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itsanaddictionx's Achievements

  1. I find it to be easy. Modesty wise, that's the easiest for me. I've never been into revealing clothes and the most revealing I'd ever go would be a one-piece bathing suit. :) But with spiritual and daily struggles, though, it does get a bit harder there. Trying to live like Christ would is a bit hard for me, for I sometimes judge a person before I know them, whereas He would not do that. It gets easier with trial and error, and also knowing my Heavenly Father is always there when I need guidance surely does make the burden easier. Not that I'm saying living like Christ is a burden. But the challenges of daily life in this world is a growing burden day in, day out. Do not forget to look to our Heavenly Father and the Gospel for guidance. He will help show you the way, and His words will help lighten your load. :)
  2. I am ISFJ - Defender 1. Introverted 89% 2. Sensing 1% 3. Feeling 62% 4. Judging 89% It was pretty close. I'm a bit more sensing and a lot less judging, but that's just my opinion. :)
  3. Hello, friends! It's been a while since I posted here. If you do not know me, my name is Jacqueline. I am sixteen years old and am not LDS, for my mother will not allow it while I am a minor, but I am looking forward to converting when I turn eighteen (June 15th, 2012 eee!) and following God's true path to eternal life. I hope I will become friends with some of you, maybe even all of you. May our Heavenly Father bless you as His sons and daughters, as He has blessed me. :) xo <3
  4. No, my parents will not let me join the church, but that does not bring me down. I will join once I turn 18 (:
  5. I go to a non-denominational church. They don't expect you to go every Sunday for service or every Wednesday for youth group, but they get a bit worried of you don't go at all for two weeks. I've gone to the same church all my life, so I'm not sure how they do the whole membership thing. They are quite pushy about everyone in the church attending functions and will get upset if you do not go, so that is a requirement to go to summer camps, picnics, parties, fundraisers, etc. It is also required that you dress a bit modestly. No short skirts, no tube tops, no short shorts. They also require you to tithe weekly for the church, and monthly for local missionaries. That is all that I know.
  6. Good morning, sunshine. The Earth says 'hello!' My name is Jacqueline and I am 16 years old. Though I am not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I believe that this is the one and only true church and am planning on joining the church once I turn 18. I cannot wait to talk to all of you and get to know you. May the Lord bless you all the days of your life :)