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porterrockwell's Achievements

  1. My only suggestion to you would be to sacrifice some time you may usually set aside and perform charitable acts for those in need. If you have a family, include them in this service. You will find that as you serve your fellow man you will feel an increase in love for them and understand somewhat of what your Father in Heaven feels for them. This same love is the substance that supplied a supernal sacrifice called the atonement. That element of giving is the true spirit of christmas. THat is all I feel compelled to offer as advice. THis self same method has been a wonder for me in my life.
  2. For me it all started when I decided to go on a mission at 19. At 20 I sent in my papers and was called to the OHIO-Cincinatti mission. I was in the MTC Jan. 14 of 2004. I was feeling good, loving the MTC, trying to love some of the guys going to Cincy with me and getting the itch to get out and start proselyting. Unfortunately, I am manic(and hadn't yet figured it out), and it came on full tilt right before Feb. 1st. It was a friday, and I had talked to a counselor about my anxiety and depression that I was experiencing, so he got me on some temporary medication for the weekend. That next monday I was called into the office at the middle of lunch and told I was going home and I had two hours to pack and get on the shuttle headed for SLC. So I got sent home and was really down, for a good few months. Then the counselor I was seeing just happened to be LDS and was called to be the branch president of a branch about a half hour away from my house(in Lakewood, Washington about 10 minutes from Tacoma). He told me it was small and the church was going to dissolve it if it didn't make it, so this was it's last chance. Well, I accepted the call(along with my sister as well, my irish twin) to go and help build up the branch and get it going. The first sunday that I walked into the chapel I saw 6 Young Adults. That's it. However, through much hard work, those of us who started out as the originals of that branch developed a bond like that of a close-knit family. Within 6 months we were above 50 members and by a year it had leveled off at about 88 members. Not to mention that 75-80 percent of our "sacrament meeting attendance" also attended FHE, Institute, and all other activities provided by the branch. Then the call came from my homeward bishop to return to my mission, but this time in the Temple. So I did. When I first got to Bellevue and started working at the Temple things were going well. Then medication troubles set in and by my 6 month mark in through my 8th month I was at my "Gordon B Hinckley moment". I didn't feel useful, like I was becoming anything, and that it was a waste of money to have me here. I just wanted to quit. However, my homeward bishop sat me down and got me to focus. That is when I started doing ordinance work in the Temple and since then I have found the extra energy I have needed to make it through my trials. I will also be returning to the Bridgeport Branch, and instead of just saving the ward from dissolving I feel a great desire to labor in making it a ward. So that is my story, there is more to it than that, but I don't think anyone really wants to read a novel online. I'm just glad I have experienced what I did, because now I will never be able to deny what I know to be true. This Church, my God, the Lord and Savior even Jesus the Christ, his Holy House, those wonderful and sacred Temples in which we bring families together forever to live with our Heavenly Father in happiness that is never ending. The spirit of that temple hones and refines me, and slowly but surely uproots the natural man within my being and brings me closer to that Christ-like submission to the divine nature of which I so humbly wish to attain. That is my witness. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
  3. First of all, salvation or being "saved" will come to you regardless of whether or not you accept Jesus Christ and his teachings. It is an infinite atonement, unless you become a son of perdition(which very few will ever have the chance to do), you will recieve a level of glory. Now, exaltation on the other hand is a different matter, to enter back into the presence of the Father recquires not just the first principles and ordinances of the gospel-which are 1. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, 2. Repentance, 3. Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, 4.Laying on of hands by the gift of the Holy Ghost(by one have authority and being commisioned of Jesus Christ...by line of authority)-but also EVERY saving ordinance available to the human family through the Lord's sacred Temples. Not to mention ADHEARING to the covenants you make and taking the neccessary steps to repentance when such covenants are violated. I can't personally understand this whole "pray and be cleansed" deal with the EV's. The spirit within us needs a chance to heal, a process by which to refrain and strengthen itself against it's former weaknesses. Do they not understand combating the carnal nature and that without process there can be no cleansing effect? Unfortunately I have a dear friend who is mormon and believes all you have to do is pray and you are forgiven(even for the major stuff), and i can see nothing more dangerous or cancerous than such a perceptions and understanding(or lack thereof) of the atonement and how it works in our lives. To say that one need only accep Jesus Christ and nothing after that can keep from the presence of God is a petty and irresponsible concept. If I am correct in my understanding the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings one to a knowledgeable and accountable state. The "EV way" takes accountability out of their hands and returns them to a terrestrial state as they were in the garden of Eden(in concept), hence the fall means nothing and you are no more like him than Adam and Eve were and this probationary period is meaningless. Let's not forget that you have also limited what the Atonement can do for you and you fall short of the measure your Father in Heaven created you for. You do nothing to honor his glory by existing in such a way either. I apologize for the soap box, but just some things that needed to come out. Plus, it's my P-day, so, other than studying the scriptures all day and listening to 2005 General Conference on CD I have nothing better to do.
