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Posts posted by candyprpl

  1. There is beauty and truth to be found in most every religion and we all can learn from each other, if we will just listen respectfully.

    Exactly! I so agree. That is why it's hard for me to say or hear said -- that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church. I understand what we mean when we say it, and I believe our meaning of that statement. However, that meaning doesn't come across to other faiths and that disturbs me.:huh:

  2. (a little off topic) We do missionary meals in our homes, but they are limited to how long they can stay, unless of course we have someone for them to teach. I usually have dinner ready the minute the missionaries walk in the door so we can be a little relaxed and enjoy the company. The best part is when they leave us with a spiritual message.

    I personally think it's important for the missionaries to have contact with the members. Of course, it should not be their main focus. They keep me on my toes, to be member missionaries, LOL!

  3. We even find in the gospel accounts of the Bible that when Jesus taught there arose divisions amongst the people over what He taught. That these things happen today should not be surprising. It comes down to what we do with Jesus, and not everyone does the same thing. Even going to the Epistles of Jesus we find that those who thought they were doing well were not and those who thought they weren't doing well were - not in every case, but a significant number of them. (The Epistles of Jesus being the 'letters to the seven Churches' found in the Revelation of Jesus Christ)

    Some good advise/perspective from an old pastor really stuck with me. He said that the closer each of us gets to the Lord Jesus that the closer we will be to each other. That is perhaps the best advice I've ever had. So perhaps it just proves the need for each of us to continue to grow closer to Him in thought, deed and life - that our service to Him as Lord is the best we can offer and that it is base upon doing what He said.

    You're so right! And I think I keep forgetting that it happened in Jesus' time as well.

    I like what your pastor said -- I totally agree with that. Oh, if only......huh!

  4. [from Satan and he wants us to be confused about the real meaning]. Amen to this I agree with what you said it is Satan he would be so happy to be able to win our souls and lead us away from the truth that's what Satan and all his follwers are tring to do and the closer we get to our Heavenly Father that's when Satan will work harder to win our soul because he wants to win!! when I first became a member of the L.D.S. faith my Bishop was teaching a Sunday school class and he made a statement about Satan tempting us and I replied '' OH Satan could never win my soul after me learning the truth of the teachings of the L.D.S. faith'' my Bishops reply to my stupid comment was: '' Don't you ever say that!!! because when you are the closes to God that's when Satan will work harder to bring you down ''so don't ever say that'' Well of course at that time in my life I didn't believe my Bishop I thought he was being very ugly to me saying something such as that. ''OH MY"" sad to say but my Bishop was correct by that statement years latter Satan took over my life and brought me waaaaaaaaaay down and almost won my soul ,but Jesus and our Lord God saved me and picked me up from the ground and clean me up and brought me back into their forgiving and loving arms back into the fold. And I had some very special spiritually things that God aloud me to see and hear and this was all showed to me by God before Satan brought me down. So believe me when I say ''never'' think Satan can't pull you away from what God has let you see as the true teaching of his word.

    I believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to be Gods true teachings and that Joseph Smith was a true profit and the Book of Mormon is true and I love the faith with all my heart and soul I say theses things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

    I'm so glad you were able to come back. Yes, Satan has led me away many times as well. I've seen his cunning ways since joining the Church. Satan does find new ways to tempt me, like, the questions that I've come up with because of some of the things I've read here on these threads. But, I keep going back to how Jesus/the Spirit led me to this church in the first place, giving me a strong witness that His gospel was being taught here and that sets my mind at ease and chases Satan away.

    Thanks for sharing.:)

  5. I bore my testimony for the first time at girl's camp this year and I was a nervous wreck. I need any tips I can get, please help!!!

    There's your talk right there! Talk about it being your first time and how it made you feel. That should be a start that will keep you going. The best talks are always someone bearing a strong testimony. That's my opinion anyway.

    Everyone is different -- but I like to find a scripture that goes along with my talk and testimony.

