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Everything posted by InquisitiveSoul

  1. As I have learned, answers don't always come immediately. I've asked for years about the Book of Mormon. Most of us are impatient people and forget The Lord works in his own way and time. He will give us the answer when we are ready and part of being ready is meeting the conditions Loud Mouth has mentioned. As I've prepared myself over the years I've finally started to receive answers to my questions. Not all of them have been answers, but I believe they will be addressed by The Lord when we are both ready. In the mean time I have to continue to prepare and do my part. I believe most people who ask haven't fully prepared for the answer yet. If they continue in diligence, they will receive.
  2. Part of the problem is any time the Government involves itself in private industry, they screw it up. If they didn't try to reinvent the wheel it may go better. Take Health Insurance, eliminate the restrictions on companies competing across state lines, pass some reasonable tort reform so Doctors don't have practice defensive medicine, and see how things go from there. Reasonable steps first. The truth is, it's not about Health Care, it's about "transforming" America into something it was never intended to be. In the end we will have only rich and poor in America as the middle class rapidly disappear. Of course I don't expect Wayne to understand any of this, he's simply a sheep being used by those who want to ruin America. They become caught up believing things like Health Care is a human right when it's a privilage. Wayne, there is a book called Animal Farm, I recommend it to you. It may help you see the role you have taken on.
  3. Have you been able to find a way to communicate and find solutions together?
  4. So she is finally starting to give me some information as to what the problem is. I don't know if we will resolve it or not. It's been a problem at various points in our marriage, but it's coming back up again. Do you think this is Satan working against us or is that a little much? I see we are starting to make some moves in the right direction and now it's caving in...what do you do?
  5. We went to marriage counseling for a while, she finally decided the counselor took my side and stopped going. This is where I heard Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder for the first time. Discussions are difficult to her as a common response is "I don't know" or "nothing." People who have this type of disorder don't seem to realize why others see them as difficult. It is as Margin of Error mentioned her way of managing conflict. Trying to ask questions and learn more about her feelings rarely works. Basic questions come across as nagging to her so it's difficult to put your finger on her pulse. You can't do anything about the Passive Aggressive part of her personality. I think you are right Margin of Error, the problem I have is finding out what is making her uncomfortable. Something has went off inside her over the weekend and I don't know what it is yet. I suppose my real question is should I try to teach her more about the gospel? Obviously I don't know everything, but I feel I understand the gospel well for and I've been studying for a long time. I don't want her to shut down further and feel nagged, but it would seem my responsibility here is to teach my family. What do you think? I have found over the years we've been married she communicates better through text messages or letters rather than face to face. I think my personality is difficult for her because I am the type who likes to find answers and resolve issues while she tends to avoid discussion.
  6. That's a possibility Gwen. She tends to withdraw if she feels stressed and perhaps the amount of material is causing a disconnect for her.
  7. I'm married to a woman who is Passive Aggressive. We have many ups and downs as anyone who has been around a Passive Aggressive will understand. At times she seems very positive about church and the possibilities of going to the temple and being sealed. Other times she has a negative or indifferent attitude. Sunday she expressed a deep frustration with not knowing where any of the books are in the Bible or Book of Mormon. I offered to assist her and she only became more difficult. She has told me she believes but she doesn't understand. I've spent a great deal of time looking into the church over the years and have come to a place of peace with things. It seems as soon as I have come to this place she begins to display some of her Passive Aggressive traits and telling me maybe I should just do it alone. I have been hoping to see the spirit work with her and help resolve some of the issues she has been dealing with through her life. I'm not certain what I should do - if anything - or if I should leave it alone and let her figure things out on her own. Any advice or thoughts on this?
  8. What I find funny at this stage in life RipplecutBuddha, is the number of people who expect to know and understand everything in regards to religion or spirituality. I've been one of the biggest offenders in my life in this regard, I've stayed away from the chruch because I thought I should know everything before I join and move forward. At this age with more experience and some new understandings I can see I will never understand everything.
  9. Hey Wisc, I'd forgot about You Really Got Me. Van Halen made it their own so much so I forget it's a Kink's song.
  10. Inside Job - Pearl Jam Fits well with where I am in life and religion. Here is a portion of the lyrics: Searching hope, I'm shown the way to run straight pursuing the greater way for all,... human light. How I choose to feel,... Is how I am. How I choose to feel,... Is how I am. I will not lose my faith It's an inside job today Holding on, the light of night On my knees to rise and fix my broken soul Again. Let me run into the rain To be a human light again
  11. Great post rameumptom! I agree with your points on Thomas Jefferson and the potential end of our Republic.
  12. Well hordak, you have to be careful with egg salad, it can turn on you in a hurry.
  13. Cheap Trick's version of Cold Turkey completely rocks. Might be their most rocking version of any song they do. Johnny Cash's version of Hurt is outstanding (NIN). Stone Temple Pilots version of Dancing Days (Zep) is killer too.
