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Posts posted by crazypotato

  1. I have lots of friends with implants. One of my friend because of breast cancer (totally understandable) and the rest for cosmetic reasons (ie they were small or saggy-baggy).

    My main reason for opposing it is that it is major surgery that can actually be life threatening. There is a risk. Why risk your life for a major surgery? What if your husband and kids had to be without a wife and mom because she died getting breast implants? I know that is unusual, but still possible.

    Hair coloring, makeup, earrings, etc are safe/r.

    Also, I agree that it seems the more women get them, the more other women around them want them too because they feel less attractive than the haves.

    Our bodies are not our own to do whatever we want with. They belong to God. They are temples to our spirits. I am sorry that people have been made fun of for body parts. All the people that alter their bodies surgically to stop cruelty from others, aren't they sending a message to those too poor for cosmetic surgery that they need to get it too? That the way to handle bullying is to change who you are to please everyone else? Everyone needs to be attractive to be worth something?

    Last general conference I think Elder Holland, was talking about how mothers need to set a strong example to their daughters of their worth based on being Christlike women. He also said that in society today, our culture treats women as only valuable if they are sexually appealing. This demeans women into sex objects. A lot of you are making comments about it being a personal choice and no one should judge each other. This is literally true, but a bit simplistic. All of my "'personal choices" affect my family and my community around me. If I choose to not read the scriptures today, it affects me, my family and maybe my neighbors or people I visit teach because I wasn't in tune with the spirit so maybe missed a prompting to help them. If I choose to get a tatoo, it affects people that see it in one way or another. I can't expect everyone to respect and accept me for who I am no matter what I do.

    I understand that there are women who get augmentation for a variety of reasons, the most extreme I know was that she wanted to be a stripper or pole dancer (not kidding)! She wears hardly any clothes even in the freezing cold to show off her girls, and it is not attractive. Compare her to my other friend who was reconstructing after a double masectomy and when she reconstructed, got a normal size rather than porn star size. Then there are the middle ground people.

  2. I know lots of very overweight women with boyfriends. And very ugly women with boyfriends.

    I do think a vivid personality is attractive.

    I thought my husband was handsome when I first met him, but I wasn't interested. It wasn't until I realized that he was hilarious that I started getting interested. Of course his looks helped, too.

  3. You're a potato. I don't think I'm being unreasonable when I say that the church doesn't sanction spud-human relationships, no matter how tasty the french fry.


    I went to Texas Roadhouse Grill restaurant here in the states and had a steak and baked potato last night. It was loaded with butter, sour cream, bacon bits and salt. Yummy! I guess I am a temptress!

  4. I'm concerned that because of my weight and apparence i am missing out on alot of YSA experiences.

    I just don't know what i am supposed to do.

    I recently well as of 30 seconds ago got told from a member that i am not getting asked out on dates because i am chubby.

    I thought that the men in this church looked for something else other than what society deems as "hot".

    I have gained weight < over 30 kilos in a few months > due to side effects of medications...

    So do i have to lose this weight in order to be accepted to find my EC?

    Hi, I am married and old. I thought I would reply.

    When I was single, I thought only the pretty girls were asked out and got married. And when I didn't get asked out, I then assumed that I must be ugly, and worked really hard at my appearance. I was very fit and thin and not ugly back in the day, but I was also shy and hard to get to know. I look back on my single years. The times where I was friendly and outgoing to everyone, and not interested in dating are the times that I was asked out the most. My looks or weight didn't change.

    Men like smiles, kindness, cheerfulness, and feminine clothes and hair just as much or maybe more than being thin.

    I think men like beautiful bodies but most do want a nice person too.

    I guess some men on here can correct me if I am wrong or verify me?

    Keep your chin up!

  5. LocalFarms,

    I am sorry you are feeling down.

    I think people are all just more outspoken on the internet and do get too rude and we all need reminders to be more kind. I know that I do.

    I think Hemi's post will really help you. People, unfortunately, will always let each other down, but the Lord never will. Start with one thing on the list of things to do and see if it helps. If you pray to find some tangible friends that can help lift you up when you are down, I believe the Lord will help you find them if you do your part of the work. There are good, kind people everywhere that are lonely and would like more friends.

  6. Tips for aspie guys to get their first date - Love and Dating

    Have you aspies tried this link? I have two aspies in my family. I hope this helps you. There may be some social cues you are missing that just need spelled out or maybe some things you can do to sharpen up your looks or something to attract a girl.

    I know one family member that I have, who is an aspie, never goes to socialize at church or anywhere else, but is lonely and wishes she had a boyfriend. She did had boyfriends when she was in high school and college, but as the years have rolled by and she is either at home or at work or online, she is not making opportunities to even meet a real human.

