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Everything posted by livingstone

  1. Who said the second type of tongue is rare?? There are eight operations of tongues recorded in the Bible, And everyone is important for the Church today.
  2. The tongue that needs an inerpretation is only one of the eight operations of tongues. And that is one of the gifts of the Spirit, 1 Cor 12: 10. It is different to our everyday Holy Ghost tongues. Mk 16: 17. Mk 16: 17 says everyone can speak in tongues, But 1 Cor 12: 10 says, "ONE IS GIVEN" Tongues that'll be interpretate.
  3. There are about eight different operations of tongues recorded in the Bible. A foriegn languege inspired by the Holy Spirit is one, Acts 2: 4--11. Then there is a operation of tongues that no man can understand, Only God. 1 Cor 14: 2. This is different to Acts 2:4--11. The gift of the Holy Ghost, with spealing in tongues has been given to the Church and has never ceased, And it won't end until the Church age is over.
  4. [1] The underlined is in the Bible. Matt 24: 14. Matt 28: 18--20. The Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers and disciples took the gospel all over the world. The gospel and the power of God has always been in the TRUE CHURCH, And always will be. Today God has many ways of getting the gospel out to the people, We have satalight TV, we have the internet, And we have fast airoplanes to get us around the world to preach the gospel. [2]Give me at least two Bible scriptures that say people have a chance after they die. You have made a statement, So back it up with scriptures. And not 1 Cor 15: 29, Becaue Paul wasn't making a doctrine out of baptisms for the dead. Why he said what he said, was There was a group of people who were baptising for the dead, So paul just stated the fact,, "If there is no resurrection, Why do you baptise for the dead". Not only that, But you need at least two scripturs to build a doctrine, And there is no scriptures that state you can baptise for the dead. I came on this forum to see what LDS believe, And I can see that they don't believe the Bible, AND I HAVEN'T BEEN ON THIS FORUM FOR A DAY YET.
  5. I am a born again Spirit filled tongue talking child of God who moves in the gifts of the Spirit. I believe the whole Bible and Sola scriptura. I am a Saint and it is the latter days. So in the Biblical way I am a true and proper later day saint.
  6. [1]Give me at least two Bible scriptures that say we have a chance after death. [2]Read what Acts 17: 30 says, DOES IT OR DOES IT NOT SAY. God overlooks ignorance?? Until one hears and knows the gospel, They are ignorant, But having said that, Everyone has the chance to hear the gopsel, God has lots of ways of getting His word out to people. And once a person hears the gospel, They have to respond in this life.
  7. [1] Paul wasn't making a doctrine of baptising for the dead in 1 Cor 15: 29. He was just stating the fact of the resurrection. And some people were doing baptism for the dead. You need at least two scriptures to build a Biblical doctrine And 1 Cor 15: 29 isn't one of them. So Two Bible scriptures that sa you can be baptised for the dead. [2]What has Malachi 4: 5-6 and Heb 11: 40, Got to do with having a chance after death. Malachi 4:5--6 is talking about John the baptist, He came to prpare the way for Jesus. Yopu are twisting what the Bible says, That is a sign of a false cult. [3] Show me where the Bible says people get a chance after death. I want clear scriptures,[At least two], The Bible says, By two or three witnesses let every word be established, So At least two scriptures please.
  8. You say you believe the Bible, But do you know what it says??. God warns of the dangers of adding to His word. "WHAT DO YOU DO WITH THOSE VERSES"??
  9. People do get offensive when they hear the real truth, "The Bibles's truth". I don't care what degree you have, If what you believe doesn't match what the Bible says, It isn't of God. You tell me how the mormens started, And I will tell you if they are of God or the devil.
  10. [1]God said, [in the Bible] "You can't add to His word, or take away from His word". So if you believe the Bible, You know you can't add anything more to what God has already said in the Bible. [2]The Bible says it is adequate to complete us, And as that is true, We don't need anything else. [3]So read the Bible, Do what Poverbs 3: 5-6 says, Ask God to teaveal truth to you, Have an open mind and a teachable spirit and be willing to repent and turn to God'd teal truth,[The Bible]
  11. If you think there is a difference between what the Bible says and what the Mormon book says, You'll have to change your believeing, Because God won't change His word to suit you. God says you can't add to, or take away from His words that are recorded in the Bible. God warns of the danger of adding to and taking away.