  4. Because religion (yours and theirs) was created by man for man. The Creator, whomever or whatever that is, had nothing to do with it. And if a given religion does not satisfy the needs of it's adhearents, then they must of necessity move on. Now you know. ← The only thing I KNOW(and I'm not talking "by faith,"...I KNOW), is that the true church of Jesus Christ is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. "The Creator, whomever and whatever that is"? Surely you cannot be serious, the foundation of any belief regardless of being a deist, Jew, EV, or Mormon will and must always be one of faith. Now, that being said to exercise faith and recieve the righteous fruits of such a principle one must practice such within that of the true church as consecrated by the gift of the Holy Ghost(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.). Most of the time men and women leave the Church of Jesus Christ because they have injured themselves through living outside of their convenants and been left to the buffetings of the adversary. If any be offended by that statement, you will not recieve an apology from me. You choose not believe the truth once you have been brought through the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 36 Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither must ye lay aside your faith, for ye have only exercised your faith to plant the seed that ye might try the experiment to know if the seed was good. 37 And behold, as the tree beginneth to grow, ye will say: Let us nourish it with great care, that it may get root, that it may grow up, and bring forth fruit unto us. And now behold, if ye nourish it with much care it will get root, and grow up, and bring forth fruit. 38 But if ye aneglect the tree, and take no thought for its nourishment, behold it will not get any root; and when the heat of the sun cometh and scorcheth it, because it hath no root it withers away, and ye pluck it up and cast it out. 39 Now, this is not because the seed was not good, neither is it because the fruit thereof would not be desirable; but it is because your aground• is bbarren, and ye will not nourish the tree, therefore ye cannot have the fruit thereof. 40 And thus, if ye will not nourish the word, looking forward with an eye of faith to the fruit thereof, ye can never pluck of the fruit of the atree• of life. 41 But if ye will nourish the word, yea, nourish the tree as it beginneth to grow, by your faith with great diligence, and with apatience, looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take root; and behold it shall be a tree bspringing• up unto everlasting life. 42 And because of your adiligence and your faith and your patience with the word in nourishing it, that it may take root in you, behold, by and by ye shall pluck the bfruit• thereof, which is most precious, which is sweet above all that is sweet, and which is white above all that is white, yea, and pure above all that is pure; and ye shall feast upon this fruit even until ye are filled, that ye hunger not, neither shall ye thirst. 43 Then, my brethren, ye shall areap the brewards of your faith, and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth cfruit• unto you. Remember Jason, you always have a choice...how are your roots?
  5. True, but you better know the emotional stability and mental maturity of the person you are kissing before you make that kissing start happening. You can create a lot messes for yourself and for them. I just don't understand why it is so hard to follow the GA's and the Brethren. The last time I checked I raised my right arm to the square and sustained the Twelve as prophets, seers, and revelators, as well as any other good standing member of the church. They speak on these topics with the insight they do for a reason. But then again, I will always advocate the admonitions of the Brethren no matter how staunch they may seem.
  6. Well, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Elder Bell. I was BIC(born into the covenant) raised all around the Pacific Northwest. During high school I heavily questioned whether or not I wanted to go on a mission. At 19 I decided I would be a fool not to spread the what I had received in the Gospel to others who were waiting in darkness. So I sent in my papers in (mid or late)November, got them back a week and a half later and was in the MTC Jan. 14 2004. I was called to the OHIO-Cincinnati mission. On February 1st I was sent home on medical release(manic depressive). After being sent home I felt dejected and incapable of returning to the mission field. In late February while meeting with my counselor(who is LDS) I was notified by him that he was being called to be a Branch President of a branch in Lakewood, Washington that was struggling and being given one last chance before it was dissolved. There were about 5 or 6 individuals(Young single adults) actually attending and he extended an "unofficial call" for me to help him build the branch. Which I accepted. I spent that next year in Elders Quorum Presidency working to help build up the branch, and from what started at 6 souls(much like the start of the church...wink..j/k) ended when I left at 80+. In that time I gained a knowledge and testimony of Church government and revelation. Little did I know that the Lord was preparing me to return to the mission field. Approximately one year later my home ward bishop called me in and requested that I return on a mission to the Seattle Temple and finish my call. That is where I am today, since I have been here I have worked on the grounds, in the cafeteria, and as of a few weeks ago and ordinance worker. Being in the temple as much as I have has started the refining process within me and around me that will help me return to Heavenly Father, and to lead a christ-like life. I have also since serving in the Temple(I have nine months left on my call) joined the Bellevue Institute Council and found an even greater love for unity and scripture than I had before. I do not understand how anyone can doubt the Lord's matchless work. Or how one can stray from the warmth that permeates from the Gospel and living it's standards. How blessed are we brothers and sisters to have the truth in the Latter Days.