  7. As I've posted elsewhere, I'm an old curmudgeon with a long memory. While--to some--what follows may be part of ancient history I think it (just like D&C 89) continues to express Church doctrine:

    The Priesthood Bulletin of February 1972 (volume 8, number 1) states, "There has been no official interpretation of the Word of Wisdom except that which was given by the Brethren in the very early days of the Church when it was declared that ‘hot drinks’ meant tea and coffee."

    "With reference to cola drinks, the Church has never officially taken a position on this matter, but the leaders of the Church have advised, and we do now specifically advise, against the use of any drink containing harmful habit-forming drugs under circumstances that would result in acquiring the habit. Any beverage that contains ingredients harmful to the body should be avoided." (Clifford J. Stratton, "Caffeine--The Subtle Addiction," Ensign, June 1988, p. 60.)

    Last year I was a Sunday School Gospel Doctrine teacher. From memory the current lesson manual said this again - that the church meant tea and coffee, but also that it was not going to get too specific in what we should eat or drink. The manual told the teacher to not let the students get into discussion over specific food or drinks, but that we are just to teach the principle and then let the students decide, in their own personal lives, what to eat and drink. That the Word of Wisdom was not a difficult concept to grasp.

  8. Crazypotato, I disagree with you entirely about feminism. Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings.

    Listen to Rush much? Your rant is the propaganda against feminism, not what feminism really is. I am a feminist. I love being a mother. I love my work in the home. I love my divine role. I also spoke up when a man I was training was earning more than I was in the same job (pre-kids, don't have a coronary). I believe that women should have a say in how they are treated in the home, the workplace, and yes, at church. I'm a collaborative problem-solver, a connector of people, a feminine woman. And a feminist.

    Don't confuse feminism with man hating selfishness.


    I already had plenty of people disagreeing with me and wanting to slap me over the internet.:o

    No, I don't listen to Rush at all, or Glenn Beck. However, I was talking about radical feminism, not human rights. I find it amusing that people assume that I would agree that a woman should not have equal rights to a man and be treated yucky.

    If you look at the website for NOW (National Organization for Women), that is the leading feminist group in our country, you will see a list of their agenda items and priorities. Some of their agenda items are good, such as equal rights, equal pay, anti-pornography, and some I believe are immoral - pro-gay marriage, pro-lesbian rights, anti-right wing (those are their words, not mine), universal child care, etc. And when I read their website, I find a lot of their comments to be men bashing.

    In my opinion, if you want to call yourself a feminist, most people will assume that you are a modern day feminist, and therefore agree with NOW. I could be wrong.

    Anyway, don't worry. I got plenty of people mad at me about my comments and I think everyone was arguing over semantics, rather than women's rights.

  9. I think it is easy for us to assume that Joe is shallow and only into looks, but personally, my gut feeling is telling me that his anxiety is getting in the way of things too. He sounds like he is really trying to find his wife attractive because he knows he should, but doesn't know how. I know that I have made like 100 million stupid mistakes in my marriage, too, especially as a newlywed. But it is soooo hard to see yourself objectively when emotions and baggage can cloud your thinking, but hard to accept your own glaring faults and admit them to the public.

    He was very brave to post what he did about himself and his marriage. Joe, if you get help from the Lord and from the appropriate resources, I think you will be okay.

  10. No but I was a bit bothered when I posted what I would take in and you responded by stating you hate bagged salad. Look at it from my side. See how I could take that? It's kind of putting down my comment. Never mind.

    I understand, Pam. I once listened to my friend go on and on about how gross the food was that people brought her after her baby. Hence, my paranoia. She wasn't complaining about anything I did, but it made me feel bad for all the people that had tried and she was not grateful.

    Wingnut, I am sorry no one brought you dinner. That is depressing.

    In case anyone wants to know, I made tacos for one family and I am saving the recipes and other food suggestions. They were all good ideas. I guess you can't please everyone, especially little kids, and it's the thought that counts.

  11. Born and raised in Utah, currently live in the Northwest. Lived in Kaintuck before.

    1. Jello--side dish or dessert? dessert with tons of gross things in it at church functions

    2. Soda, pop, or coke? Pop. Does anyone remember the Pop Shop in Utah? You could pick your own flavors and make your own bottled pop.

    3. Mac and cheese--side dish or main dish? Main dish

    4. Biscuits and gravy--tear up the biscuit and eat with spoon or split biscuit and eat with knife/fork? I think they look disgusting and I have never eaten them.

