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Everything posted by Sitamoia

  1. A troll is someone who posts messages that are off topic and designed purely to get other poster's knickers in a knot. They don't usually last too long because they are usually outed due to their disagreement of the basic premise of a site. A troll here would be someone who disagrees with with the basic ideas and beliefs of the lds church and stirs others up by posting deliberately inflammatory posts/threads rather than someone who is questioning to find out more or someone who disagrees with an opinion.
  2. So what is the difference between church (if that is the right word) and temple? People who don't have temple recommend would go to church or a service so is it only those other things (sealings, baptisms for the dead etc) or do they have services (if that is the right word) as well? What does it take to get a temple recommend? If there is a link to where I can find the answers please post rather than repeating what is already there :) Thanks in advance.
  3. I came because I am basically curious about faith in whatever form it takes. I have always had an interest in religion but have never joined any church/religion myself. I also believe that if I am going to comment about a religion or offer an opinion about it then I should at least hear/read first hand information rather than what people 'think' it is all about.
  4. I wasn't brought up with any religious beliefs - my grandparents were (technically speaking) C of E although neither in my memory were regular church goers. I recall going to church at Christmas - like many people I guess - and trips to England always involved going into old churches and walking through the graveyards. I still find both places to be both peaceful and fascinating but do not attend any church myself. Having never been into an LDS church (or should it be temple?) (whether empty or full) I cannot say whether they have that same feeling. Whether they are as formal/informal, welcoming/standoffish as others. How important was the reception you got at the first service/meeting you went to in sealing your decision/feeling that LDS were the right ones for you? My mother's family believed in life after death (and life before birth - in a spiritual sense if that makes sense) and I was named in a spiritualist church and was given the name of the angel who was to look after me. So religion has never been a strong focus in my life but a desire to know more about religion has always been there. I have just never felt that any have been like the last jigsaw piece - that perfect fit that many seem to find. And you are right mormonmusic - every church says that they are the one and only way to heaven and/or eternal life which for people wanting to find the 'true' church can be very confusing - are they all really just a different way of worshiping the same God by a different name or is it a matter of eternal life that you get it right? What if you pick the wrong one but have followed the rules and believed with all your heart? Is having a religion (whether the 'right' one or not) essential to having good morals and values or is it just an added bonus in that respect? Apologies if any questions seem nosy or rude - I guess I am just as curious as my four cats :)
  5. A question from the curious :) What is it that told you the LDS church was the one for you - rather than Baptist/Catholic/Episcopalian/Islam/Buddhism etc. I have always had an interest in religion but have never joined a church and wonder what it is that tells people they have found the right church/religion (or at least the right one for them?) Is it because the church fits what you already believe? Is there a realisation of 'This is what I have been looking for" or just having the certain knowledge that this is the only church you could belong to?
  6. Quite aside from the beliefs aspect of his desires he sounds as though he is trying to convince you that the only way to really show how much you love him is to leap into the first available bed with him - emotional blackmail is a nasty thing and giving in to something you are not sure about because someone else is pushing you into it will only leave you confused and feeling as though you have been cheated. Perhaps taking some time away from him - it doesn't need to be weeks and weeks - will give you some head space to decide where you want to go from here.
  7. Hello. I am a 38 year woman who lives in New Zealand. I do not belong to any religion and have not come here with the intention of becoming a member of the church. I have, however always had an interest in religion, other beliefs and why they have chosen one church/religion over another. I also believe that if you are going to pass comment about a group then you need to do your own research and not just take the word of media or those who know nothing but have their own opinions based on who knows what. I will look forward to learning more from people who actually live the religion not just view it from the outside.