  7. Im talking about making out. And if you feel as though you can "arouse" sexual passion without getting into trouble then that is your deal. But I would recommend against it(at least previous to marriage..) and I believe I stand with the prophet on that one.
  8. Its only a put down if its after the 1st date. And also, we want what we cant have...so if I just went around putting out. How desirable would I be? ← Kissing on the first or even the second, maybe even the third, is over-rated. Where is the extreme pleasure of anticipation? If you are going to kiss someone that you care about or be kissed by someone that you care about, for me anticipation is everything. HOWEVER, I have to believe the prophets. Kissing should be reserved for a relationship that is going somewhere as opposed to a goodnight recreation at the door. But I am a picky woman, so following the prophets advice is easy. What's that saying about having to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince? Frog-kissing is highly over-rated. ← Even if you aren't picky, kissing should be reserved for something special. Keep the passion out of it as well. I know that sounds prude, but it always starts with passionate kissing and goes very much down hill from there. And yes, if anyone is wondering I practice very much what I preach.
  9. I do not remember the General Authority who gave the quote, but in short stated "When a Latter-Day Saint marries outside of the faith, that individual has left their agency in the hands of a spouse that may or may not accept the Gospel." Regardless of your opinion on the topic, I don't see how anyone would want to sacrifice Eternal Life for a 30, 40, or 50+ year TEMPORAL relationship that can't ultimately bring you the fulness of joy that our Heavenly Father experiences. Not to mention you are introducing children into the world without the covenant, and that could end up resting upon your head and the great and terrible day of judgement. To me it is black and white. Unless that person is willing to get baptized(with an honest witness of the Holy Ghost) and live worthily to enter the temple, it just doesn't seem worth it. But again, I like to adhere as faithfully to the doctrine of the church as I possibly can.
  10. I have a friend serving a temple mission at the Seattle Temple too actually, small world. :) However, unless my friend or yours has ever been in the room...how can you categorically say what it is or isn't? Not that my testimony rests on all temples HAVING to have a Holy of Holies...but if you read in the OT, the original Mosaic Holy of Holies (Kodesh ha Kodashim in Hebrew) wasn't terribly large. Closet-sized is pretty ambiguous...I've seen some pretty huge walk-in closets myself. But then, maybe the prophet likes walking all the way to the 5th floor to hang his coat in his special closet. :) ← Is your friend's name Josh? If so then it is me. From what I gathered only a select few Temples have Holy of Holies. By the way LeGrand, I met your grandfather while working at the temple on Friday(Just got my white coat), cool guy, we are also all praying for your dad. Keep the faith brother.
  11. I'll get your dad on the Prayer role at the Temple. Where are you from AK and if you want to email me your dad's name I can take care of that for you.
  12. Dyed in the wool, true blue through and through. Nice to be back on the board, tis been a while.
  13. , "Oh, and the prophet goes there too...he's got a room set aside for him." Holy of Holies perhaps? :) ← Not a Holy of Holies. I have a dear friend who works(Im a Temple Missionary there) at the Seattle Temple and she says it's nothing more than a closet sized room with a door.
  14. First of all, politics can be a very successful modicum of progress. However, where we see degradation of such a platform for government is when activist judges start "darwinizing" the the Constitution. Second, I don't see any issue but the war that Democrats should be up in arms about with the president at this point. Me being a young conservative see this 2 term individual for what he is. A spender. We have massive power within the ranks and a majority around every corner...not to mention the leverage of the vote from the american people and we still can't buckle down and stick to our fiscally responsible measures. Someone made a good point on the Mike Savage show a little while back. We have had the Bush's and a Clinton in the whitehouse and the deficit has soured under their control. Now I would expect such a thing from bill clinton. But not from Bush 41 or Georgy Porgy. Thank goodness I am Mormon, because when the country seems to outright stink, I can just get into the government that doesn't let the people down.
  15. Let's not forget that the Lord said not to run faster than ye are able. The Jews got to wrapped up in knowledge and forgot the basic precepts of intelligence. Intelligence is the Glory of God, but knowledge without the application and subjection to intelligence is useless in the kingdom of God and adverse to the Glory and light thereof. The Lord makes known the things of his kingdom through plain and simple manner.