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Posts posted by Fiannan

  1. The average person only knows 15 non-family people beyond a casual level. Most places in the United States have wards or branches of more than 15. Just get involved with people.

    Also, there's nothing wrong with family get-togethers on Sundays as long as you attend church and also keep your standards.

  2. And what if the choice were really interesting??? What if you had to choose between Hillary Clinton, Vladimir Putin or Jacques Chirac? Personally, if voting for someone who actually stands for values, is strong and intelligent I would elect Putin as US president anyday over a US liberal fanatic like Hillary or a Euro-weenie western leader like Chirac.

    Opinions? Agree, disagree...and why?

  3. A father watched his young daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and pure his little girl was.

    He thought about her seeing the wonders of nature through such innocent eyes. Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground.

    He went over to her to see just what had captured her attention. He noticed she was looking at two spiders mating.

    "Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked.

    "They're mating," her father replied.

    "What do you call the that spider?" she asked.

    "That's a Daddy Longlegs," her father answered.

    "So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked.

    He replied "No dear, both of them are Daddy Longlegs."

    The little girl, looking a little puzzled, thought for a moment, then took her foot and stomped them flat and said, "Well, we're not having any of that Brokeback Mountain funny business in our garden!!" :D

  4. Russians did not desire we take Saddam out by force when we did. They have been somewhat neutral since -- unlike the French. However, if you surf through jihad sites on the net you will find these militants have four main enemies -- Israel, the USA, Russia and India. This is why when Russia takes out militant Wahhabies in Chechnya we should see that as a victory against terrorism as they should also welcome our taking out of terrorists in varius parts of the world.

  5. Reports are now that these murderous excuses for human beings have murdered four Russian deplomats also. Please, oh please, let the Russian intelligence service have the ability to find these guys and do with them what they did to the ones in Lebanon who killed a Russian hostage.

    By the way, for those crackpots who film decapitation of hostages (I would not be surprised if some of these hostages were decapitated and filmed for recruitment videos) one might ask what deviant psycho-sexual thrill do they get filming such an act and then thinking God is okay with it? Even a snuff film viewer knows he's a pervert, these guys don't even get that.

  6. LDS standards and general Christian standards are not in any conflict. We have not changed, mainstream Protestantism has. However, most people in the USA believe in God. A government based on LDS STANDARDS (not a theocracy but just the values of the Church) would be far superior to the confused state secularism brings to a society.

  7. Would you like to govern the country with LDS standards, regardless of what everyone else thinks/knows? I can't even imagine suggesting such a thing.

    Yes, and I am not ashamed to say so. There's a radio talk show host in the US called Dr. Laura (a Jew, not a Mormon). She once promoted an interesting standard to see if a lifestyle or religion is overall positive. That standard was that if every single person in a country adopted that lifestyle/religion would the country prosper and be successful in overall quality of life.

    Western Europe, with secularism, has shown that it has adopted an inferior lifestyle. If it were not for being able to act as a giant parasite on countries that have not forgotten the importance of religion, tradition and family the countries of western Europe would grow old and die off. Secularism gives rise to moral and spiritual relativism -- which leaves its people empty and without any unifying standards.

    By this criteria to judge a values system conservative Protestantism (you know, the kind expoused by fundamentalism, not the kind expoused by people who think "The Last Temptation of Christ" would be a fine Easter movie), Mormonism, Orthodox Judaism, Orthodox Christianity and Islam is far, far, far superior to secularism. A society needs a values base and I for one would rather see Europe die off from a distance than adopt secularism and get to experience it firsthand in the USA.

  8. I find it sad you are using their death for your own political purposes so quickly. It sorta makes you just like those you complain about.

    I really resent that charge but I think PC did a good job pointing out the intention I had in starting this thread. This has nothing to do with a pro-war in Iraq v. anti war in Iraq political stance. I am angry that there are organizations that seem quick to condemn (i.e. anything that happens at Gitmo or make a huge issue out of anything negative -- real or perceived -- that our military does) yet don't use much resources in questioning or jumping on the acts of our enemies.

  9. BIZ: YEAH! Keep 'em barefoot, and pregnant, IN THE KITCHEN! And keep 'em ignernt, too! Don't want 'em gitting ideyers 'n such!

    Has merit, except why not barenaked and pregnant -- if they are good looking? The ignorant part is just plain wrong, then they'd all vote for Democrats.