    5. Grits--sweet or savory? I have never eaten those either. Yuck!

    6. Bathroom tissue--over or under?up high off the roll so the kids can't unwind it all over the bathroom floor or flush the entire thing down the toilet

    7. Green onions or scallions?green onions. I thought scallions were related but not the same?

    8. Pecan: pecahn or peecan?puh CAHN, only to be eaten in Pralines and Cream Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins

  12. Babies are sooo expensive! But there are lots of things that you think you need to buy that you really don't. I am all for borrowing baby stuff from other people, like swings and high chairs and cribs.

    Do you have any relatives or close friends that you can borrow things from? You will want your own diapers. I like cribs that convert into toddler beds so you don't have to buy both.

    I wouldn't spend a lot of money on toys. Babies have such short attention spans and get sick of their toys really fast.

    I think first buy a car seat. I like the kind that can snap into a stroller. Borrow a cradle if you want to use one for the early stages. Buy the size 1-2 diapers. Don't buy any bottles yet because babies are very picky about the nipple on bottles or binkies and they might not take what you bought, so buy those after the baby is born and then you can return them if the baby hates them. Don't waste your money on Dreft laundry detergent. Just buy any brand that is dye and perfume free to launder clothes in. Don't buy a changing table because you will never use it. Don't buy any formula because they expire and your baby might not like it.

    You can get used little baby clothes for pretty cheap if you need to. They are so little that they don't really wear out those little clothes unless they have stained them. And of course you wouldn't buy the stained ones. People, especially Grandmas, usually love to buy cute outfits for your baby.

    Get a used baby bathtub.

    That's my 2 cents.

  13. In case you have any problems with your milk supply, there is a drug that my doctor gave me to increase my supply called Reglan. It can only be used very temporarily because it has dangerous side effects, like tardive dyskinesia (causes your hands to shake uncontrollably).

    If you have a medical thing where you are not producing enough milk, pumps don't work in my experience (I had some medical issues, including anemia).

  14. Mirancs8,

    I think some people find great delight in trying to shock the pure Mormons or get them to stoop down to their level. I think he is watching your face for a reaction and whatever he gets he will think it is funny.

    I used to work with a bunch of crass, dirty-talking women that hammed it up even more when I was around because I was a Mormon. They loved to try and shock me and embarrass me. They thought it was hilarious.

    I feel your pain. I think if you could excuse yourself to use the restroom or start talking to someone else, then maybe he will tone it down a bit? I don't know because I never figured out how to get my coworkers to stop.

  15. This is difficult for me to share, but I'd like your advice.


    If you are willing, I suggest you go to individual counseling with a psychologist and see if he can rule out any medical issues you may be having. I don't know you but here are some ideas to maybe think about, and all of my ideas might be wrong but maybe one will ring a bell:

    1 you have low testosterone

    2 you have looked at too much pornography and only find fantasy women attractive, rather than real people

    3 you are chemically imbalanced with some sort of common anxiety disorder such as obessive compulsive disorder where everything and everyone has to look perfect to be pleasing to you

    4 you married someone you were never in love with because of pressure from friends and family, and now you wish you could get out of it

    5 you are immature and think that the grass is always greener on the other side, and the fantasy of having a passionate, happy marriage has been replaced with reality.

    One thing you said caught my eye - something about not wanting your marriage to be work for both of you, but for the passion and love to come naturally. This is something that is unrealistic. Every married person that has been married for a while will tell you that it is work, no matter who you marry and how good the two of you are, your relationship will always be a lot of work. If you were to divorce and then marry a women with an absolutely stunning body, after a few weeks of marriage, I promise you will start noticing the mundane, annoying things about her that will take away the fantastic beauty that she once held in your eyes.

    I remember long ago dating a body builder and thinking how handsome he was. The longer I dated him, the less attractive he became because I got to know him better. By the time we stopped dating, I was completely unattracted to him.

    Also, if you were to marry the most beautiful woman in the world, her looks will eventually fade. I am guessing that you already know these things, though.

    I hope you find the help you need and know that the Lord has whatever answers you need.

  16. I was wondering about modesty... I understand that it is to make sure you are properly covered so you dont cause anyone any lustful thoughts but I was also wondering if it also has to do with not drawing any attention to yourself in gereral.

    Most LDS people I see, along with dressing modestly are a little more on the "plain" side. (I'm very sorry if that statement offends anyone) You know very natural hair colors, no flashy jewelry, and etc. I am a hairstylist and my hair is the main way I express myself. I have had my hair every color under the sun, from black to purple to its current shade of platinum white blonde.

    So could I dress modestly and still have pink hair? Or is that a no-no?

