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Posts posted by candyprpl

  1. Sometimes I read all of the Anti theories about Joseph and I always think,.... what was his motivation? He never had any type of temporal security for himself or his family, he was visciously assualted repeatedly, his name was always being dragged through the mud and periodically even members were not always welcoming of him.

    At some point I think even the most narcissistic person would pack it in and move on to safer and more profitable and hospitable surroundings. The reason should be obvious to any one... he endured all that he did, because all that he claimed is true. The church is such a force for good and a beacon of truth and light. No way it would have flourished and grown the way it has if Joseph was a fraud.

    Off subject......have you seen the Growth of Stakes video? I posted it with the other videos...really awesome.

    I KNOW!!!! My feelings exactly. Some of the threads discussing these things got me so upset! I took a break from reading them. I've read enough about JS to know that he was just a 'normal' person. I don't expect that he was perfect. Some seem to think that because he wasn't perfect, therefore, he couldn't have been a Prophet. Absurb!! Some of his life is kind of disturbing. But it's disturbing because of my feelings about things, not because he was a bad person, or immoral, or whatever. I don't understand why people can't understand -- 'until you've walked in their shoes,' judge not. My parents taught me that very early on in life.

    Thanks PapilioMemnon -- I'm in the process of learning more. I really have no doubt in my heart about JS -- just need to get my mind and heart on the same page. And I have no doubt that Heavenly Father will give me answers!:)

  2. Point well taken. Again, I try but not always succeed to be diplomatic and careful.

    I tend to be a man of few but precise words. It is not always possible to state a point delicately enough.

    I do appreciate your advise on the matter. Thank you.

    Everyone seems to get defensive and upset about history that has impacted their lives, directly or indirectly. It's just human nature, I suppose.^_^

  3. candyprpl-Keep doing what you are doing. It will come as long as you stay the course, read much, study more, pray the most.

    Unrelated but have you read Christ and the New Covenant? I dont know why I ask but I think you should read it.

    No, I haven't -- where can I find it.

    Last year I went to Women's Conference with my sisters and we went to Temple Square and saw the JS movie. We all cried. And I did get a stronger testimony of JS then. I've read Lucy Mack Smith's book -- loved it! And I've ordered Rough Stone Rolling and Emma Smith.

  4. candyprpl I understand that it makes your heart hurt so much, this should be a testimony to the good work you do here, you are truly a very spiritual person and its your spirit that is hurting to be heard, and it is being heard, by all those that will listen with sincerity in their hearts.

    That's wonderful thing for you to say -- thanks:)

    I've gained a lot of perspective from participating in this forum. My patriarchal blessing said much the same thing that you said. I'm just trying to be a 'faithful daughter.'

  5. I admit that my testimony of Brother Joseph is weak -- but I know the comfort that reading the Book of Mormon brings to me is because of his faith that brought it forward. The Book of Mormon has helped me understand the Bible and who Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer is. I know by the power of the Holy Spirit that we are led by a Prophet of God today. I have been blessed many times by the power of the restored Priesthood -- the power of God. I have my own sacred experience/witness that tells me this is the church with the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Yes, PRAISE TO THE MAN -- Joseph Smith!

  6. Let me state first -- this is a true story!

    I come from a ancestry line that has been in Texas since the early 1800s. An ancestor of mine (1850s) went into to town one day and saw a friend outside the mercantile store, so he went over to greet him. They started up a conversation about a particular verse in the Bible and it's meaning. After a lengthing discussion, it turned quite ugly. The other fellow was getting quite put out with my ancestor and told him that he would be back in town tomorrow and told my ancestor, "You have better have a different story about that verse." The next day my ancestor was on the front porch of the mercantile store waiting. The other guy pulled up in his buckboard, didn't get out, just said, "Have you changed your thinking?" My ancestor simply said, "Nope." The guy pulled out a gun and shot him, dead. :eek:

    He's buried in the local cemetary and I've been to his grave.

  7. OK, everyone.... if all goes well, my husband asked to be baptized (as well as I did) which is set to occur Sept. 2. Can anyone believe it? I can't! :lol:

    Anyone have ideas on how to breach conversion for my 9-year-old? I was told just to talk to him, but I was wondering if anyone had undergone this. My talks with him just seem confusing. Any ideas? I hope he feels the way we do and we can all be baptized.

    I'm so excited for you!! FANTASTIC NEWS!!

    My granddaughter was 9 when I was baptized. One night I was taking care of her and her sister (6 at the time) and I just started talking about Jesus and what he meant to me. I asked them if they wanted to watch a movie about Jesus, we watched Faith in Christ (the missionaries had given me this DVD). At the point that John the Baptist was baptizing Jesus, Erika (9) said, "I want to be baptized." I was a little stunned, but then quickly realized that children are still so pure and faith comes easy to them. I told her that I would help her. She and her sister attended Church with me. About 8 months after my baptism, my daughter-in-law (my son and she are divorced, and my son lives in another state) and the girls started receiving the lessons with the missionaries. One of the lessons that taught the plan of salvation -- Elder Gad came up with a unique way of teaching it, using jelly beans that were sitting on my table. He got down on the floor with the girls and explained it to them so they could understand. Elder Gad baptized my daughter-in-law and my granddaughter on the same day! And my youngest granddaughter attended and was so excited for them. Needless to say, it was a very special occasion for me also!:D

    After Erika was baptized, she pulled me aside and whispered in my ear, "Grammy, I feel different, good different." Kids know way more than we do!:)

  8. This is wonderful, you guys! You all are so smart:animatedlol:

    It is good to share beliefs and I do appreciate the differences -- (like I said before) it hurts my heart that others don't want to accept the fullness of the gospel.

