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Everything posted by thankfull

  1. oops! should say "I don't believe it has yet been revealed"
  2. Is the Holy Ghost a spirit child of our father in heaven? This something I have searched for the answer. I don't believe it has not yet been revealed. The only evidence I can find is that the scriptures speak of the trinity being of one will and together they testify of the each other. It makes me believe that there is a immediate relationship between Father, son and Holy ghost. Of course this just a thought of a man. Ah, the mysteries of God. The other question being the gender of the Holy Ghost. What do you think?:
  3. He is clearly asking for help. Pray for him to understand where this anger is stemming from. Speaking for myself my anger in the past and present is always from my own disobedience or sin. Tell him because you love him and want to work things out you need time apart. Seperation will be a good thing. Maybe he has a relative to stay with for a while. Through the time apart he will have a oppurtunity to evaluate the true desire of his heart. If he is willing to humble himself and seek to repair and restore love towards his family he will find the way. Suggest scriptures that deal with temperance or the recent conference talk on this subject. Counseling of course is what is needed most.
  4. We know this is the last dispensation and the fullness of times and that this land and time was prepared for the foundation of this great church to never be taken away again. Knowing what Mosiah taught us of kings and the corruption and evil they might bring. How a evil monarchy would pervert and change the ways of the Lord and lead people to sin.. The bible is proof of this. I also believe as was stated above that the people were not willing or obedient enough to allow the blessings of the gopel during that time. I am sure however that their were good people and examples are those who gave their life in preserving and publishing the bible as best they could. "trust no man to be your teacher except he be a man of God, and keep his commandments" Evidently the majority of the people hearts were hardened and would not have been obedient to a prophet during this time. We must continually recognize the importance of this time and how blessed we are to live during this last dispensation.
  5. thankfull

    2 Nephi 10:23

    Interesting to me is the use of our hearts. When I hear a return missionary bare his testimony in another language I feel the truth in my heart. I don't understand the language but I receive a witness from the spirit his testimony and its truth. To endure to the end through all our trials to come, we need a conviction in our hearts of the gospel and its principles. The heart may serve more purpose than pumping blood to our vital organs. I believe our hearts is where the greatest battle occurs over whom we will serve. Recent studies have shown that more signals are sent from the heart to the brain than the other way around. Perhaps, when we are ressurected and blood will not be pumping through our hearts we will understand more the vital role our hearts play in decission making. I pray we all will cheer up our hearts and strive to make the correect choices.
  6. Hi everyone! Stumbled across this site today and after reading a few posts me thinks I like it. I live in southern utah for about 4 years now. Originally from AZ. Born and raised with the gospel with 8 wonderful siblings. I fell away for about 14 years. It took a divorce and change of heart to understand how much the gospel could bless my life. My wife and I remarried and were sealed 2 years ago. I have a 12 year old daughter who I am very close to has been sent to help keep out little family together. I hope to learn and grow closer to understanding "How I can become more Christlike each end every day".