  12. The Bible is compleat, God warns of the dangers of Adding to and taking away from His word. God inspired the translators to put into the Bible,[AS we have it today], Everything we need for salvation, To Grow in God, faith, knowledge and love. God confirms His word [The Bible] with signs following.
  13. The Bible's gospel is all you need for salvation. It isn't limited, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT SILLY IDEAR FROM?? God warns of the dangers about adding to His word, You can't add anything else to what God has said in the Bible. God also warns of the dangers of taking away from His word.
  14. I am a person who believes the Bible and eccepts the truth in it.
  15. [1]Where doese the Bible say that God offers salvation after one dies.?? [2]God has given a way for everyone to te ceive or reject Jesus, Everyone will know the gospel before they die, Except for those in the remotest places who may never hear the gospel. But Jesus said the gospel will be preached in all the world before the end. God has found a way for all to receive or reject, WHY DID YOU SAY HE HASN'T?? [3] I think you should take a look at Acts 17: 30 and tell me what it says, ARE YOU CALLING GOD A LIAR.
  16. God in His mercy Sent Jesus to die for everyone, Those who reject His free offer of salvation have chosen their own destiny. God gave every one a free will, And never forces people to do evil.
  17. That is true, But only in this life. Everyone will hear the gospel in their lifetime, And it is up to them what they do with what they know. If anyone in a remote island never hears the gospel, God will overlook their ignorance. Acts 17: 30 says God overlooks ignorance.
  18. The Bible says in Acts 17: 30. That God overloooks ignorance, So if anyone has never heard the gospel, God won't hold them acountable. It is only when one hears the gospel that God will hold them acountable for what they do with it. God is a loving God And a just God, It wouldn't be fair if God condemned a person who didn't know anything about salvation.
  19. Thats because you don't know how to understand the Bible, And a lot of people get it wrong because they don't know how to understand the Bible. You need to know who is doing the talking, Is it [A] God, A Bible character, [C] The Bible translaters, [there are lots of translations of the Bible that are wrong in places] [D] The the Bible teacher. When you understand that, You'll see the Bible isn't full or errors. As for it not being clear on important issues, IT IS, When you know what the original Hebrew and Greek texts says. For instance, The Hebrew word for, "God" in Gen 1: 1., Is "Elohim" it is a plural meaning. And Gen 1: 26, God backs it up by saying, God, "Elohim" .[plural] said, Let US,[plural] make man in OUR,[PLURAL] image after OUR [plural] likeness. Gen 3: 22. God "Elohim" [plural] said man has become as one of, US, [plural]. God made the trinity very clear in the very first book of the Bible. There is sno way it can be twisted, Because the original Hebrew text backs up those verses. Some people say, Elohim means Angels, "Rulers and mighty beings", [WHICH IT CAN] But not in the contexts of Gen 1: 26 and Gen 3: 22. because they never created anythibg. God and God alone is the creator.
  20. I joined this forum to find out what the LDS believe and how they started. So I don't know what they teach, But I know catholics don't teach Biblical truths. They DO twist the scriptures to try to form their beliefs, Such as purgaory,Praying to Mary, priests giving absolution to name some of their wrong doctrines. If you say with what the Bible teaches, You can't go wrong
  21. If you were truely born again, You had all the evidence you needed. I can't see how a person who had a real born again experience can do what you did. Check you walk-away experience with Hebrew 6: 4--6 and Heb 10: 26--31. God wouldn't call you into a mormon faith, If God was calling you back, It would be into a Charismatic type of Church that teach the rebirth, the baptism in the Holy Ghost and where the Holy Spirit is moving and the Gifts of the Spirit are in operation.
  22. People fall int error when the move away from the Biblical teachings. If anything doesn't agree with the Bible, It isn't from God.
  23. God and His word are one, Therefore the Bible is God speaking to us, And revealing truth. We get to know God through the Bible's teachings. We, Through knowledge , belief and exceptance of the Bible can have a deep relationship with God, In fact if a person doesn't have a relationship with God, They aren't saved. The Bible teaches the rebirth into the family of God, It teaches that all born again believers can and should have the Holy Ghost and His gifts. God will only confirm His word, And the Bible is His word.
  24. It is a waste of time because it is to late when a person is dead. They chose their destiny while they are alive on the earth.