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  1. I agree with all that has been said to you. I would add one thing. It is normal to remember the things you have done, in the past. Let them be a reminder not to do them again. In time they will disapear into the past. Remember, that REPENT also means to turn from what ever it is that is wrong. Having been on both sides of the fence so to speak, I know how you feel and how hard it is to return. Rember that your Heavenly Father loves you and will forive you. But, part of repentance is FORGIVING yourself. The Lord will forgive you long before you will forgive your self. But, it is absoultely necessary for you to do that. As far as thinking about wrong things; memorize a hymn and sing it silently to replace bad thoughts. The best hymn I know is "I AM A CHILD OF GOD." This hymn reminds you who you are and that you have a Heavenly Father who love you and will forgi ve you.
  2. I am a convert to the church of 45 years. I thought a one time that I knew pretty much all there was to know about the church. At this point in my life (68y.o.) I have just scratched the surface. You learn through reading the scriptures, study the words of the prophets, and mostley from pondering and prayer, with answers coming through the Holy Ghost. That is why were are constantly instructed to read and ponder the scriptures. I once heard it said, that through the Holy Ghost you can learn more in 5 minutes, than in all the books in the world. Satament attributed to Joseph Smith. It come's in the form of a testimoney by spirit to spirit, which is the true form of heavenly language.
  3. The important aspect of the celestial kingdon and exaltation is the have enternal increase, which can only occur when a man and a woman meet all the criteria for entering exaltation in the celestial kindgom. Any thing else doe not allow man and woman to have eternal increase. This as I understand it.
  4. Hey mudcat, that is why i joined the site. To answer and get answers to questions. dont hesitate to contact me.
  5. The term one God in reference to the God head is that they are 3 sparate beings, but are ONE in purpose, attitude and united.
  6. thank you for the welcome. I've got a lot to learn about the site
  7. I am a convert to the church of 46 years come February, 08. My wife and I joined the church togather. We have 4 girls, 3 of which were my wife's by previous marriges. I have on biological daughter. We had been married just under a year when we joined the church. Had we not joined the church we would not be togather today. At some point in time, I will tell the story of our conversion. Upon having the Stake Misssionaries teach us the lessons we were baptized and started a new life. That in it self is another story. We both knew and had testimony of the church, although adapting to it's new way of life, was a very big change for us. Being baptised on Saturday, February third, on Sunday being confirmed members of the church, I left for a 3 month schooling 3,000 miles away from home. This, in my case was a blessing, as I did not have to face my co-workers, and friends with a new set of standards to live by. As earlier stated, we knew the gospel was true, and acted upon that knowlege and testimoney. Over the year's since, and immediately, following our baptism, the gospel has be a source of strength and support for our family. Another stroy to be told in the future. I know that God, our Heavenly Father Live's, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Redeemer. That Joseph Smith did see and spoke to our God, and recieved the Everlasting Gospel and Priesthood for the establishment of the Kingdom here upon the earth. And I bear witness to this in the Holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen