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  1. My male missionaries don't come in my home unless my husband or one of my kids ages 22 and 24 are present. They will come back at a more appropriate time.
  2. Hi Niki, I just recently went back to church after being gone for just as many years. If you don't know anyone in the ward look for the missionaries and sit with them, the church has Sacrament every Sunday now. Also since I was away for so long I attend the Gospel Principles class. After being gone for so long I need a refresher and this class fits the bill. Ask the teacher if you can keep your book so you can study it at home. After that you'll go to Relief Society and that is very enjoyable. At some point you will want to introduce yourself to the Bishop. Don't be scared he will be glad to meet you. Welcome home Niki.
  3. The hardest thing for me to quite is my tea.
  4. For any function that includes food and drinks. Like for Halloween our ward has "Trunk or treat" when the kids go from trunk to trunk there is no chocolate allowed. I don't know why. I figure it was the Word of Wisdom. My dentist has always told my kids if you have to eat candy eat chocolate because it doesn't stick to your teeth.
  5. Sorry, I was just going by the ward I go to they don't allow caffeinated sodas and chocolate candy is also a no no along with coffee and tea. Thank you for your correction.
  6. Why isn't caffeinated medications against the Word of Wisdom? For example we can take Excedrine which one of it's generics name is "Migraine Relief" which has 65mg of caffeine but we can't drink a Coke that has 35mg of caffeine. Can someone explain.
  7. Toby

    What happens

    Now that I returned after being away for 9+ yrs. Do I have to talk to the bishop? Do I have to be accepted back to into the ward by the ward? I'm sitting in the Gospel Principles class. Do I have to confess my sins all over again? Although I was temple worthy when I left I know I have to work back to being temple worthy again. I just don't know what to expect now that I'm back.
  8. Something like that but it wasn't anything I did. I was temple worthy when I left. I was 1st counselor in RS at the time.
  9. Hi Heber13, It just seemed like all the reasons I became inactive are now gone or no longer important. So I went back. Toby
  10. Hi all, I'm a convert that has been inactive for 9 years and have just returned back to my ward. I'm married and have grown children but I'm the only member in my family. It felt good to be back. While I was inactive the missionaries would still stop by my home once a month. It was those visits and the fact that they never gave up on me that made me want to come back. Toby