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Posts posted by Over43

  1. Have the church leaders ever elaborated on this part of the WoW?

    The destroying Angel part? That is interesting. More so when we look at the over all ramifications alcohol produces within the family and community. I heard a doctor on the radio once explaining that for the last 40 years public consiousness has been anti-tobacco, which is good, but he stated that we should have spent 40 years going after alcohol. He said the medical, familial and community impact of alcohol is much greater than tobacco, i.e. auto accidents/deaths, unwanted pregnancies, rape/sexual abuse, spousal/child abuse, can often be related to alcohol consumption. As well as work days lost, medical costs dealing with alcohol related diseases, etc.

    I'm not sure that's what you were looking for, but drug and aclohol use can be associated to 90% of court appearances in certain parts of California from what I have been told.

    I imagine that if people would give up drinking booze the destroying angel would certainly pass many people by.


  2. Question 3, cosmetic change, brings up a good point. In "Darwin's Black Box" the author argues that genetic change does not cause a usefull change in a species, nor does it lend to a stronger- better able to survive species. He argues his point using humans as one example. When our genetics "mutates" within the species this leads to a situation in which the off spring often struggles to survive, i.e. Down Syndrome, Trisonomy 13, Epstein-Barr, Sickle Cell Anemia, Cyctic Fibrosis, cancers, some forms of ALS (apparently) etc.

    He doesn't necessarily change my views overall in regards to evolution, but, scientists will tell us that gene mutation leads to a stronger, more fit species, but present day medical conditions would present a situation where this is not the case.

    As a side note, I am pretty sure I have heard President Hinckley say that the Church takes no official stance on evolution.


  3. I am a huge fan for what Bush did in the days after 9/11. I am a huge fan of what originally went down in Afganistan. Heck, I was even cool with taking Saddam out. But after that it has been a mess.

    Does saying this make me unpatriotic?

    No. I think the wheels came off President Bush's cart a couple of years ago. But, that is the new warfare. It's not about two armies facing off at Stalingrad or Kursk. It's a small group of extremists who can cause chaos, affect market economies, take out 10 square city blocks with a suitcase bomb. (See Ian Fleming- Moonraker, M's dialogue) Terrorism is the new warfare. "Big" countries: the US, Russia, China probably (notice I said probably) won't square off and disintigrate each other. As long as the West refuses to cut the ties with mid-Eastern oil (easier said than done), the exremist groups that are being funded there will continue to thrive. To fight them won't take "armies" but well gathered intelligence, elite anti-terrorist units that might consist of no more than 20-50 individuals (or less, even single assassins), and the understanding of the American people that we need to be as ruthless towards them as they have more than willingly showed to be toward us.

    Where's Bond when we need him? Or Nicholai Hel?

    But we in the US are allowed to express our Patriotism in any way we choose. Cindy Sheehan, most of us regard her as nuts, but she lost a son in the mid-East, and now is an activist because of it. Is she unpatriotic?


  4. I wasn't sure where to put this since it is more leisure. But leisure time can be healthy time. So what board games do people play? I've started playing chess again. I have also played Pente, and am looking at giving Go a try.


  5. Halfers, I don't have any specific advice or help to offer, other than that I'm not sure it's entirely healthy to lose 30 lbs by Christmas, and I think that weight gain IS hormonal. Also, here's an offer of a free diabetic dessert cookbook (comes along with an entire diabetic literature kit, but hey...!). I heard about it on a cooking blog I read.

    What do they say? Two-three pounds a month, maybe a pound a week is good for weightloss?

    Lose, but lose carefully.


  6. I used to love Utah, and then Money Magazine picked Utah Valley as one of the top places in America to live. (As someone has already stated.) And then the developers and real estate agents showed up. More homes, more cars, more people. People are fine, as long as I don't have to listen to their toilet flush while I live next to them. I live in a nice rural area now that is looking to go "big time". Too bad. Montana or the Dakotas are next. The way this works, who knows, I may end up in White Horse.


  7. I'm going to California tomorrow via the train. I take th shuttle to SLC, then board Amtrack.

    As always I am getting "pre trip" anxiety. I always get this. I go to Sun Valley for a conference and I'm on edge the day or to before. I take my wife to Jackson for the day and leave the kids at home, I get it. We went to the Caribbean a few years back, left the kids with my mother, you bet, I got it.

    I don't know if it's seperation anxiety from the family, or what?

    Anyway, it bugs the poo out of me.


  8. Sometimes I have had this during a prayer.

    Usually it happens during unexpected times. Like one time we were singing a hymn (I can't remember which one, I think it was "The Spirit Of God") the Holy Ghost fell upon me so strongly that I could no longer sing. I just sat there, unable to speak for several minutes while the Spirit just burned within me.

    But, most days are normal for me. I feel Him near, but it is not overwhelming.

    My Grandpa came and visited two years ago. We took him to sacrament meeting. During the opening and closing hymn I looked over at him and he was crying. He hadn't been in a church in 20+ years (of any kind), I think he was just overwhelmed by the whole thing. He kept saying "Beautiful..."


  9. I was in Chicago in 1984 serving a mission when they lost the playoffs to the Padres. You could hear a pin drop in that city the next day. I can only imagine what it is like there today.

