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Everything posted by HistoryLover

  1. I find writing helps me out. I thank God that He has given me the ability to write, allowing me to create different characters and new worlds. To me creating a story, whether it be a novel or a children's story, is an act of creation, helping me to feel closer to Heavenly Father.
  2. I'm sorry, I haven't read all the posts, just the beginning ones. I would like to add my two cent worths. No, I don't believe religion will die out. Also, the Gospel won't die out. The Church has been reestablished and it will survive. However, if the religion suffers, including the Church, it won't so much be because of what those on the outside say, but what we on the inside say. Members of the Church, and other members of different denominations, whether they be Christian or non-Christian, say or do things to bring more damage to their cause than any outside factor can hope to accomplish. Cruel words, (something I can be guilty of, sadly) and terrible actions done by members speak volumes and give fuel to those who become disgruntled. Oh, it's such pressure at times trying to be a good example. I fail on that most of the time. I know I can do more damage, on the inside of the faith, than any negative outside source.
  3. Carlimac, I'm sorry you feel like I was being condescending. But you have to realize, I do get tired, when I see so many messages on message boards, where people only seem to express concern for the members and no one else. That TO ME is condescending. I have no problem with people praying for the missionaries and being worried about them, but when I read messages that solely says, "I hope the missionaries are okay," yes, I do take issue as it makes us feel inclusive. If I offended you, sorry, but I stand by my beliefs and I will defend them. There, just you said your peace, I said mine.
  4. Classylady, I think it's wonderful your praying for the missionaries to be safe and unharmed, but please also pray for the Japanese citizens, the men, women, and children who are suffering. They are just as important as the missionaries. I think it's great you're praying for the missionaries, but let's not forget that we are all brothers and sisters in this world and, regardless to whether we're members or non-members, we're to look out for each other. I hope we can remember the Japanese people, and not just the missionaries.