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  1. I have some young boys, both under 10 right now. They are both 1/2 Native American and their mother and I hold to many native traditions including long hair. I know that my kids are taught they will have short, almost army like, hair cuts. Does this also hold true for Native American Indians that serve missions?
  2. Well one thought that comes to mind, is that when I grew up raised by a single mother and (by no intentional fault of her own) did not have a father figure in my life. I feel as parents it is our responsibility to set an example. My kids need to know how two adults can work together as family and if I remain single until they move out then they will not know what its like to have parents in the same house (though not both biological) that can make it work. Thoughts?
  3. I am a 28 year old with 3 kids (9, 7, 7). About six months ago my divorce was final. The kids are adjusting fairly well. I have not been dating or seeking it out. However, I would like to soon. My question is regarding the appropriateness of when to get kids involved. If I find someone that I like, when is it appropriate to have them meet my kids and possible do activities together, like a zoo outing? If this person also has kids is it appropriate to have activities with all the kids? I have learned from my non-member siblings that introducing new people in their kids lives confuses the kids. Should I keep my new 'relationship' between me and that special woman until I know it is certain she is the one? I know its also bad to keep things from kids. Maybe the best is to let them know I am dating but leave it at that? Advice?
  4. Interesting. Thank you. I know none of you but trust what you say. :)
  5. Well this was one of my impatient moments. I did pray, but I don't know. My thoughts are racing. I called the guy and he was very rude.. and said that I shouldn't have done what I did to get us in this place. Basically saying she is a big girl and she will do what she wants. He is not looking out for her. He is looking out for himself. He knows that it will be a matter of time. Oh I am just so worked up right now. I called her and told her that I called him to defend my family and she thought I was stupid and that I was only doing it for myself, am I? I worry for her. Patience at this point?
  6. My only hesitation is that she will resent me for calling him. Then I only foresee us getting a divroce because she will be bitter of that. But I think I see your point, it is my responsibility to take a stand as the husband and father of my kids to defend my family, right? And I was thinking of saying "this is her husband, she is married. She is confused and if you care for her and her wellbeing you would tell her to let go of you. She is not focusing on the matters which are truly important, which is her spiritual well being." -- good?? This guy is not an awful greedy guy, but he has be then victim of adultery too so he probably has no sympathy for me. They share the same ethnic culture so that is one of the things she likes about him.
  7. ok, my situation is ... crappy. I was excommunicated back in June because of an affair (physical and emotional). I am doing well. My wife on the other hand is very bitter and has "gotten back" at me and done the same (physical and emotional) and is continuing, though she said the phyiscal is only touching and kissing now. She knows what she is doing is wrong. She has gotten in deep faster than she thought or knew she would. She is fearful of the confession and very resistant. I have learned much from the Miracle of Forgiveness and have read to her from it. She understands everything she is doing and knows it is wrong, but likes the 'escape' from me and from life. My bishop has advised me to email this guy (I have his number and email) and tell him that she is still married. Other member friends have said to not do that. I am mixed on what to do with the whole situation, i know she has to make the choice but we have school age kids and I am very impatient with this decision of hers, but patient at the same time. When I get home from work, she leaves and is back by 10 or 11 after spending time with the guy. I am watching out for my kids. But where do I draw the line for her? I have prayed but I am getting mixed answers. We do not sleep in the same room. The Bishop also said don't kick her out. others have said for me to leave with the kids, but I have no where to go. She typically would go to her mom's with ANY problems but she does not ever want to tell them. help.