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  1. The purpose of the temple is to show you how to enter back into the presence of the father. It is quite literally a step by step process and some of what is in the temple is symbolic, however most is not. At some point you will be instructed to consider yourself as Eve. At the very beginning put yourself in the position of being a part of everything happening up to Eve. Do it. It's weird at first but do it. Place yourself in her shoes and do everything as though you are there at that stage. Everything that happens in the temple is in order. Step 1, step 2, step 3, etc. So if the endgame in the temple is to pass through the veil and there are things that need to be done BEFORE that happens, then I would assume that these things actually need to be done before we can enter into the presence of the Father. It is overwhelming the first time, but the reason we go back over and over again is not because the dead need it, though that's a great secondary reason, it's so that we while in this life can figure this process out and DO IT. Otherwise, we could just wait for death and get it all done there. So enjoy, put yourself in those shoes(just swap places even), and listen. Great things are there, but even greater come later.
  2. Part of any true repentance is restitution. How can she truly repent if she is not willing to give back what she has taken? Just a thought.
  3. Can I +1 this? I didn't want to say anything, but red flags went up for me too. Defensiveness is kind of a marker.
  4. I hear a lot about "the power of the atonement" and that it can "fix" all problems. One thing I haven't heard is how, particularly when it comes to depression, can the atonement fix things. So to the OP, I too would like to know. On a related note, if someone already feels that they are the exception to the plan, they are thinking that the atonement doesn't mean much for them and hold very little hope let alone faith. The one thing they do believe in is justice, at least for them. Mercy is for others. They don't feel Father's love. I just don't see how counseling can rectify all of this, but if someone has a solution........
  5. ooh, ooh, maybe try some chemical breakbeats............always fun
  6. I would suggest Amazon's Mechanical Turk. Doesn't pay a heck of a lot, but if you do enough, you can make a few bucks. I have used it and it is legit. Do a search for other similar sites to help broaden your opportunities.
  7. I'm rather partial to trance and progressive EDM, a little house, some bhangra, hindi, and a smattering of other stuff.
  8. I know for me, I had needs that weren't being met or received. My wife was the same. Two way street on this one. I have a tendency to get down(sometimes really down) when things are tough and when I was rejected I felt absolutely terrible. It became very easy for me to then push my wife away even if she was trying to cheer me up. It was difficult for her and I of course was being somewhat selfish. She has(not often but on occasion) taken things to a whole new level though and will take charge, rally her spirits and determine that she will make things right. If another piece of "advice" is palatable, then maybe try this and see what happens. I can understand what your husband is going through. I can also understand your emotional and mental state when his spirits get low. Just one night, rally your your spirits and try to cheer him up regardless of how you feel. If he pushes you away, be ready for that; there's a good chance it will happen. However, don't be deterred, without being too vulgar, literally take the bull by the horn and be everything too him. You, this marriage, your family are everything he loves, they are(at the risk of getting flogged) at the core of a righteous man's sexual desire. There is no true exaltation without eternal increase and there is no eternal increase without sex and intimacy. Many don't like this fact, but men express love through intimacy and sex. Sure there are other methods of expressing love, but for a man, to truly be one with wife and God, to be one flesh, this is it. I'm not saying that everything can be fixed just through sex. But, there are few ways better to lift a man's spirits, get him to say HALLELUJAH!, motivate him, and show him how much he is admired and cherished than through this means. You have shared this once special thing reserved for only your eternal companion with someone else and I think he needs to know and be shown you and this gift are indeed his and for no one else. Just try this experiment. I hope this is not too pushy. Edit: Also, unless asked, I will say no more on this. I really don't mean to say things I shouldn't or offend anyone.
  9. have you communicated very clearly your needs to your husband? Here are some thoughts FWIW. There is not scorn or disdain here, just some thoughts. I know you feel terrible and I know you have needs. For one, it's very hard to be so introspective when you're serving someone else. Right now, if anyone needs to be served your husband is it. Make him a a gourmet meal or do your best in that area as often as possible. When he gets home, take him away and rock his world. Tell him what you want, what you need and make him feel like the man you desire like he's never known. Throw everything you have into serving him and keep communication OPEN. As a man, I really need to be told at least twice if something is important. You need to give him EVERY chance to fill you with what you're wanting, he needs reminding nearly every day, and I can attest that it's A LOT easier to fill someone else s cup when yours is spilling over. Do this often. Cleave to him and forget yourself in him. Yeah yeah, easier said than done. I know. Again just some thoughts. Also, what are you feeling in all of this? What are your thoughts? What are you willing to do?
  10. maybe just not touching? I guess for me as a husband, jealousy rears it's ugly head and I would think that going to a place where physical contact can lead to temptation would be a bad idea. I wouldn't want my wife to go, at least without me. Of course I couldn't "put my foot down" or command, but I would sure hope she wouldn't even want to place herself in such a situation or go dancing without me.
  11. I'd just like to inject that we as LDS talk way too much about dating. Dating is just out having a good time. If you're looking for a relationship, you court and that involves a different approach and set of expectations. In business and international relations we don't date the other party, we court, because there is a relationship that is desired. The same with looking for a spouse. I apologize if this comes across as rude or accusatory. Not my intention. I just think what we recommend to adults needs to be different than what is recommended for youth; different life circumstances. Again, sorry. I'm off my soapbox.
  12. Hello all. I'm new and don't participate much in discussions, probably won't, but I am a great lurker. So when you see me peering around the corner, no need to get creeped out.:)