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Posts posted by japacific

  1. I have just been reading some articles on climate change. The consensus of the scientists agree that the threat is very real, however it should be mentioned also that the world is not warming up at all and that Global Warming is a myth.

    Assuming that Global Warming is a genuine issue that threatens the world as we know it - How do you guysw feel about it? Does your faith influence your feelings on it? Are you worried about it and do you do your part in looking after the environment?

    I would like to hear people's general feelings on the subject

  2. Hard to say really, but independent research shows Utah is the most depressed state in the country. People have controversially tried to show that there is a correlation between depression and the Mormon faith. Technically at this stage, the reason behind Utah’s mass depression is unknown.

    Some experts say that there is a cultural factor involved, in particular among Mormon women who have to put on a mask of perfection to look like a good mother and wife. They can’t show their tears, depression or agony. Perfectionism leads people to depression because its a standard that just can't be reached.

    I remember certainly as a missionary and at other times as a mormon that I tried to look perfect for others even when I was troubled. I remember coming back home and taking a role as Ward Exec Sec and finally realising that all those families who I thought were perfect, were actually struggling and miserable, as I sat in on Bishopric and PEC discussions.

    I would suggest that those families that seem happy, are probably like me and you. Just human, with their own battles, but at least putting on a happy front. After all, they're commanded to be happy, are they not?

  3. Hey guys, I'm down in Australia by the way. They recently had a tv series called "The One". It was a weekly show where top pychics around the country competed to become the nations number one psychic. Each week they competed in different events. I don't know which pyschic was the worst. But in the end the one that was the least hopeless won the show.

    I used to be amazed by John Edwards in particular. The show he hosts is called "Crossing Over" (I think). Then I found out the guy has debunked so many times and he is nothing but a scammer. I would love to find out the psychics really were pyschic to be honest, but... Why do you guys believe in it? I mean on what grounds do you believe in them.

  4. How do you convince a Christian or any serious religionist that they are wrong? The only words they trust are the words written in their own scriptures or said by their own leaders. Their proof that God exists is that "God told me himself". Yet if a member of another religion makes a similar claim, that their God spoke to them and told them he's the true God, then they immediately reject the claim thinking the person is delusional or has been deceived. Don't you think its ironical? Or hypocritical? Don't you think believing and following the words of your religion's leaders and rejecting anything contrary is biased?

  5. Thanks Anthony. That was a big problem for me. I really enjoyed studying books like D&C and The Pearl of Great Price while referring to study guides for all the really far-out stuff I learned from reading them. The fringe doctrines. There's so much confusion about what is actually doctrine and what was just prophets and apostles 'speaking as men'.

    I would just love it if President Monson, who is God's best friend here on the earth, cleared up what is true and what is false in Mormon doctrine, instead of sharing his stories of how he helps old widows. That would be something else.