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Everything posted by Sister-of-Jared

  1. My mom used to make grits then pour them in a bread pan and put them in the frig. The next day she would take them out, slice them, and fry them up. SOOOOO goiod! I grew up in Arizona and New Mexico. People tend to forget that they are southern states, too! Just cause we don't talk with a drawl! LOL. Sister of Jared
  2. I was born into the church, and have been converted more than once since then. In fact, I think I am continualy in the conversion process, and always look back and think, "wow, I used to think I had a testimony, now I see it wasn't anything compared to now!" I figure if I live to be reeeeealllly OLD, I could get good! This conversion process is work! LOL. Sister of Jared
  3. The Murals are gorgeous! They have them in the Mesa, AZ temple as well. It is an older temple, and I married there in 1972 when there was no video. Today it's all video but the mural's remain and it is lovely. I enjoy going to a live service now and then, although mostly the actors are pretty bad. Being a good actor just isn't one of the things required of temple workers! All the pictures have been lovely and inspirational. Thanks! Sister of Jared
  4. Wow-- so true, wanderer..... bishops would be exposed to so much, now we know one of the main reasons they recieve the "mantle" that they do. How else to serve and feel love for so many trying people... and we all know there are plenty of "trying" people even amongst the saints! I loved the story about Elder Ballard, hemidakota. I loved that he started with an apology. I am a firm believer in apologies. You can always find something to apologize for and a sincere apology softens hearts. I also love the written word... when someone is of a nature to argue, a prayerfully written letter can make a huge difference, because whole thoughts can be expressed without interruption. I think that serving the people who are a challenge to us is a good help as well, because we learn to love them. It's just natural to love the peope you serve, and you don't necessarily have to love them first. Great topic, tom.... I've enjoyed learning from everyone's responses. Sister of Jared
  5. Hey, don't use that "guilty" word. You are not equally guilty. You are equally "growing." Do not hang the guilty word on yourself because you felt a natural anger towards injustice. Reaize that your questioning your feelings and responses shows you are on a good path! If not, you would smugly accept your bitterness and feel like she deserved it and that you were justified in any negative feelings. Instead you are pondering and seeking to overcome. Proof plenty that you are on the right path! Do not place blame on yourself! Would to think a 25 year old is wrong for not being 30? No.... we are progressing. You are in a good road--- take joy in the journey! I don't know your mother in law.... but possibly a discussion would help. I would personally pray about it, go to her and find something to apologize about.... something like "I was so hurt about (whatever happened) that I allowed it to color my whole attitude towards you, and I've come to realize that I shouldn't do that. You have many wonderful qualities and you are important to my wife. I should have talked with you right away, but didn't know how to do it. I want to start over, for us to both learn to communicate with and trust each other. I know I can learn allot from you. Can we start over?" If she is willing, I would assure her that if I had any problems with anything she did, I would come to her and clear them up before getting upset, so that the loving relationship could continue to grow. Invite her to do the same. Pray for the spirit first and if you do not feel the spirit, don't have the conversation! But that's me. I'm learning to be direct, but to do it in a non-confrontational and gentle manner. No more guilt!!! The Lord is proud of you, why should you not be pleased also? Not cocky, just recognizing a step along the road! Hugs, Sister of Jared
  6. Hi, Tom and Breezy! So nice to see you here! Tom, I have a sister who just drives me nuts. I do not LIKE her. Once when I was feeling guilty about that, my oldest daughter reminded me of the fact that Loudmouth Mormon stated above: We are not commanded to LIKE one another, but to love one another. Love being an action word implies action. What we are being commanded is to TREAT people correctly. If you felt "love" you would treat someone correctly, right? For instance, one of your children misuses your property, or a siblings property. Do you just shrug and say "oh, well" because you feel love for your child? No, you "love" them by correctly disciplining them. You both feel love and you DO love. Now my sister who drives me crazy.... if she is in need, I help her. Once when she was between apartments, we had her family of 5 live with us for two weeks... and my husband and I slept on the living room floor so we could give her and her husband our bed. I wanted to serve her even while I don't like her.... I wanted to DO love. Have I felt anger and bitter towards her? Back then, yes. Because I let her walk on me. I remember yard selling with her and her husband, and I sat in the back seat listening to them making rude comments about my family until I finally was so frustrated I yelled for them to stop