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Everything posted by bytebear

  1. How is it different than the replica that has been in print for several years? Are there differences? REPLICA OF 1830 1ST EDITION BOOK OF MORMON - Brand NEW!: Joseph editor Smith: Books
  2. The Light of Christ is not the same thing as the Holy Ghost. The Light of Christ is given to everyone. it is the same as your consience, and tells you right from wrong. It leads us to truth, but does not testify of truth. It is not a person or being, but a universal influence given to all mankind. The Holy Ghost is different. He testifies of truth, and is only given to us permenantly through the laying on of hands when we are confirmed after baptism. Before we are given the gift of the Holy Ghost, we can ask for confirmation, and receive it through him, but after we have the gift, we can receive truth, as long as we are in tune, without even asking. Here is some scripture study: Topical Guide: Light of Christ Topical Guide: Holy Ghost Here is what the Bible Dictionary says:
  3. Is there a local church nearby. you could stop by on Sunday and just ask for the missionary's information. you don't even have to attend services. Chances are you will run into them there too, and they just might have a copy for you.
  4. I believe we are all given spiritual gifts, but not alll people are given all gifts. But I also believe in priesthood authority, which gives us authority, despite not having a specific gift. So a priesthod holder can heal the sick, even if he does not have that pertcicular gift.
  5. I don't know that anyone is being argumentative. But this is the LDS Gospel forum, so I am assuming it is about LDS beliefs. (But then, I am relatively new here). So, my take is this: Mormons believe that ordinances must be performed by men, called of God by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by one having authority from God. But, is the casting out of evil spirits an ordinance? or is it a spirtual gift, like speaking in tongues? I think there can be overlap in the two. For example, some people are blessed with the gift of healing, regardless of priesthood, as long as they have the spirit of God with them, But all men who hold the proper priesthood can administer to the sick through the ordinance of anointing with oil. They may or may not have the gift of healing, but they have the priesthood authority to administer to the sick. So, in a sense, we are both right.
  6. I would recommend reading the Doctrine and Covenants Section 138, revelation given to Joseh F. Smith. It clarifies the phrase "world of spirits" and gives context to Smith's translation (interpretation) of that verse. Doctrine and Covenants 138
  7. I see the difference between the two as very simple. One is done voluntarily, the other is forced upon the people.
  8. And to contiue the previous post: We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. Article of Faith #5
  9. Baptism is not required to enter into Spirit Paradise, but a testimony of Jesus Christ is. Hense, the theif on the cross was promised by Jesus that he would be with him in Paradise, even though his baptism would not have been performed then. Baptism opens the gate to the Celestial Kingdom, and to enter that kingdom, you must be baptised, either in life, or by proxy after death.
  10. Yes, but since Jesus isn't coming to bless your house personally, he has establised priesthood, given his authority to worthy servants, and they act in his stead.
  11. While I agree you do not need the priesthood, because these are not ordinances, however we are still a people of order, and we should use priesthood channels when possible. If we do not have the priesthood in our home, we are assigned home teachers who can act as proxy when needed.
  12. The fastest way is to call the mission office. find out what mission your area belongs to, and get the number for that office. Someone there can give you the number for the local missionaries. If you are close to the mission office, just go during business hours and they will have a book for you there as well. This link should help you find the closest mission: Mission (LDS Church) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This link might help too but it doesn't have all LDS missions listed: LDS Mission Network - Welcome
  13. Call the missionaries, and have them meet you in a public place like a park or a coffee house (ironic, eh?) They can even meet you in a parking lot and just drop off a copy. It's all so very cloak and dagger!
  14. I don't like the idea of government health care run at the federal level. I really don't like it at all, but I am ok with states trying different programs to see which ones work out. I would rather have 50 states all trying different things, and being able to tailor them to the specific needs of the people living there, than having a single program run for everyone. If I don't like the coverage my state affords, I can move to another state. Of course, this mentality has been a contributing factor in the bankruptcy of California which provides free health care to millions of illegal residents.
  15. I have always thought it was for all mankind. The atonement was "infinate and eternal." We do not believe in predestination, and so when Jesus atoned for the sins of the world, he didn't know who in the future was going to accept or reject him. The price was paid in full 2000 years ago. We just need to accept the gift that has already been purchased with his blood.
  16. Well, I am assuming both people have agreed to it. Sure it would take special permission, but I don't see it as out of the realm of possiblity. So, if you can get Johnny Depp to agree to it, why not?
  17. I never said it never happened, but if I said, "Missionaries recruit young girls into sex" wouldn't that be a false statement?
  18. You are being hypocritical. Gays "recruit" just as much as straights do. Straight men rape women. Straight men molest children. Just because you don't appreciate being hit on by a man doesn't make it any different than unwanted advances toward a woman. They are both inappropriate social behavior. When a man hits on a woman is he "recruiting" her to heterosexuality?
  19. How many rapes are done by gay men vs. straight men? How many pedophiles (of both boys and girls) are married to women or consider themselves straight? Sorry my friend, but the gay community is far less of a threat than the underworld of straight men engaging in sexual criminal behavior.
  20. How about, gays make up 10% of the population. You had one incident in your entire life. So, of the probably thousands of gays you have associated with (but probably didn't know were gay), one of them acted inappropriately. Ladies! How many of you have been hit on by a man? How often? Does that make heterosexual men more predatory than gay men? I would actually say yes.
  21. Yes, I am sure about that. You can't take a single incident and judge a people by it. Look, missionaries travel in pairs, they are not to teach a woman without a fourth person present. Does that mean that missionaries are predatory? Recently the church changed the rules so that male Sunday school teachers could not be alone with the children, ever. Does that mean LDS Sunday school teachers are predatory? Some cities have laws against men without children hanging around playgrounds. Does that make all men pedophiles? No, I think our society has simply become way to paranoid for their own good. As for "trolling" in the locker room, there is probably an equal amount of "trolling" at the mall, the workplace, the carwash, the beach, wherever people mingle. Maybe you feel more vulnerable when wrapped in a towel, but 20 years ago, the same people were around doing the same thing. In fact, probably moreso, because now they don't have to be covert about their intentions.
  22. I wonder if somewhere along the line it changed from Brazil to Germany to give the story more impact. In my mission in the Boston area, we had a Russian speaking missionary called from Alaska. But this was because of a massive influx of Russian immigrants, so I could see how a missionary who speaks Japanese be called to an area with a lot of Japanese immigrants.
  23. I don't know the answer but it reminds me of another story. Maybe someone knows the origins of it too. A Japanese American convert was preparing for a mission, and he just knew that he would be called to Japan. After all, he already spoke fluent Japanese. Well his mission call came, and he was called to... Germany. Well, he was disappointed and discouraged, but trudged on. Well, one day while walking door to door, he was greeted by a Japanese family, and when he introduced himself in German, they just looked at him with blank stares. Then he tried English, and again, no response. So he tries Japanese, and suddenly their eyes brighten in recognition. Needless to say, they were taught the gospel and were baptized. So God places missionaries where they need to be.