    I am learning to like the Dodgers. But, I still have to change the station every time some channel broadcasts Kirk Gibson's homerun off of Dennis Eckersley.


  10. I have never understood the thing with basketball. So many injuries while playing on a smooth wooden floor. Most of the injuries come from other players and not the floor.

    I love competition, don't get me wrong, raquetball, flag football, softball, things like that but not built for basketball or running. I do about 30-45 minutes a day on the elliptical trainer or bike in the gym. Have a road bike for good weather.

    Ben Raines

    Before I left the house to go play I thought, "Is this such a good thing?" Less than 5 minutes into the game I'm clutching my side. Personally I much prefer racquetball, but I don't have anywhere to play at the moment.

    Running isn't too hard on me. I take it slow, jog, and don't over do it. When I'm not getting pummeled by allergies I will go outside, but often I'm on the treadmill watching a Premier League game, or football.


  11. Bytor2112 and Hordak,

    This is an interesting topic you've brought up. We're told "an education will get you places". I got a bachelor's degree and spent another 3 years working at a grocery store. Under employed I guess. I have since moved on and obtained a Master's degree in education. And 2112, your wife is absolutley correct, it was just busy work, and pay tuition. I just obviously announced it here, but I don't think most people I know at work are aware I have an MS. All's it did really was move me up the pay scale. (Which is good...) My brother has a bachelor's in business and pulls electrical wire. His father in law has an MS in ag from UC Davis and is a truck driver.

    My grandfather got his high school diploma in 1970 at the age of 51 so he could be a post master. It always embarrassed my grandma. But today at 88, he lives like a king. He learned to save and invest well.


  12. Thanks, I got 46 miles in in the last 4 weeks. I have an Airdyne but need to get it in too have it tuned up. So, for days when I'm feeling a bit "beat" I'll get on that.

    I started playing basketball at work last week with some mates from work. Took a shoulder to the ribs on the second day, so although I have been jogging still, I'm having a bit of a problem with my wind.


  13. Hugh Nibley has always fascinated me with the insight he always had in regards to the Book of Mormon. One that has stood out is the connection he makes with the Nepohite "Righteousness Wickedness Cycle" and the Nephite medium of "making a living". As he points out, when the Nephites were agriculturaly based they were more prone to be righteous. When they became a more commerce based society is when the trouble starts.

    I live in an agricultural area that is making the transition to a more "commerce" based community. I'm starting to see little things that don't mean a lot now, but as more "big business" moves into the area, these things will add up.


  14. Haruki Murakami is the author of "What I Talk About When I Tlak About Running". It chronicles his preperation for 2006 (?) New York Marathon, as well as takes the reader back to when he started running in the mid-1980's, the same time he sold his Tokyo night club and became an author.

    The book moves back and forth over the last 20 years that he has trained for various racing events (as well as triathlons). He also addresses (almost poigniantely) the changes he has noticed over the 20 years, no matter how hard he's tried, of his body slowly slowing down, and aging. Something which we all seem to try to avoid. I think his being Buddhist (I am assuming) puts him more in tune to this process than we in the West are.

    This is a good read. Pick it up at the library.


  15. Which ones do you think are good to go? And which ones do you think are bunk?

    I used to believe in Bigfoot, but not so much anymore.

    UFO's, I can't get on that wagon.

    Monsterquest has week after week of shows that "research" "paranormal" phenomena, etc. The one taht disturbed me the most was the sudden increase in anaconda and pythons in Florida. I can't vacation their now. :o


  16. Interesting thread!

    Oh, I dunno if I'd agree with that. Mitt Romney, Stephen Covey, Glenn Beck, and John Huntsman all seem to be going strong dispite lots and lots of time in the spotlight.

    Surely, when someone is widely known, more people know when they fall away, because as always, dirt makes good news. You don't read stories like "Stephen Covey is still LDS!" because it wouldn't sell newspapers and it's boring to talk about.


    >>>Although I think this is more of the exception than the norm. Dale Murphy and Steve Young have been good examples of reaching pinacles of the sports culture success and surviving within the parameters of the Gospel. Entertainment wise Gladys Knight seems to be one who is "holding to the rod" as well as others.<<<

    Apparently you didn't read the above paragraph. Ironically, the gentleman who was partners with Covey, building the Covey "Empire" was excommunicated and re-baptized. Which actually may not be ironic at all.


  17. I have 5 girls. 9 (2)- 20.

    My 20 year old treats me like I just crawled out of the swamp of creation. In her book I'm a Neandertal. I have a furrowed brow, bow legged, able to manipulate tools, but still, not very bright. If I said the sky is blue she'd figure out a way to argue about it.

    My 16 year old would do anything in the world to please my wife and I. Two years ago we thought she was headed for counseling. She pulled it together and is as pleasant a mid-teen you could find.

    My 12 year old. Thinks dad is a geek. We "go" to the same school. She says "hi" and even smiles. But mostly I'm her way of avoiding riding the bus to and from school. That's OK. She tried out for the volleyball team (and got cut) because she thought it would make me happy.

    My 9 year olds. I'm still the hero. I can tell them stories about Bigfoot and they believe them. They stick me in the back with a knee or elbow at 2:30 in the morning. Didn't even know they'd crawled in bed with me. (My wife works nights...) They aren't ashamed to cuddle on the couch.

    Eventually they are all going to meet boys they like and get married.