    You'll do fine!!!!! Just let the Spirit guide you:)

  6. "I think one of the sweetest lessons taught by the Prophet, and yet one of the saddest, occurred close to the time of his death. He was required to leave his plan and vision of the Rocky Mountains and give himself up to face a court of supposed justice. "These three words: 'I am going like a lamb to the slaughter; but I am calm as a summer's morning; I have a conscience void of offense towards God, and towards all men' (D&C 135:4). That statement of the Prophet teaches us obedience to law and the importance of having a clear conscience toward God and toward our fellowmen. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught these principles -- by example. "There was to be one great final lesson before his mortal life ended. He was incarcerated in Carthage Jail with his brother Hyrum, with John Taylor, and with Willard Richards. The angry mob stormed the jail; they came up the stairway, blasphemous in their cursing, heavily armed, and began to fire at will. Hyrum was hit and died. John Taylor took several balls of fire within his bosom. The Prophet Joseph, with his pistol in hand, was attempting to defend his life and that of his bretheren, and yet he could tell from the pounding on the door that this mob would storm that door and would kill John Taylor and Willard Richards in an attempt to kill him." And so his last great act here upon the earth was to leave the door and lead Willard Richards to safety, throw the gun on the floor, and go to the window, that they might see him, that the attention of this ruthless mob might be focused upon him rather than the others. Joseph Smith gave his life. Willard Richards was spared, and John Taylor recovered from his wounds." 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends' (John 15:13). The Prophet Joseph Smith taught us love -- by example."

    Thomas S. Monson, "By Example," New Era, Dec. 2005, 8

  7. :confused:I've read all the posts and I still don't see the point in having the missionaries visit other church services. Maybe I'm just not understanding.

    It's not a good way to find someone who may be interested.

    It's not a good way to find out what another church believes. Go to the Pastor's house and ask questions -- if that is important.

    (When I was a member of a Baptist church) It wouldn't have bothered me, but I would definitely thought it strange. But I could see other members being highly inflamed having "those Mormons" in their services. Which, in my opinion, would only cause more bad feelings toward the LDS.

    Again -- maybe I don't understand the Mission President's thoughts on this.:confused:

  8. I agree that was insensitive. Joking about someone's truly felt loss is not a funny thing. It is akin to joking about how many of the Germans or Japanese were killed or maimed by the Dresden or Hiroshima bombings. While they were enemies, it doesn't make it funny to joke about.

    At the same time, we should be able to laugh and joke about our religion and others a little, as well. It is one thing to make a joke, another to make an attack. I joke about my Mormon religion all the time with my colleagues, which include Christian and Baptist church leaders. Of course, I also joke about their religions, as well. But then they know me.

    Terrible and insensitive were the first words to pop into my head.

    My ex-husband hated racial jokes, he said that he would only tell off-color jokes about people he didn't mind offending -- so with his Republican friends, he would change racial jokes into Republican jokes. Our 12 year old son caught on to this logic and came home from school one day and started telling American jokes.:lol:

  9. The thread title has caught my attention a few times but I haven't had time to check it out until today.

    Wow! I've only been a member (almost) 4 years. About two months after my baptism the missionaries came by to see how I was doing, I asked them, "Aren't there supposed to be new member lessons?" One of the missionaries was one who had taught me and was still in our area. He laughed and said, "You're right." The lessons were set up, and basically they were the same lessons as before my baptism, just a little more detailed, and to see if I had any questions now. I wouldn't have liked role playing, no matter how it was presented.

    In the beginning I felt so much pressure (not really from anyone) to know the gospel, Church history, etc. I became more comfortable after I realized that all knowledge comes, 'line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little.'

    I feel for you being the only one in your family. It is hard in the beginning when your knowledge is in such infant stages. But what you do have is your testimony. Why you chose to be baptized and become a member in this Church. Even a small testimony is all you need. I still can't come up with the knowledgable arguments that some in these forums have, but I do have my testimony and sometimes that is more powerful than the other knowledge. Another thing about your testimony, it will grow and become stronger as you study, ponder and pray about what you are learning.

    So, don't get too worried about not having all the "right" answers right now.

    I teach in primary and sometimes role-playing is used for the kids so they can be prepared to face temptations. Maybe the missionaries are remembering their primary days, :lol: