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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. Can't say how many times I have ordered a McDouble, no cheese. Two small patties with two slices of cheese. I request it without cheese. More times than not it comes with cheese. Usually at drive thru so I am down the road before error is discovered.

    That is what you get for minimum wage and they want to increase it even more. HUH.

    Ben Raines

  2. Chapter 35: Life after Death,” Gospel Fundamentals, 195

    How can we prepare for the next life?

    Our Spirits Live After We Die

    We are the spirit children of our Father in Heaven. While we lived with Him in heaven as spirits, we did not have physical bodies. It was part of His plan for us to be born on this earth and for our spirits to receive bodies of flesh and bones. Our spirits are what gives life to our physical bodies while we live on the earth.

    Just as to be born was a part of our Father in Heaven’s plan for us, another part of His plan is for us to die. When we die, our spirits leave our bodies. Without the spirit, the body has no life and is placed in a grave.

    But our spirits lived before our birth, and they will continue to live after death. When we die, our spirits will go to the spirit world to wait for the resurrection, while the body remains in the grave.

    In the spirit world our spirits will have the same form as when we lived on the earth with bodies of flesh and bones. We will look as we do here. We will think the same way and believe the same things as we did here. Those who are righteous in this life will still be righteous. Those who were unrighteous will still be unrighteous. We will have the same desires after we die as we had while on this earth.

    Ben Raines

  3. I have loaded all the CDs that I own on to my PC in ITunes and use them on my PC, my IPhone, my IPod, in my car on CDs that I have burned my own mix, etc. The only songs that would be limited would be songs I purchased from ITunes and then only if I had not converted them to MP3 files, which I have. You can convert all songs, conference talks, etc. to play on your ITouch.

    Ben Raines

  4. I am an Eagle Scout, my son earned his Eagle Scout. I have been a Scoutmaster for over 20 years in different wards I have lived in. I have been a District Commissioner and served in other Scouting positions during my 40 adult years.

    For me this is not acceptable and unethical and is teaching just the opposite of what Boy Scouting is.

    Earning merit badges is not all that is required to become an Eagle Scout. Often those who have gotten their merit badges are caught in the review process to Eagle.

    It is sad when it is all about getting badges and not about earning merit badges for the things you have learned.

    Personally I have used many of the things I learned during and after my personal Scouting years in my daily life. Sadly if these boys don't learn these things they will miss out later.

    I bet some of these same boys are the ones who come home from a mission after a week or a month because it was "too hard".

    Ben Raines

  5. Eggs that are mass produced are "candled" it is the process of passing an egg in front of a bright light. Usually if the egg has blood in it the blood will show up and those eggs are discarded. That is why you do not often find them in the eggs you buy in the store. It is not common but does happen. You can do the same with the eggs produced by your chickens. Hold the eggs close to a lit light bulb and look through the eggshell. Something interesting to try.

    Ben Raines

  6. Signs officers are taught to look for regarding an impaired driver are: Driving at night without headlights, weaving between the lines on the road, driving slower than traffic or posted speed limit, braking when there is no reason to, speeding and then driving slow.

    I have made stops where the driver quickly puts gum in their mouth, lights a cigarette or even swallows mouthwash to try to hide the odor of alcohol.

    It doesn't take much to trip up a true lawbreaker.

    Sounds like your sister by her own inexperience or lack of understanding the danger didn't take appropriate actions.

    Also sounds like officers could have been more understanding. Having been the officer and the driver in this situation I have always been treated with respect as a driver and most often as an officer.

    Ben Raines

  7. As I mentioned in an earlier thread mortal life is just a moment in eternity. Death or suffering in this life will be a faint memory. We will learn and gain experience in this life.

    I have a scar on my hand. I remember vividly how it got there. I don't remember if it hurt when it happened but I remember how it happened.

    I am hoping that is how mortal life is. We will remember the things we learned but the pain and suffering will be forgotten.

    Ben Raines

  8. My family and I were living outside the US when my son was of age to participate in BSA. We were able to contact BSA in Texas, where the Lone Scout Program is administered. My son advanced through scouting and earned his Eagle Rank while being the only scout on an island in the Caribbean.

    It can be done but takes a lot of work on the boys part to earn it.

    Ben Raines

  9. I find comfort in the belief that mortal life is just a moment in the eternities. While it is important that we gain experience in mortal life I believe that the pain and difficulties will be a faint memory once we pass from mortality.

    I have a scar on my hand. I remember how it happened. Don't remember the pain but vividly how it happened.

    Find joy in living.

    Ben Raines

  10. If I were a manager, don't know what type of company, but I would want someone who was looking to improve themselves and move up. Not become stagnant and stay in the same position for life. Unless the position is CEO and even that after some time it is time to retire and enjoy life.

    Ben Raines

  11. It is easy for people to second guess what happened.

    Have you ever been threatened?

    Have you ever felt your life threatened? If so what did you do?

    Were you bigger than the aggressor? Smaller?

    In the dark with face covered could you see how old or color of attacker?

    You go to get in your vehicle and that person confronts you.

    I have been. I was bigger and older. Person at my house was a young man who was mentally unstable. Wanted to see my daughter. Insisted he wouldn't leave. He was known to carry a knife in his pocket and had threatened his parents in the past. I took him down and held him in a choke hold until police arrived. Each time he tried to struggle I just applied more pressure until he gave up.

    Until someone has walked in those shoes it is hard to judge someone else. Sounds like a lot of judgement is being made on hearsay.

    Ben Raines