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Posts posted by sister_in_faith

  1. In annother thread this topic was brought up, and in an attempt to not hijack the other thread I'm gonna go ahead and start a new one.

    It is an important topic, and a personal one, for me.

    The fact is that there is a difference between addiction to medications and dependence on medications.

    As I said in the other thread, it took me years to understand this.

    I was so terrified of being addicted to medications I would refuse to take them as much as they were prescribed and heaped a lot of unncessary pain on myself. I would always tell my doctors that I didn't want to be addicted to anything, and they would always comment that I didn't have an addictive personality.

    Then the one stupid doctor who makes a dumb comment that I am addicted to all my medications didn't help. Took another doctor telling me to dump that doctor, and then he explained to me that everyone becomes dependent on their medications, but to be 'addicted' the patient has to exhibit addict like behaviors, like doing anything to obtain medication, etc.

    I just wanted to put this out there in case there is anyone else who is in my shoes, who is having similar problems. Listen to your doctors!!! Take your meds AS prescribed!!!

  2. Some scents trigger my head aches. My honey uses fabric softener in his laundry (I mean like 7 sheets per load, he's crazy), and some times they make it into my loads. Then I usually end up finding them in my pant legs while in the most embarassing places, like in line at Walmart.

    (I'm so lucky, not only does my honey cook and clean, but he does his own laundry too! lucky me, lucky me!!!)

  3. I never post to be judged. Its not a contest. If you are judging me then just dont read because I find that offensive.

    I was going to try to say that, but didn't know how to without being to forward. Thank you Anne!!!

    And not only that, but there are a lot of things I post that I'm not sure how one would even go about 'judging', like asking people what their favorite Wii games are. How do you judge that, other than thinking I am buying Christmas presents... I donno.

  4. Several problems with this, the most obvious of which is: How can we not judge what is said? That's what we do when we read about situations; we judge them. That is the whole intent of sharing stories, so that others can make value judgments.

    Perhaps that is how you see it. I do not always post things so that others can 'judge' them. Some times I am just venting. Some times I am looking for compassion. Some times I am looking for advice, or help. I do not 'judge' every post I read.

    But there is a deeper problem (at least one). You think no one should complain when someone cries "abuse!" Do you feel the same way about rape? If someone claims to have been raped, then later discloses that she did consent to sex, only she felt like her husband/boyfriend wanted it so she sort of felt like she had to put out -- is that rape? No, of course not. Should she call it rape? No, of course not. She does violence to the meaning of the word. She viciously abuses the man she accuses. She also betrays every person who is the victim of actual rape.

    As I already said, those who lie about being abused (or in your example, raped) will face the judgement of Heavenly Father for their sin.

    When making claims of grave and momentous crimes, people should be careful never to exaggerate. And abuse is a grave and momentous crime.

    I agree that people should be careful about being honest when posting. I also think that as the readers we should be careful about misreading what is posted.

    I just think it is dangerous to start accusing people of falsely claiming that they were abused, or even suggesting it, when there is a large possibility that they were in fact abused. I don't want to further victimize anyone!

  5. It may surprise some of you to know that the Salt Lake City temple (and on occasions some other temples) are open and in use on Sunday - by special invitation.

    The Traveler

    PS. for a moment I thought to display a bit of my dry humor here but thought that some feelings may be unnecessarily hurt and thought the better of it. There are some things the temples are used for beyond the normal “Temple work” - such as solemn assemblies. Also it is not uncommon for the First Presidency to meet with couples Sunday morning in the SLC temple.

    I thought of mentioning that too... There are other things the temple is used for, and I think those things generally happen on Sunday.

  6. This forum is a good platform for people to talk openly about abuse they have suffered. I know that it has been cathartic for me to talk about my mother, something I have only done in the privacy of my home or in doctor's offices. I imagine it is the same for others. I think we need to be sensitive to the needs of the victims. They are allowed to classify abuse as abuse if they think it needs to be. The problem comes in when the reader decides that rather than trying to UNDERSTAND what the poster is trying to say, and taking into account that different people say things in different ways, tries to make everyone else fit into the perfect little definitions they use. For instance, posting that they think a word should be defined in a specific way, and everyone else should conform to it.