    I also think that wearing interesting clothes and pretty jewelry is totally a good thing. I don't want to look plain. I think the problem is when people wear really expensive clothes and then look down on others for wearing cheaper, plainer clothes. You know, the snobby types that look down on others for not wearing designer clothes. But Eliza R Snow, back when Utah was being settled, had silkworms brought in so that the women could have silk dresses, and it was important to her to look beautiful, not plain and cheap.

  17. If your hair is extreme looking, it is possible that people will misunderstand who you are and assume you are wild and edgy. What is the first impression that your appearance gives to another? Your appearance not only includes clothes and hair, but facial expression and body language.

    I think women can get away with different hair colors more than men, especially as hair stylists. Personally, whenever I see hairstylists that are always changing their hair color, I think they are the creative, artsy types. What's immodest about that?

    But if I see a girl who is say, black hair and white makeup, my honest first impression is that she is a moody goth and must be a bit weird and eccentric. Or if I see an older man with pink hair, tatoos, and edgy clothes, I assume he is a a bit of a wild child. If I see a teenager with blue hair, I think nothing of it other than he is trying to annoy his parents.

    Often, when I am bored, I will change my hair color from brown to blonde or add highlights or something.

  18. I would prefer you cook me a groovy sirloin steak, cooked medium, with mashed potatoes and gravy or a baked potato, butter only on it. A nice dinner salad, skip the onions, topped with blue cheese dressing, and the meal is complete. If you can't whip that up in a reasonable amount of time or are nervous about your cooking, find your nearest Texas Roadhouse and they can do it for you. I generally eat around 7pm, but anytime before 9 is okay.

    Well, that sure sounds tasty. I can do the baked potato and the salad. The steak is another story. . .

    I'll be over by 7:00. Make sure you are there and wait if I am a little late.

  19. I have a great turkey casserole recipe that freezes well. I make extra and keep one in the freezer in an aluminum foil pan. Dated of course. :)

    That's a good idea for some people, like people with kids over the age of 7 or something. I guess part of my paranoia comes because my kids are so picky that I assume other people have really picky kids, too. My kids hate foods that are mixed, for the most part. My husband won't eat a lot of things, either.

    I would be happy with whatever someone brought me, but I have heard other ladies complain about gross meals they have received (I know, that is horrible manners), but still, I feel like I am not really helping out a family if their kids won't eat the dinner that I made.

    Also, I have people with these unique diets in my ward. Like gluten-free family stresses me out. Also my dear friend had a baby and almost died from complications, but she is so particular about her food. She only eats foods that have a certain alkaline level in it or something. Like the acid alkaline diet or something like that. Then another friend who just had a baby has diabetes. These people, I just want to say, stress me out the most, but so do the regular famlies.

  20. You can disagree all you want, but it won't matter much because

    a. I've received a witness on it from Heavenly Father.

    b. No one here really knows me all that well to judge even if the above wasn't the case.

    Let me just say though that no one in my ward has cautioned me about it, not even my bishop, any of the leadership, or my own mother. I would imagine that's because they know me well enough to know that I can be in a successful, mature relationship and be worthy at the same time. So if my word's not good enough, add all theirs to the list.


    That's fine. I'm still not understanding your point of posting this on the internet at all. You have made your decision and from what I get, you don't want people to judge you? Then why open up your life for examination? Especially since no one in your ward or family has a problem with it.

    Plus, if you received your own witness, that is something that usually you should not share with the general public, but keep private and sacred to you.

    Unless the Holy Ghost is prompting you to tell someone about a sacred, spiritual witness you have had, then usually it is best to keep it to yourself.

  21. Hi Ladies,

    I hate making meals for other families, like women in the ward who have just had a baby or someone who just had surgery.

    I am happy to help them, but I have complete paranoia over making meals because I don't cook that well and I worry that the family who gets a meal from me will be really disappointed and grossed out or something.

    I need to make meals for 2 people and thank 3 more families for mowing our yard with a treat or something.

    And what do you have on hand in your house for those last minute phone calls to make someone dinner so that I don't have to rush to the store in a panic?


  22. To someone not familiar with different uniforms within Christianity but outside Mormonism, they all look the same.

    That's true. I am from Utah so I am uniform-uninformed.

    Is there a category for Pentecostal in the quiz? What is the difference between Pentecostal and 7th Day Adventists, or am I highjacking the thread?

  23. In my opinion, who really cares? If someone thinks that cola drinks are wrong for them, that is great. If someone wants to drink them, that is great, too?

    It reminds me of people more concerned about living the letter of the law than the spirit of the law. The church purposely doesn't overdictate to us our diets. Do we really want to be told in detail how to eat and drink? That takes away our freedom. We should focus almost entirely on Love of God, Love of each other and the other basic commandments.