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  1. The original question was "How can a person have a strong testimony and then turn their back on it?" This question presents a conundrum for this site. It would be best answered by someone who has experienced the question asked. Yet most, myself included, would be reticent to share their feelings for several reasons. One of those could be that their knowledge or reasons stated could be viewed as anti mormon, even if this were not at all the intention. I am not referring to most of the situations being discussed in this thread as I have seen too many people use the excuse that they were offended. And while yes people can be offensive, especially in our Church, we should be in the Church because we believe the teachings are true above all else. Also I know that people can become inactive and still live most if not all of the Gospel principles with the exception of attanding Church every Sunday. But, what if I start to question one of the Churches teachings. I will not go any further than this as it is not my desire in the least to be the cause of anyone to question the Church. But I do wish I could discuss it so as to resolve my feelings. But what if after much reading, research, and study, I cannot truly answer that I believe every single thing that the Church teaches. Does that make me no longer a mormon. Does that mean "I have lost my testimony" even though I believe in all the principles and precepts of the Gospel. If I "come clean" with my leaders, I may risk losing temple recommend, priesthood, membership. And to be quite honest, I want my family to stay active. I want to stay active. I want to see the rest of my children married in the Temple. Let me make this clear, I am not refering to any sinful action or deed on my part whatsoever. I am in an untenable position as I can't state my issue, and as I reread my own explanation I realize I am not making much sense. How about if I use an actual event to descibe a hypothetical that is a close analogy. The Mountain Meadows massacre, what if one were to believe that a prophet did direct that action, and I am not saying I do or that one did, but what if. And what if this action was claimed to be prophetic (it wasn't and I am not implying it was, this is just a hypothetical) and one could just not believe that a prophet would do that. Similar in that some people have a hard time in the thought that Nephi was commanded by God to kill in order to obtian the plates. My personal belief struggle is on a similar plane. So perhaps this question would be best asked with more specifics attached. One can have a testimony about many things, and therefore lose, or possibly never have a testinony about many subjects.
  2. Cassio, If the spirit can be transmitted through mere words, yours have come as close as I have ever seen. I will accept your prayer for it is given with pure intent. Thank you for understanding.
  3. Well, if its any consolation, I love hominy,......and yes I put syrup on hominy, and lacking syrup, honey makes a perfect substitute. BTW thanks for excusing me..LOL
  4. The original question was "How can a person have a strong testimony and then turn their back on it?" This is a rather timely question, because I have been a member for over 40 yrs, and some thing have come to light recently that have made me start to question my testimony, or more appropriately, my personal belief in some of the teachings. Does this make me a bad person? Have I 'sinned' and lost the spirit. No, at least I don't tink so. My point is it can happen and I am afraid it is happening. I don't feel I can talk to anyone here about this, as I feel they will jump to all kinds of different conclusions. Having served in a bishopric, I have witnessed first hand what happens to people who "lose their testimonies". I don't have any desire to be made into a special project by all the quorums or auxilliaries. I still attend services every Sunday and attend my qourum meetings. But I have to be honest, I feel like I am just going through the motions. And at this point I haven't shared this with my family, mostly because I place great value on the blessings that come from living gospel principles. And I am not sure that I am at the point where one would say I've "turned my back on it" but I am turning sideways to it. I can already foretell many of the responses I will get. 'I'll pray for you' ,'You need to look really deep to determine what you have done wrong', 'Go see your bishop','Have you been to the Temple',"do you pay tithe' etc.etc.... Lets just let it suffice to say that I do all that is asked and more. ANd have for 40 plus years. I guess in response to the original question is it happens, and I am not sure why.
  5. Northern Hoosier, we don't bleed blue up here. Unless there is a little gold mixed in with it! And I suppose if I were forced to eat grits (whatever they are) I would smother them in maple syrup! And yes, something is wrong with the world, it has California in it.....LOL Don't throw stones at me its just a joke, OK?
  6. Born and bred Hoosier 1. Jello--side dish or dessert? DESSERT 2. Soda, pop, or coke? COKE 3. Mac and cheese--side dish or main dish? SIDE 4. Biscuits and gravy--tear up the biscuit and eat with spoon or split biscuit and eat with knife/fork? SPLIT 5. Grits--sweet or savory? WHAT ARE GRITS??? 6. Bathroom tissue--over or under? OVER 7. Green onions or scallions? GREEN ONIONS 8. Pecan: pecahn or peecan? PECAHN Now keep in mind my wife is also a born and bred Hoosier and she would disagree with me on half of these.
  7. Rush rules almost all in the rock world. And IMHO the best rock opera ever is The Wall. Now I know what you're thinking, and I struggle with this too. The Wall is and anti war message, and Roger Waters is one of those anti conservative types you refer to. But the story is so well told and the music is flawless. Since the day The Wall was released it was on my top tem album list, maybe even top two behind Moving Pictures, Red Barchetta. You have to put Red Barchetta at the top if you really like your stories told in song. Just close your eyes and imagine while you listen to Red Barchetta. Rock n roll and automobiles, put those together and what red blooded male (and some really cool females) wouldn't love this song.
  8. I have two mostly unrelated questions I have pondered for a long time. I have noticed several of you advocate or at least state you pay tithe on gross income. What do you plan to do when taxes (all combined, every tax you pay) reaches or exceeds 90% of your gross and you don't have 10% left for tithe. And don't think this is purely hypothetical as all combined taxes is some areas exceed 75% already. Especially if you live in a a property tax region. My taxes already take over 60% of my income and are taking more every year. Second: I have tried for years sleep with garments, going to bed with them on but waking to find them off. Sometimes because they become so twisted from my tossing and turning that I remove them to sleep or not knowing I have taken them off at night. They are the last thing off and the first thing on in the morning. I can't imagine not wearing them every waking second. I have had very mixed responses when discussed with my priesthood leaders. Am I the only member that struggles with this?