    Carry on -- you all have inspiring words:)

    Thanks again for this conversation.

  9. This is one of those subjects where there is no totally righteous way of doing it. Do whatever will make you feel that you are following the Lord's way.

    When I joined the Church I had a coffeemaker (brand new and fairly expensive one) and some good coffee (not canned stuff). I also liked black tea and bought the good stuff. I had friends I could have given all this to, even my son. But for me, I needed to just throw it all in the dumpster. I did the right thing for me.

  10. The perfect answer is to encourage those sincere individuals to ponder and pray about it. When the Lord is ready, he will tell them where they need to be, whether it is in the LDS Church or not.

    That's just it -- we have so many on these threads telling us that the LDS is not true for them. Some have left the Church because they didn't receive witness of Joseph Smith or the Book of Mormon, etc. and others of different faiths say they have prayed and received answers that the LDS is not the church for them. I can respect that.

    In your post you say that He will tell them where they need to be -- if that's true, do you think the answers they are getting are not coming from the Lord or that it's okay for them to belong to another church and worship as they see fit?

  11. The stones keep coming!-guess I need a helmet-along with many other Christians who feel some things good came out of the ancient councils and creeds of the church.

    You also state we "Catholics do not hear from God." and that- he only exists in our imagination? --so God only speaks to LDS members? So- God is only present in members of the LDS? and not to Catholics?-is that what the LDS church teaches its members?

    I doubt it

    -I am here as a Catholic on this site learning about the LDS Church-and what little I do know--I doubt what you are saying is a doctrine of the LDS Church.

    I guess I had better study my Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants more deeply to better understand more about the teachings of the LDS Church-thanks for enlightening me.

    -inquiring minds want to know.


    You are so right!!! I hate seeing the stones fly. It gets us nowhere! We are all God's children and I'm sure He is not pleased with us when we enter into such contentious conversations.

  12. Thanks everyone. I'm doing better. I have taken a break from some of the threads and that has helped. I've always been a person with a tender heart and in my youth it was not a fun thing. But it is a weakness that has been made strong. It helps me be a better mediator because I can understand both sides. However, it also gets me into trouble at times.

    I do love the Book of Mormon -- it has helped me understand the Bible and I'm grateful for that. I just get so upset when others can't or won't accept the wonderfulness of it all. I do have a strong testimony! It's just uncomfortable for me to say that I know that this is the only true church. Not because I don't believe, because I do, but because of how it makes others (not of our faith) feel when we say it. When I hear our Prophet or the Apostles say it, it doesn't come across as arrogance. You know what I mean? I want to be more like Christ and accept others just the way they are and also be treated with the same respect. I know deep down, that is what everyone wants. Oh dear, I'm rambling.

    I want to participate on these threads. Even the ones who bring only contentious remarks help me develop a stronger testimony. They don't concern me as much as those wonderful people who remind me of my parents, who are loving Christians and I would love to talk to them anytime. They are the ones who bring the question "does God really want us all to belong to the same church? Then I get stumped:confused: and don't know what to say. I do hold to true to our 11th Article of Faith. How do you know when to leave it at that and when to keep talking and sharing the fulness of the gospel? I know I'm not asking this question very well. I let you all respond and see if something clicks.

    Thank you all again -- I hope this conversation is helping others as well. I'm a shy person and I really don't like being the center of attention.:P

  13. Thanks guys!

    The Book of Mormon does give me comfort. I think that is why I was led to this particular church.

    But it still brings up the question for me (and maybe I'm being a bad member) why do we proclaim to be the one true church. I know why it's the one true church for me, but how can I know for sure that it is the one true church for all? I understand the degrees of glory. So we need not go there. But maybe what other faiths believe is enough for them. Why try and convert them to our way of believing?

    I really do love this site and being able to participate -- but I feel like such an infant!

  14. It really hurts my heart to read so many posts that end in arguments. :(

    Does God really want us all to belong to one church? I'm serious.

    For me the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the right church for me. I believe the things I'm being taught. I know that this church is being led by a true prophet of God and that is the church that I want to be a part of. I know that others don't think we respect the Bible as much as they do (maybe I'm saying that wrong, but that's how it comes across to me). One of the reasons that I stopped attending church all together was because I couldn't find anyone who agreed with what the right interpretation of the Bible was. Even pastors in the same denominations seem to disagree at times. I've always been one to see both sides of an argument and I think that is what has me so upset now. When I hear someone else explain their view on passages in the Bible -- I understand what they're saying. When I hear our church leaders explain a passage, I also understand what they mean. How can veiws be so different?

    I know God wants me to be a part of this church -- I've had a wonderful, sacred experience that led me to this church. I know I was baptized by one having authority. I feel the Spirit in my life like I've never felt before. My father died believing that he was a man of God and a devout Baptist, yet had no problem asking for a Priesthood blessing from his son-in-law and grandson. And he felt comforted by that Priesthood blessing.

    Oh :( I can't stop crying! I don't like my faith being tested like this! I can accept the things being said about Joseph Smith and knowing that not all LDS people are perfect in professing to be Christian -- but reading the disputes over the Bible is hurting! Institute classes start next week and we will be studying the NT. Most of my personal study lately has been the NT -- maybe I will get answers to my agonizing prayers about this.

    I would love ALL comments to my dillema.