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Posts posted by CommanderSouth

  1. my immediate rendering out the verse is that no one had before had the ability to speak in christ name because he had not come yet. in light of the book of mormon that cannot be the correct reading of the verse. my basic question is what is christ saying herel?

  2. 24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask , and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

    What does this mean in light of the book of Mormon. My initial reading would suggest the people have not been able to ask in the name of Christ. That reading can't be right in light of the BoM, what am I missing?


  3. I don't think I could get addicted to any MMORPG at this point, I have tried them all and nothing sticks. Mind you, I have a 65 Priest I am trying to level before Cataclysm, but even then, I only play a few hours most days, and some not at all. If I get addicted to anything it's usually a single player game, but those are only 20-40ish hours and then they're done. And that's something I haven't done in a while.

    As far as Magic goes, it's very much the same, I play my friend in restaurants and do some Friday or Saturday night Magic, but that's about it.

    I think I will probably pray about it, try to better understand the meaning of shunning the appearance of evil and call it a day

    But if anyone has insights yet, please keep them coming, I greatly appreciate it.

  4. I have had issues since I was about 16 with actually enjoying RPGs, and fantasy based games. I had played NES RPGs like Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy growing up, and I always loved the story and never really had an issue with it. When I started listening to my parents go on about Magic, and shunning all appearances of evil, I began to struggle with them a little. I never had issue with it before, but now, sometimes, I have trouble getting around this argument with games like Magic, or just any RPG with magic in it, both of which I really enjoy playing. With Magic, I justify myself by playing White decks, and I actually do avoid playing black as I don't like with dark, creepy, artwork or the feeling I get playing it, but soldiers and angels don't give me much trouble. I normally just don't think to much about it, but tonight I saw a D&D starter kit at the store, and I was thinking about buying it until my parents voice popped into my head, and I just don't have a good response.

    But what frustrates me is these are the same parents who didn't let me watch TMNT when they found out Splinter meditated, or Smurfs when they realized Gargamel was a wizard. None of these made me want to do anything wrong, but it was still wrong in their eyes, which gives me trouble too. Even though I am old enough to make my own decisions, and I disagree with them on other things (like the gospel), I can't shake the feeling they may be right on this one, even though in my head I don't agree with them. For crying out loud, I can't even fully enjoy Tolkien, and depending on how I feel at the time, Lewis...

    I feel like the glasses they look through on this has gotten stuck in my head and I can't see it from another viewpoint very easily.

    What do you all think on the topic, and has there been any revealed doctrine on this type of thing.

    Thanks for the input, and I hope that made sense.

  5. My question of the moment is in the topic of the sign vs the form of the dove. The prophet Joseph taught the only form of the holy spirit was that of a personage. The gospel accounts of the baptism of Christ don't explicitly say the hg was in the form of a dove. Ironically 1 nephi 11 27 and 2 nephi 31 8 seem to more explicitly say the hg was on the form of a dove. What might I study to better reconcile theaw passages with the teachings of the prophet?

  6. I am having trouble understanding the Ancient of Days being Adam. The wording in Daniel makes it seems like we would bow before him and worship, and that his kingdom wouldn't pass away.

    This sounds like God, and doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

    Anyone have any thoughts, or perhaps some good resources on the topic? I tried reading FAIR's article but it didn't make all the much sense to me, which is unusual.

    Anyway, thanks for the help!

  7. Okay, twinkle in the eye is something, in this context, I'd tend to associate with humor or spunkiness. President Monson has plenty of humor and spunk but folks have bad days. Of course, just because President Hinkely and President Monson have/had a twinkle in the eye doesn't make it requirement of a prophet and it isn't something I've associated with feeling the spirit. Though it does certainly add humanity to them as speakers and people.

    If you mean something else by twinkle in the eye you are going to have to explain it.

    I concur, though I think she felt more than just him not being humourous. I pointed out it was a somber talk, but she said it was more than that. She said he felt hollow, but couldn't find the words to elaborate, though she didn't doubt his sincerity.

  8. Those were her words in response to the talk from last priesthood session, School thy Feelings O My Brother.

    She is a devout pentecostal as I may have shared, and I have hoped if I could get her to watch some of the teachings of President Monson that she may feel the spirit. It seems as though this is the opposite of what happened.

