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Posts posted by Fiannan

  1. Now I must disagree on one point. I fel that if you are taking something in popular cultures and making a valid point that is okay. I have heard Church leaders make references to what was popular music in their day -- like in the 30s or 40s. I have never heard these songs (unless in a Tom and Jerry cartton or old WW2 movie) but maybe it helps make the point. I gave a sacrament talk against materialism during the holiday seasons and made reference to Jonny Depp's new movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and I feel it drove the point that parents are responsible for creating materialistic children.

  2. I'll still give up my wife to a polygamous relationship.

    I'll even add in a dowry.


    Sounds like a Rodney Dangerfield line! :D I believe he married a young Mormon woman a few years before his death and always liked to make jokes about polygamy.

    As for women who don't want their husbands in polygamy that would be fine -- less competition for the ones who would.

  3. Bear in mind that my ward is in Tennessee; I think there are some small differences between Latter-day Saints here and in Utah.

    I don't live in Utah -- my roots are in the Pacific Northwest. Maybe that's why LDS people I know are more esoteric and willing to explore ideas that aren't exactly part of the prevailing paradigm of the USA.

  4. Fulla sells better because it is closer to our Arab values: she never reveals a leg or an arm," says Tarek Mohammed, chief salesman at a Toys'R'Us branch in Mohandessin, one of Cairo's more upmarket neighbourhoods.

    The Arab answer to Barbie has been selling like hot cakes for Eid Al-Adha, the most important holiday in the Muslim calendar, not least because it is cheaper than its American rival, although both are made in China.

    Fulla is not the first Islamic doll but none of her predecessors have taken the regional market by storm like she has, selling some two million since its creation two years ago by the Emirates-based NewBoy Design Studio.

    Saudi Arabia's religious police had then just banned "Barbie the Jewish doll", whose "revealing clothes and shameful postures, accessories and tools are a symbol of decadence to the perverted West."

    You know, I tried to keep my daughters away from Barbie for the longest time but eventually the wife gave in. I am pleased that they still prefer dolls that resemble babies or the fully dressed Russian dolls I have bought for them. It might be interesting to add this doll to my daughter's collection.

  5. I don't know any men who'd want anything to do with polygamy, either.

    I DO know a few LDS women who have expressed in my company that they wish their husbands could practice poygamy. One gal I think has a private agenda of her own, but the rest seem to think that it would be a good way to raise kids and ease the individual duties of each wife.

    Also, Serg, what is it with many LDS that if something goes wrong then it must be because God is displeased with them? I gained several pounds over the holidays -- God must have been ticked at me for something. I was sick the other day, must be the wicked way I am living.

    I consider myself pretty conservative and traditional LDS on most matters but I really, really hate it when people interpret any event they have control over, or no control over, that God is mad at them. Does God really look like Saddam?

  6. Not at all, but the majority of hate and intolerance I've seen concerning this issue in this country is aimed at the homosexuals from religious groups, not the other way around. Ever heard of the "Reverend" Fred Phelps? He's a shining example.

    Oh please, Phelp's is crazy. Looking at his websites one wonders if he is actually an agent provateur (trying to make Christians look bad).

    The guy even has a site called . Other actions are too many to go into but he is not even representative of hard-core fundamentalist conservative Christians.

    It's a hate crime when someone makes a derrogatory comment to a gay rights organization -- like leaving a nasty message on their answering machine. You had better believe each of these mean pranks will be reported and recorded to prove oppression. Yet most people leading up defense of marriage efforts or ministers who are conservative who get calls from the other position's supporters will generally not report them as hate crimes even IF local authorities would deal with them.

    What many gay rights groups want is to build a concensus that they are persecuted so laws will be passed against any opposition -- like the ones in Sweden that the Swedish socialist government tried to use to jail a Pentecostal minister.

    This is not representative of Christianity in the least:

    Warning -- graphic hate displayed here. Do not open if easily offended.

  7. Outshined, are you seriously questioning if people are subject to intimidation, threats and vandalization for their political stands? In fairness it happens on all issues and all sides. I knew a guy in college who was riding his moped back to the dorms after working out. He also had a Reagan sticker on his backpack.

    A couple of women driving a car yelled some nasty comments at him and then tried to run him off the road -- almost succeeding. The light turned red on them and that gave this guy time to take out a bar he used to attach to weights (the smaller bars one uses for developing your bicepts) rode up to their car and smashed their back window in.