the car so I could get out. She was stunned, she thought it was fine by me if she sat and made rude comments. I should have told her the first time, and she would have backed off. This same sister used to call me, yell at me, and then slam the phone down. One day she did it four times in a row, each time calling back within 30 seconds to yell some more. Interesting thing... she was yelling at me because she had bounced a check to me, and she didn't like the fact that I was refusing to give her any more of the product I had sold her until she made good on the check. And I was polite about it, had never yelled at her or even told her off about it. A couple of years later I learned to set boundaries and asked her why she always did that to me and never did it to our other sisters. Her answer was that she felt closer to me than our other sisters, so she felt that she could get away with doing it to me. Since I had learned about boundaries, I expained to her that it was not okay, that if she continued to do that she would lose the relationship. She has never hung up on me again. I still don't enjoy her personality much, she can annoy the heck out of me, but if there is a way I can do good for her I will. Thankfully we live 1500 miles apart now, so I don't have to deal with her much. I am not commanded to like her, only to love her. That I do, by way of serving her as if I felt loving and good towards her. I call her every few months, and am kind to her. Even Jesus chased the money changers out of the temple. He felt righteous indignation. There is no need to feel bad when you have to deal with someone who has wrongfully treated you, especially if they are continuing to do so. In fact, if you deal with it promptly, you'll have less of the bitter feeling, and you defineatly want less of the bitter feelings. I believe the day will come when we face each other on the other side, shaking our heads and saying, "I can't believe I did that." And the response will be total understanding, because we will all recognize the difficulties of this mortal life, and we will have total empathy and understanding. And there will be love for one another then, love that is FELT, not just DONE. In the meantime, just do love, and recognize how important it is to our Father that you are serving that way. Much harder to serve someone who has abused you than someone you dearly love. He sees and knows that and is pleased with your efforts. Hugs, Sister of Jared
  7. Hey there, true grits! I actually have a couple of days off work, so I can read up on this place and get acquainted with new friends and catch up on old friends. Not that I'm calling you old. LOL. I rather thing you're about my age, and we know that is YOUNG!!! Thanks for the welcome, utcowboy. I like your picture. It has a very poetic look, coud have come off a calendar or something. I really like the blue sky in the background. I am in Washington state, where it is wet and dreary about 90% of the time, and I am sun-starved, However, we just had 3 days if sunshine and blue skies. That will keep me from going totally nuts for a while. I want to move to Moab, Utah. Beautiful red slick rock and green trees and mixed together. Moab is twice as beautiful as Sedona. Only there is no money there, and we about starved when we lived there before. When I get rich, I'm taking my money and moving to Moab, Utah. Only that won't be soon, because I'm not doing anything that's gonna get me rich! LOL. Hmmmm, by way of a more ordinary introduction, I currently hail from the Seattle area, formerly of AZ and UT and a few other places, I'm a married mother of 8 kids, all grown up. My baby just came home from her mission the end of February. I adore my kids and grandkids, probably because they are simply the best. I have 10 grandkids. I love writing, reading, people. My favorite thing to do at church is teach adults or teenagers, none of which I am doing now. In fact, I have no calling right now, which is really sad. If I could choose a talent I would want to sing like an angel. I am jealous of people who can praise God through music. I squeak when I try. Don't sound good at all. LOL. I feel it on the inside, but can't get it through those poor vocal cords. LOL. Okay, now I am introduced. LOL.... some strange facts for an introduction! I'll go away and reed more about everyone already here. And I hope I've corrected all my spelling errors. I'm on a brand new keyboard, and it's different than my previous one, and I'm struggling to typre well right now! Sister of Jared
  8. Grits! Iggy! YAY! I hae found my friends! Thanks for telling me about this place. I can tell you I was really ticked off by the changes at the other board. But I'm happy now-- this is a better place. Like you Shauney, I am sooooo busy, I don't have much online playtime anymore.. I don't want to spend it at a dead site.... and sadly, almost all of the LDS sites are dead right now. I think it's because we're all so busy... a latter days thing. Much to do. But it's nice to have a "home" to go to when you have the time! This is great! And MsMagnolia, are you Blase's daughter? If so, I loved your dad so much! He was truly a hero to me because of his awesome spirit. Waving a big hello to all the new folks I'm meeting! Sister of Jared
  9. Pray, study the lesson.... and what the spirit teaches you..... teach others. Sister of Jared