    Personally I understand what she is saying, as in a way I feel similar, though to a far less degree. And these things are disheartening as I was hoping to feel uplifited and that my mom might to some degree feel the spirit in a way she may have not before.

    I guess it's just going to take more time and chipping away at the rock :)

    What do you all think?

  9. Since I usually throw out all of my concerns to you guys anyway, might as well toss this one out there.

    I have been baptized for nearly a year, but I don't feel like I identify myself with the church. I don't feel like a Mormon. When I talk of the church I keep finding myself saying they, or the church, but not we, or I. Whenever I tallk about Joseph Smith being a prophet the words feel like I am mouthing them, like they are hollow and I don't really believe them.

    The logic in my mind is sound, the restoration, especially the authority part makes sense. I know I have believed in the church, but I can't shake these feelings.

    As always, what are your alls thoughts on this?

    I know I throw a lot of stuff out there, and I do appreciate you guys taking the time to comment.

  10. I don't want to paint what I am thinking as Mormons having a corner on the micracle and God markets, I am wondering mostly about (as an example) why God would tell Donnie Swagggrt to start a 24 hour TV station to preach the gospel, if that Gospel wasn't the fullness thereof.

    The only thing that makes it make any sense to me would be that if God were casting a wide net, prepping those who are ready for Jesus, but not Joseph Smith right now for the world to come, where they may be more pliable. If that be the case, it would make sense people are experiencing miracles and talking with God, he is preparing them for more to come.

    Does any of that make sense, and from where you all stand, is it congruent with the restored gospel?

  11. My topic here is in relation to those of other Christian denominations.

    I was watching Donnie Swaggart with my mother a few minutes ago and I got to wondering one of the questions that has been with me since conversion.

    What are they feeling?

    Donnie talks about God leading them to start a TV network to preach the gospel, this seems plausible, and you can't deny the conviction he shows. My parents experience manifestations of the holy spirit in the typical pentecostal fashion.

    Other churches still talk about God leading them to do things.

    All have experienced miracles, the pentecostal church came out of Asusa Street with some mighty miracles. Other churches witness miracles.

    But where I get stuck is I often wonder, what is it that is speaking to these people, their doctrines run contrary on many things, some in relation to salvation. Is God truly talking to them all, and if they are wrong, yet so sincere, why is God not leading them towards the church, especially if we have the keys to the celestial kingdom?

    It would seem to me people would be more drawn, but they don't seem to be, they seem to be so sure of their faith, that sometimes, it shakes mine...

    What do you guys think?


  12. In this case, the restored gospel.

    I believe I have a testimony, I know the things I have felt in relationship to the gospel. But as the need for faith would have it, the nature of how one of my strongest testimony building blocks came about still leaves me to think it is possible what I felt was not the spirit.

    One thing I always find myself doing is being critical and hyper analyzing everything said by apostles, and by people in the church, and also doing the same thing when reading the Book of Mormon. It seems I am always trying to fault find.

    I sincerely wish I could accept the church, and just move on, but it always seems like I am digging up the seed talked about in Alma 32...


    and Thanks!

  13. Well, I can get excited about stuff, and I think that is a point I also wanted to throw out there but forgot. In so many things, I feel like the seeds cast on the rocks from the parable of the sower. I spring up quickly, get excited about something, and then fall back into the status quo.

    Interestingly enough, I love gaming, I would call myself a gamer, but when it comes to sticking with something, unless the story has grabbed me, or I am really having a lot of fun I don't seem to be able to stick with something. I threw this in there because that was the manifestation of my seeming problem with apathy that was apparent at the time I posted this.

    No past diagnoses of anything, and my parents seem to be interested in things, mostly church (not LDS, which makes it fun), but dad likes cars and the history channel, mom likes cosby and such sitcoms, but they aren't out golfing or doing anything really.

    I don't know, I doubt I am clinically depressed, but I would like to have more drive or passion about at least -something- :)

  14. And I think I should reply and put the connection I am making in my own mind. I think the cause of not gaming is the same problem as my not caring, the apathy...