    As people using an interactive forum, we should all be aware that we are all going to do our best to communicate with each other, but we will not do it in the same way.

    If someone feels that they are being abused, and they want to share that, but the abuse they have suffered doesn't quite fit what the reader thinks qualifies as abuse, the problem is not with the poster, but with the reader, who should be flexible enough to understand what is being said, rather than judging it.

    We also have to keep in mind that abuse can range from mild to severe, and even though someone may experience what would be classified as 'mild' it can still have a dramatic impact on the victim. We have no place to judge what others feel, or how they feel about any of their life experiences. I don't have a problem with people coming on here and sharing that they have been abused. I don't feel comfortable saying, you can only share that you have been abused if you fit what I classify as abuse. Because we truly don't know what they have been through.

    On the flip side. I do not approve of people saying they have been abused, when they have not, to gain leverage (for example in a divorce or child custody situation) and if they do, they will have to answer to God for that sin.

  7. I don't like torturing people. Any person. I think it is wrong. There is such a thing as cruel and unnusual punishment. If it is an offense where he should be put to death, then fine, but otherwise we still have to treat him as a human being. Can you imagine dreading 2,000+ lashes over the next 13 years? It would drive anyone crazy. That is why I said I was glad that I live in the USA. A sentence like that would not be allowed here. And I think that is good.

  8. Ah, never say never. Not for me at least. I wish I could say that, but I can't. :( I don't want to do it, because I do believe in God and the church, and I want to endure to the end. Unfortunately I am at a very high risk, and even tho I work hard every day, I am still very close to the edge. Not a fun way to live.

  9. That is difficult to watch. I know that without the generosity of my honey I would have been homeless for almost two years. It is scary when you look at your things and realize you aren't going to be able to take them with you on the street. It is just you and a blanket and your prayers to God for mercy. Most people are just a few paychecks away from being homeless, or in serious trouble.

    I am one of the lucky ones. I sleep in a warm soft bed at night, even tho there is snow on the ground outside. I eat when I need to. I have money in my bank account. I am very blessed, and this is just a reminder that I am.

  10. Sometimes when I have a really bad headache my honey knocks me in the head with a mallet and then it doesn't hurt as bad, cuz I'm not awake any more. Or if it is a milder pain he will kick me in the shin so that my attention is diverted from my head to my shin. Works every time! And you don't need insurance for that!!! haaaaaa!

  11. I go to the hospital/doctor when I need to. Nope, I don't have nearly as much money in the bank as I need to cover the costs. And I feel bad, because these last few months I've spent money that I shouldn't have on things I really didn't need (that's another story), but basically this is how it has worked for me and my family. My mother had cancer. She went in. Got diagnosed, and had surgery. She applied for financial assistance through the hospital. They covered her bills 100%.

    I have applied for financial assistance through the hospitals and have been forgiven thousands and thousands of dollars. Is it fair for others to pay for my medical care, no, probably not. Am I worth it? No. Do I feel guilty that I am a burden to others? Absolutely. Would I take a handful of pills right now, so that I could assure that no one else would be burdened by me again? Yep, without heistation. That is the only solution I can see. If I stop getting medical treatment, I will end up locked up some where because I am a danger to myself, and forced to get medical treatment anyway. That is how society works right now. So it is a lot cheaper to just continue on course with the treatment I get, then to let it spirial out of control and have me end up in a 24-7 facility.

    I really shouldn't post at 3:35 am when I am not in a good mood. Sorry guys.

  12. I was considering letting the other dogs that live with the puppies come too, but I think I would rather have the pictures with just a bunch of really pretty black labs running around. I want them to be able to focus on each other and reuniting with their siblings and mom!

  13. If a woman agrees to carry a child for another couple who can't have a child (I'm specifically thinking where the male of the couple and the woman carrying the child are the biological parents), and all involved are LDS, can the woman who carrys the child (the biological mother) be sealed to the baby as well as the new adoptive mother? Or can you only be sealed to one mother?