    Yes, that was extreme, but they never reported him since, to do so, would have subjected them to vehicular endangerment, attempted murder, assult and battery, and a few other things.

    I have heard of many people who have put stickers on their cars supporting Bush, or urging votes on issues that were unfavorable to gay rights. I know these people and can think of no other reason people would spraypaint their cars, slash their tires or break their windows.

  8. Outshined perhaps you are unaware of the little known Wilhem Ritter von Wymetal Rule better known that the Reciprocal Rule of Inverse Idiocy. The rule stipulates that all antiMormon allegations against Emma Smith must be considered gospel if 1: the rumors are repeated in Relief Society and 2: gossiped about on the internet.

    By the way, my source may not be as credible as Ari's.

    Oh come on. If I repeat my version enough it will have to be accepted. Besides, the version that she chased women around the barn yeard topless, in high heels and holding a whip has an appeal that will make it more interesting to modern readers. Did I also mention she had heavy goth makeup on and a leather mini skirt?

    Wonder what would happen if I set up a blog and featured this updated rumor? :D

  9. First you start with a thread about Russia and polygamy, then someone starts a cat fight over an alleged cat fight, then ya try to spice it up with some S & M thrown in to make the cat fight interesting, and then people can't let go of the cat fight thing.


    Question, after the alleged incident did Emma and the other gal kiss and make out, I mean up?

    Sorry, again I could not resist. :D

  10. True, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be legalized. Most Christian denominations oppose same-sex marriage, but it is accepted by more nations and states all the time.

    What nations? Dying nations such as Holland or Sweden? The Russian Orthodox Church recently broke all relations with the Swedish Lutheran Church over allowing same sex marriage. All 12 Lutherans left in Sweden were probably quite offended with Russia. I'm sure most Immams in Sweden would agree with what Russia did.

  11. To hear liberals talk, you'd think homosexuals were the victims of oppression and an uncaring society. They must suffer psychologically, physically and economically. They don't seem to be doing so bad

    I guess it all depends on how you define "oppressed".

    I tend to reserve words like oppressed for people who have very little freedom, so I would agree that they are not oppressed.

    But what CAN be said is that people have prejudices against them, which apparantly makes them feel bad, especially when those people are their own parents, or their church.

    Some are told they will burn in a very real Hell. Some are told they will simply be unable to spend eternity with their families. At the very least, they are told they cannot have a legal marriage in most states.

    Taking that into consideration, I don't see why their income is relevant to their sense of happiness.

    Look at Pat Robertson. He is a millionaire and he thinks he is oppressed...what with the liberals trying to cancel Christmas, end school prayer, etc. Poor guy.

    Its really all about personal feelings, not money.

    Since you are so concerned about these people "sinning" (according to your church), I will give you some free advice: Don't become a homosexual.

    I do agree with you that they have all the freedoms that all US citizens have. Therefore they are not oppressed. There are not treated as second class citizens, their per capita income demonstrates that by and large they are not being economically challenged, and they can live where they want.

    I do not agree that they are subject to unfair practices as they cannot marry -- or maybe in some states cannot adopt. In many states two 1st. cousins who might love each other very much are not allowed to marry -- although they can get married in a state that allows it and then merely move back. Two siblings have no right to marry each other -- are they oppressed? Under these laws Abraham and Sarah would have been barred from marriage (although half-siblings can marry in some European nations from what I understand). Adoption? Nothing is preventing a lesbian couple from going to a sperm bank -- hey more power to them if that's what they desire. Two men? Sorry, no womb -- but they could hire a surrogate.

    Then you could say that polygamists in this country live in a state of fear that the government could go after them. Maybe that makes them feel bad.

    People in fundamentalist churches tell Mormons they are going to burn forever -- so what, I am not asking for any special hate crimes laws to punish them with. And speaking of hate crimes laws why should a person who assults a person get more punishment if he makes reference to the victim's race or sexual preferences?

  12. I think Canada is a much better country to live in, and a far better society the is the US. The US - while rich and powerful to be sure - is also a pretty brutal and violent society when compared to first world nations. Of course that may be part of why we are rich powerful and arrogant.

    There were those that were loyal to King George and Britain and felt the same way in the 1780s. They moved to Canada. Canada is underpopulated and I am sure it is not difficult to get a residency permit.

    Brutal and violent? Ever seen a British soccer match -- I mean the fans that is? The USA is not perfect, but we were originally colonized by people seeking non-conformity, innovation and freedom. Along with those traits may come more lawlessness.