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Posts posted by candyprpl

  1. It may be true that we should always be ready to share our testimonies and should want to. I love sharing my testimony. Now having said that.....I'm terrified of being asked on the spot to give an opening or closing prayer or of bearing my testimony on the spot. I used to suffer from sever panic attacks and it amazes me still to this day that I can give an opening or closing prayer or bear my testimony on the spot. And now having said that......I still like time to put together in my head what it is I want to testify of because I still have moments where I get so nervous that things just fly out of my head or my words become so jumbled that I don't make any sense and then I am fighting to keep a panic attack under control. Would I stop going to church for fear of these kind of meetings? I doubt it but I wouldn't like the fight in my head about "is this the day?" My husband of 3 years on the other hand I greatly fear would stop going because he does have uncontrollable panic attacks and just getting to church and going to Elder's quorum meetings are a huge challenge for him. If this was to happen in our ward I would pray that the Bishop would know each of us well enough and be sensitive to our needs.

  2. Hi CliffieDuckie,

    This is going to sound nuts, but dispite the fact that i had no money, i never once struggled to pay it. If anything, my money management got better. I always felt that it was Heavenly Father blessing me for paying my tithes.

    Heavenly Father doesnt care if you pay 1pence or a million bucks. Its whats in your heart that counts. 10% is 10% regardless of how much that is. In Heavenly Fathers eyes, we all pay the same.

    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!!!!:D And it doesn't sound nuts, it's exactly what happened to me as I said in my post and I've heard countless stories like this. Tithing is a commandment and we are blessed beyond comprehension when we obey the commandments. Had others not been paying their tithings and fast offerings the Bishop wouldn't have had the means to help me in my time of need. We wouldn't have all the beautiful temples and meeting houses, etc. where we receive so many blessings. Thanks for sharing your experience, lost_one. Candace

  3. When I first joined the church 3.5 yrs ago the only income I had was my disability check that barely got me through the month. I received foodstamps as well and often by the last week of the month the cupboards were quite bare. The month after my baptism I had somehow mismanaged my money and I was very short and wasn't sure how I was going to pay my rent that was coming due. I was terribly worried and wasn't sure what to do. Being a new member I wasn't sure how to ask for help or if the church could help me. I had a relationship with the Relief Society President -- I called her up and crying in desperation told her what was going on. She called the Bishop and then went with me (as moral support) to meet with him. He first said that the church would pay my rent and asked the RS President to go shopping and buy me groceries and asked if I had any other bills that were late or unpaid. Then he talked to me about tithing. He told me that if I paid a full tithe I would be blessed. He told me how the church used tithing and fast offerings. He asked if I would pay tithing so that I could receive blessings. I said I would. The next month when I received my disability check I wrote out my tithe of 10%. It was hard to do....I didn't know how I would do without that littleamount of money. A couple of weeks later I received a letter from my case worker telling me that they had made a mistake on how much I should receive in food stamps. They increased my food stamps from $35 to $135 and I received back pay in food stamps. I no longer had to worry about money and I continue to be a full tithe payer. Other blessings have been...marriage to a wonderful priesthood holder who has a good job and a Patriarchal Blessing that says I will never have to want for temporal things.

    Ragnar you're right! Heavenly Father doesn't need the money, I needed the blessings!

  4. Hi,

    I joined the church 3.5 years ago. I'm in my fifties. My sisters have been Mormons since their teens and have been very active members along with their families. The thing that I always like about the church was how family oriented it is but that was the only thing that piqued my interest. I couldn't believe the Joseph Smith story either. It just seem too far out their for me. But....I never tried to discover anything about it either. I think the thing that probably brought me to investigate a little closer was when I got to a point in my life where I needed answers to why I was here, why I was alive. I had studied psychology, philosophy, "new age" philosophies, etc. and never could find an answer that made since. I knew that something spiritually was missing and kind of like Joseph Smith I started asking the question, 'which church?' To make this long story a little shorter -- I started taking the lessons and praying and did get comfirmation that this was the church. And.....I still had reservations about the Joseph Smith story. could the Book of Mormon be true and not the fact that Joseph Smith was called as a prophet to restore Jesus Christ's church? So I went purely on faith that it was true and was baptized and it's been receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and scripture reading and praying that I've gained a testimony of Joseph Smith. He was a man with faults just like us, he made mistakes at times, but never when it came to revelations from God. He was a wonderful, loving, caring man and always lived the gospel. He was and is a prophet of God and that is my testimony. Sincerely, Candace

  5. Hi,

    I'm new to this site too. I've posted on some of the other boards but this is the first time looking here. Welcome to you and to me, ha. I see you live in ABQ -- I live south of you in Silver City. I've been a member the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for 3.5 yrs. I never thought that I would become one of "those Mormons" I am. I love the church! I have had so many blessings since joining this church. I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored in this church. When I joined this church I thought that I would have to leave all the good things that I had learned from being brought up as a Baptist -- not true -- what I've gained from the LDS church is just added upon what I already knew. I know that we are led by a living Prophet and Apostles and that has blessed me in so many ways. I will pray for your husband and for you. I'll pray that you are comforted during this difficult time in your lives. I know prayers are answered and I know that Heavenly Father knows what's best for us. Sincerely, Candace

  6. That is absolutely beautiful!! I so needed to read that. I teach Valiant 11 and because I'm such a new member and these kids have been taught so well I find myself constantly praying for guidance and the knowledge to teach these children what they need to know to further their growing testimony. Thanks for sharing that wonderful quote! Candace