shoes and nothing else, and apparently never really tanned.

    Some will critisize his running, but he did what he loved, and loved what he did.

  3. Saldrin, nice post. I have actually been in contact with Arthur through teamddpyoga. It is an amazing story. He teaches yoga now (Diamond Dallas Page's version...:D) and it is a tough workout. I have beenat it for three weeks. Never saw myself as a yoga guy, but after 30+ years of on and off weightlifting, and jogging, something different was in order.

  4. I have struggled mightily (as they say) over the last several months, maybe the catalyst was season affective disorder, but I read every book written by Richard Dawkins, and Chris Hitchens, and thought Secular Humanism might be the route for me...

    Then, for whatever reason, I am starting to push out of the funk. I have come to realize, that many are called, but few are chosen, literally.

    It is time to get the wheels back on track and start being tough as far as living the Gospel is concerned.

    Good luck to the rest of you. ;)

  5. Which I guess brings us back to JohnnyLingo's post on page one, cutting portion sizes. Which then could be accomplished by 3 plates of food a day, no snacks? I have been somewhat successful just eating three meals a day, one plate of food per meal. Thermodynamics works apaprently.

  6. I believe you are absolutely correct. I see friends (as well as me) hammer double cheese burgers from Wendy's, drink 64 oz. of Pepsi from the nearby truck stop, but will become indignant when it comes to coffee and tea. I don't drink coffee or tea, I eat too much, and I eat way more meat than I should. I drink 44 oz. of Coke regularly. Shame on me. We do pick and choose our poisons.

    You guys are crazy fun on you topics!

    I love how unbalanced the views get on the Word of Wisdom.

    Why do we focus so on coffee and tea but ignore the minimizing of meat? What about processed foods, salts, over-indulgence, exercise, etc? It is a health code based on wisdom from God. There would never be a situation where God would ask you obedient and fat, or diobedent and healthy. Being fat and taking stimlulants are both unhealthy.

    So a question I ask a lot of church member is, if you can't drink tea then can you drink an extract of tea? Of course they say no. The I tell them that that is what caffeine is.

    I worked in a hazardous chemical distribution center for five years. One of the chemicals that I worked with a lot was caffeine. It caused us a lot of headaches to deal with. We shipped it to a soft drink manufacturing plant. It was listed as a Food Grade material which meant it was ok to eat but the twist was that it was also listed ad a Poison and to be treated as a hazardous material. So we couldn't ship it with the other Food Grades 'cause it was a poison, and we couldn't ship it with poisons 'cause it was a food. So I had to do a lot of research on it. And come to find out it is extracted from tea and coffee and is not chemically manufactured. And almost all of it comes from China. So the caffeine that is in you soda or medications comes from coffee or tea.

    My friend argues with me that Coke is ok to drink and caffeine is not against the Word of Wisdom. I tell him that it is against the Word of Wisdom because I have seed the Material Safty Data Sheet and know for a fact that it is very bad for you and is actually a poison. And I know God would not approve of us taking poison, plus it is an extract of coffee.

    Of course he says I am a hypocrite because he saw me drinking a Mountian Dew the other day. I said I am not a hypocrite. I said caffeine was bad for you, I didn't say I didn't drink it. I do struggle with it but I know it is wrong which means I can eventualy overcome it. But saying a sin is not a sin is worse because you will never try to overcome it.

    That was a long winded way to say don't justify your problems with the Word of Wisdom so that you don't have to deal with them.

    You don't have to have God tell you every little thing that is bad for you. You are full grown adults that can figure it out for yourselves. You are here to learn. You have the internet so there is no reason for you to not do the research.

    Or if you like an easier path then follow this motto: If in doubt, Don't.

  7. There really is no such thing as "righteous anger". I saw someone in Elder's Quorum once throw a tantrum in the name of righteous anger. A fit is a fit. He could just of easily asked everyone to make a better effort on their home teaching. He didn't need all of the hysterionics. Anyway, I try to keep my cool, and usually I'm alright.

  8. I had an epiphony last year while lounging in the Caribbean. I was on a small island, no lakes or rivers, etc. I asked a local where they got their fresh water. He immediately took me for a citizen of the United States and explained to me that they desalinate their water.

    The more I thought about it, the more I thought, that after intial expenses, the US should look at this option. Cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, etc. won't be able to keep up with demands. Or desalinated water can be used for agriculture (95% of water in California is used for agribusiness) and stored water can be used for cities.

    But, Personal water storage is still smart.

  9. I have asked for the Bishopric the think about the calling before annswering. I spend 40+ hours a week working with kids. They asked me to serve in primary sometime ago, I told them fine, but explained to them that the three hours at church on Sunday was one of the few times during the week I was actually with adults, and asked them to take that into cconsideration. A day or two later they called and asked me to be th Gospel Doctrine teacher. LOL, I guess I literally asked for taht one.