  14. I've read some speeches by Ezra Taft Benson where he discusses this in detail, suggesting it is true. Of course we all know where he stood politically, but if one of the Prophets discussed this in his Conference Talk, does it then make it doctrine? I'm reading comments all over these forums on various topics and several people have mentioned topics becoming doctrine when they are covered in General Conference. Does that mean in a couple of weeks that any topic the Prophet speaks on is considered doctrine? For example if he says to stay away from milk (of course he won't say that) but does milk become added to the Word of Wisdom?
  15. I've heard and read about the White Horse Prophecy - the Constitution will be hanging by a thread and church will save it - but is it a real prophecy? I've been trying to find more information. What do you know about it? My question, is the White Horse Prophecy part of Mormon Doctrine or is it one of those things that people become carried away with?
  16. One thing I'd suggest, I've been checking out the church for years. The break through for me has come recently and the thing that stands out after I visited Anti Web Sites is the negativity which radiates from these sites. The things of the Spirit and Light are POSITIVE. When searching for light and truth, you will not feel negative when you find it. Light and truth radiate positive energy. The spirit you have previously felt brought you light. Thus while some of these sites may feed you some truths, I've found nearly all of their truths are taken out of context. Best of luck to you!
  17. I've been studying the Mormon Church for quite some time and I'm about to join! There are words used by members where the meanings begin to blend, faith, believe, feel, and know. As you study and learn more you begin to have stronger feelings about things. As I was sitting in church last Sunday singing hymns, (we were singing How Great Thou Art) there was a strong spirit and by showing faith and starting to believe, when you mix in the feelings of the spirit it becomes a know. I don't know if this makes sense, but it's how it's come together for me. Know has various degrees when it comes to testimony. You know it's true, but it may not be to the same degree that you know your car is parked outside. If you are doing the right things including the intangibles, your know becomes stronger. It takes work as you probably already have found. I hope this helps.
  18. That's right! It's a fine line they walk between being saved and having a blank check to sin and not really ever being saved at all. From talking to some of these folks, I think the actual idea which becomes misunderstood is they are saved even if they make mistakes as we all do. The blank check idea that some seems to suggest has to be false doctrine.
  19. So if it's once saved always saved and you ran off to join the Mormons, are you still saved by the Southern Baptist standard? If so, you are covered on 2 fronts! :)
  20. Not to speak out of turn, but i'm curious: do local church leaders put more emphasis on working with inactive members who have been through the temple over inactive members who have not?
  21. Thanks LM! I always enjoyed Beavis and Butthead too. The Great Cornholio always cracked me up. One can make a case it is better to stay away from soft drinks in general as they can be a form of addiction, same with candy or any other treats with sugar. As for Pornography and more crude Rated R Movies, I'd suggest these fall under the question about being Morally Clean. There are so many areas one can look at for a higher law or a way to improve their lives. All of these areas are good places to start. Sometimes, especially lately, I feel like the person in the parable who takes his one talent and buried it away. I feel like I have been lazy in so many areas and really need to dig in and find a way to contribute and make a difference. Perhaps the way to do this is to join and be active in the church.
  22. There is a line drawn called the Temple Recommend Interview. From what I understand, this is the standard for how you are judged. I've looked up the questions and they seem fairly basic. However, having been exposed to the Church and different members for much of my life, I've also heard about "implied" rules which you aren't specfically asked about in interviews. For example, Rated R Movies. For many years I operated on the assumption that if I was to go to a movie with a Mormon friend, it would be to a non Rated R movie. Also, if I was inviting my Mormon friend over to the house I should have some Sprite or some Juice on hand because they wouldn't be having any Pepsi. Which leads me to my question: as you begin to find more success living on the right side of the line and hold a Temple Recommend, do you then move forward making an effort to live a "Higher Law" such as a life without Pepsi, Rated R Movies, and then wear Holy Underwear? Is this Higher Law (sorry I don't know whatelse to call it) discussed or implied in any way?
  23. I'm seriously considering it. As I said, I still have some pondering to do, but I feel far more at peace with things now then I have before. The Laban story doesn't bother me as much as it did before. Many of my questions about Joseph Smith have been resolved, so I'm moving that way.
  24. That was it too Dravin. You hit it on the head, we looked at one another and I thought he was going to say something more, but that was it. I should add, from what I've read, it wasn't uncommon for a man to be a Mason in the early to mid 1800s. Probably the reason why his "revelation" didn't shock me.
  25. It seems the church romances the Joseph Smith story. The pictures you've mentioned do paint a different picture of how the translation was done. At this point I feel on board with everything I've learned. I've been doing a lot of reading in the Book of Mormon and a lot of studying in other areas. I don't have any objections to any of the doctrine as I understand it. I'm still praying and considering everything, but I think I'm ready to move forward with the church as I've been checking it out for a long time. I did have my former Mormon co worker inform me today that Joseph Smith was a Mason. I sat at my desk looking at him waiting for him to drop the other shoe, but it was all he had for me. I guess I failed to grasp just how damning it is that Joseph Smith was a Mason.