    I saw the connection but I want to make sure I am fleshing it out.

    Meeting new people is like my least favorite thing to do. I don't hyperventilate in crowds or anything, but going new places, doing new things, unless I was the one who came up with it, and even then sometimes, I get verrrry nervous.

  15. I just can't keep playing WoW, EQ, LotRO, EQII, EVE, SWG, WAR, CoD, BFBC2, or any game with any type of regularity. I keep hearing stories of those addicted to WoW, but I can't seem to get hooked, which only bothers me because my friends play. I want to play with them but I can't stay excited about it. Of course, the only reason I post this is because it carries over into other parts of my life in the form of apathy. I want to care, but usually I just feel like, Meh. I want to go to college, or at least do something with my life, but I have trouble sticking with things, even technical certs to show I know what I am talking about in relation to computers :)

    In that vein it feels like I really have to work to keep my testimony, I often feel I could turn, walk away from the restored gospel, going back to my pentecostal upbringing and not miss a beat, I usually always believe in God (or at least tell myself he's there and stop worrying about it), so I don't think I would walk away from all faith, but I feel like I could take down the first vision picture, Brother Joseph picture, Quorum of the 12 and the first presedency pictures, toss out the samuel the lamanite poster (What can I say, I went over the top since I converted a year ago), and not miss anything. But I do know what I have felt in relation to the church, so I plug on.

    In fairness, I haven't been to church in a month and a half as I've been spending the weekends at my brother's place. I should be able to go this weekend though, assuming I can get a ride. So I figure some of the weakness of faith is mine, but I still feel very similar even during times of activity.

    Wow, I didn't really think this topic needed to go this far, and I feel kinda off throwing this all out in front of strangers, but honestly, maybe a fresh set of eyes could be of help, so...

    Just wanted to get your thoughts on fighting apathy in general, both church and non church related.

  16. Snow is correct...this is a case of nothing more than Alma's hypothetical case. Even the Prophet Joseph Smith spoke about this in Leture 4 to the Apostles concerning the nature of GOD.

    (verse 13). God would cease to be God] "God cannot and will not cease to be God. His title, his status, and his exalted position are forever fixed and immutable. Nor need the Saints of God spend a particle of a second worrying and fretting about the Almighty falling from grace. Joseph Smith explained in the Lectures on Faith (lecture 4) that for the Saints to do so is to err in doctrine as to the true nature of God and thus fall short of that dynamic faith which leads to life and salvation. Alma's hypothetical case is just that- purely hypothetical. He is arguing toward the impossible, the absurd, to emphasize the logical certainty of the principle that mercy cannot rob justice. It is as if Alma had said: 'It is as ridiculous to suppose that mercy can rob justice and that men and women can break the laws of God with impunity, as it is to suppose that God can cease to be God.' In fact, Alma concludes, 'God ceaseth not to be God, and mercy claimeth the penitent, and mercy cometh because of the atonement.' (Alma 42:23)." (Robert L. Millet, Life in Christ, p. 78.)

    Is this Millet talking, or Joseph? I looked through Lecture 4 (Technically, I searched the Lectures for the word Cease) and find nothing mentioning the term. If I understand the versification of the Lectures 13 simply says he will always do right.

    I am not trying to say I think God will fall, I don't believe that for a second, but will and could are two different things.

  17. Hey why not.

    Alright, this was something I was thinking about, and I think this is my stance on the issue now.

    The Book of Mormon teaches God could cease to be God.

    The Bible Teaches God can't lie.

    With one fell swoop I was able to logically overcome the omnipotence problem, as well as some of the problems one might have with Jesus and the Father being God, but there only being one God.

    I submit, God is a title, and a name in English given to the Father.

    With that logic in mind, the statement God (Father) could cease to be God (Title). If God were to lie, he would change, and thus cease to be God. The requirements for the title are perfection and thus we know as long as God is God, he is perfect, and "not a man that he should lie."

    This also clears up Jesus, and God, being God, as both are perfect, and there being only one God (title). Jesus simply submits to the will of his father.

    I don't know if I explained it properly, but it does make a lot of sense to me...