  10. "The United States is in no sense founded upon the Christian doctrine."

    Please remember the context Washington was speaking in. There was a dispute with what is now Libya. The aim Washington was taking was that this should not be seen in the context of centuries old hostilities between the Christians and the Muslims. It's kind of like íf your parents, who are Mormon, tell you not to smoke and go so far as to say that they are not speaking as mormons but merely citing scietific research. Can a kid then say, "Hey, my family is in no way Mormon -- they said so."?

    The congress also voted unanamously to endorse Washington's stands. Are we to expect that highly religious members would endorse such a standpoint if interpreted by ACLU blinders today? Doubtful.

    If you want to see Washington's actual position on religion and public life please google his Thanksgiving Day Proclaimation. Reads more like a prayer than an official proclaimation.

  11. Okay, let's keep this in proper context. Italy has few young women who have abdomins that resemble a middle-aged plumber's. However, in the land of the free (supersize) and home of the wave (tital wave if they plunge in the pool) I have to say that in public maybe our young women need to buy some polyester pants and cover up a bit. Not so much for modesty but for the sake of the viewing audience.

    Come on, back when Christie Brinkley and Farrah Fawcett were the fashion role models there was a massive fitness craze taking place -- and people were healthier (and looked better). Please, if sister Christina Agulera and Britney Spears are setting the fashion today then please, can people work out a bit more?

  12. So, Fiannan, who did you resemble?

    According to the site's top matches -- (facially) Joe Montana and Ralph Lauren.

    Wife -- Courtney Love/Israeli singer Ninette Tayeb. The second I can see but Love has huge lips which my wife doesn't. My wife is Swede but is unsure of a greatgrandparent from Russia so since Love and Tayeb are Jews then maybe that explains it.

    Oldest son -- the guys don't match well but some East Indian actress called Kareena Kapour is highly matched, although my son has red hair.

    Second oldest son -- Shahid Kapoor (also from India) and Josh Halloway (blond actor from Lost).

    Third oldest -- strong match with Tom Welling (Smallville Superman actor) and Gael Garcia Bernal (Mexican actor).

    Fourth son -- Chad Michael Murray

    Oldest daughter -- Ninette Tayeb and Gerry Halloway (blond Spice Girl)

    Second oldest daughter -- Ayumi Hamasaki (Japanese model) and Eva Herzigova (some Czech model).

    Third oldest daughter -- Drew Barrymore and Mena Suvari.

  13. We can only pray that your son-in-law gets full custody. Please save all threatening mails as well as they can be used (if Canada has laws similar to the USA) to issue a restraining order and keep the biker dude from being able to be around your grandaughters.

    Truth is, what will probably happen is biker dude will have his thrills for a while and dump your daughter. She'll come back as there probably is little else she can do. But at this point the safety of your grandaughters is most important as they cannot make crucial life choices on their own while your daughter can. Pray for her, do what you can, but be there for your son-in-law and your grandaughters.

  14. One wonders, the Book of Mormon says that if the people who come to the American continent do not live by Godly principles the Lamanites would take it back. Either the Book of Mormon is true or Joseph Smith was quite the expert at demographic trends as at that time even Darwin predicted Europeans would replace Turks (Darwin did not have a high opinion of other races). Europe was expanding eastward through Russia, controlled most of the Middle East, was expending in countires like Brazil, Argentina and Uraguay -- it looked like Europeans would dominate.

    Now in the early 1970s there were not that many Hispanics or Indians in the USA. Then we started off stabbing our own offspring (abortion), legitimizing homosexuality and makig parenthood an option rather than a sacred duty.

    Maybe God is merely replacing a decadent people with one that is culturally superior.

  15. Are people aware how much bureaucracy and money is involved in getting a green card to the USA? A guy I knew married an Indonesian -- she is a Chinese Christian and her people are heavily persecuted/sometimes killed by the "religion of peace" people. Did that make the process any easier for her and her husband? No way. You see, they chose the legal route to get her residency in the USA. He had griped many times afterwards that she should have gone the route of going the route that many illegals go -- and then waiting for the next round of amnesty for votes.

    My wife's family is European. I have joked with them that if they ever want to move to the USA they can do it the expensive way or the cheap and easy way. I guess they should get here, do something that registers them as being here, go back (through a foreign point like Havanna) and then, when the congress gives amnesty, just lie and claim they have been here illegally for the past two years.

    Rewards go to those who break the law.