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Everything posted by Baycitygirl

  1. I kind of wondered the same thing, not so much why it hasn't been added but why it hasn't been written and distributed in a book. If we are all suppose to follow the prophets word it's a little hard to know about any changes or additions when you are new to the church or like me reactivated after many, many years. I do know that we are told that The ensign magazine is considered modern day scripture because it has the teachings of the currents prophets in them monthly. My husband and I were just discussing this very topic and he wanted know were he could get a list of all the new guidelines since the D&C. We were discussing whether or not energy drinks go against the teachings of the church. I said yes because we have been advised by the Prophets to not drink them, he wanted to see it in black and white. I'm sure I could go dig through past ensigns and find exactly what and when and which prophet said it. Now correct me if I am wrong but when Joseph Smith translated the BofM and did the D&C wasn't there a portion of sealed plates left to be opened at a later time? Maybe it's coming.
  2. I should repent of everything now. I just went through some repentance steps and that is the one thing the bishop asked everytime we met, "is there anything else you need to repent of". He really should tell him now, especially if the bishop has asked him if there was anything else, if he says no then he has lied to the bishop which is even worse. Besides why prolong the repentance process, get it all done and over with at once. My prayers are with you, your husband and your bishop.
  3. Asking the Spirit through prayer is always a good way. We have the missionaries for dinner every week and they have said that one of the best ways to invite the Spirit is through song. I believe that, I usually always have spiritually uplifting music or even the hymns playing in my house. When you turn the tv on instead there is a definite difference in the atmosphere. So I think music is a really good way. But I think the beast way is through prayer.
  4. I agree with Dravin. I would suggest a flushing ceremony.
  5. my life was spinning out of control. i was losing my husband, my kids, my dignity, my life. i spent a really hard night one night looking back over my life and realized was i was searching for and needed i had once. i knew i needed to get back, so made a call to the missionaries. got my 14 yr old baptized finally and my husband and i are 3 weeks a way from getting our recommends back. life made a complete turn around. i went from contemplating divorce to being happy again, living in chaos to peace, and watching my kids becoming strangers to being best friends with them. I thank Heavenly Father everyday!!!
  6. You should go. I think you may be surprised at the welcome you get and how comfortable they will make you feel. Go and enjoy, I love enrichment night!