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Posts posted by Sunnysprite

  1. I know that non-LDS are often confused about this. I know I am! I assume any thing in the Bible, Book of Mormon, PoGP & D&C are considered doctrine. Are General Conference talks, articles in the Ensign and LDS teaching manuals considered accurate representation of doctrine? Also, what about books written by prophets?

    How do the LDS deal with situations when members or church leaders teach things that contradict LDS doctrine? For example, in my church (Baptist), a pastor can be fired for preaching that contradicts the Bible or goes against our articles of faith.

    I appreciate your responses. I think a lot of animosity between traditional Christians and the LDS comes from not understanding the difference between official teaching and opinions of certain people.

    edit: I can't type. I meant "source" i don't even think sorche is a word. :)

    I think that one of the strengths of the LDS church is the ability to examine policies and change where needed. The church in 2012 is decidedly different than it was in 1912. It is clear to me that the church in 2112 will be different yet again.

  2. I have Lupus, so pain is just a part of life. A book that really helped me is "The Gift of Pain" by Paul Brand. Brand is a doctor who was a medical missionary to lepers in India. He writes how destructive a life without pain is and how to put pain in proper perspective.

    It helped me see that at times pain is inevitable, that pain free isn't always a good goal, and how to have joy even when I have pain. Knowing that some degree of pain is just part of my life, I have the freedom to focus on life, not my pain.

    I also think of Paul in 2 Cor. 12. He had an infirmity that he begged go to remove. God reminded him that His grace was sufficient. Paul came to see that when he was weak, he had to rely on God's strength, which is always greater than man's. Depending on God gives better results than depending on self!

    I hope this helps. Let me know how I can encourage and pray for you.

    Actually. I use Motrin and when that does not work I have some Vicodin. I don't usually use anything, but Motrin most of the time. Once in a while the pain will get oppressive, and I feel crazy. I will take some Vicodin, and it stops the it.

    With my reduced activity level, I hope that it will be a while before more is needed.

  3. I'm sorry that those who answered this thread are so burdened with pain. In my case, Instead of staying home, I can't have children, I had some lost years over that little piece of news, and by the time I could have settled down, I didn't. I got lots of injuries but the only really serious ones seemed to happen to others.

    Last year I found out I had very minor scoliosis, arthritis, and the worst yet, is aging. I really have little to complain about.

  4. It's not something I've experienced myself, but my SIL (who is also one of my dearest friends) was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis a few years ago, and it's awful what she goes through. In not very much time she's almost entirely debilitated by constant pain and other symptoms. Right now she's trying very hard to lose weight (much of it gained because of the disease and medications) to try and ease some of it.

    I'm sorry you're living with chronic pain. I think of her at times when I have aches and pains, and think of how hard it would be to live with that all the time.

    Yes, I know. I've been a 6-8 most of my life, but less time in the field and more in the office is taking it's toll. I'm up to #*^ right now and losing it is hard. One pill I tried for pain made me swell up like a balloon. Sigh

  5. Yes, well there is no one to blame by myself for having lots of pain. I've had a full life, though certain things I missed out on; too old to have a family; everyone is gone. Haven't done half the sin that some thought. :) Been to busy taking care of the victims.

    So, those of you who suffer from Arthritis, Fibro Myalgia, pain from injuries and so forth, do you have a strategy for dealing with the pain? So far, it has not slowed me down a lot, but I can see the day coming when drugs, ice, heat and all that will lose their effectiveness. Some people have suggested Marijuana, but I've spent my life being opposed to it, so to use it would seem like situational morality.

    I'd be interested in what you have to say.

  6. The type of bullet is more likely to determine car door penetration, not the caliber (at least in the larger calibers we have been discussing.)

    I don't know of any semi-automatic pistols that must be manually cocked after each shot either.

    Our office has had shootings where .45 rounds have failed to kill the suspect, including one where the bullet bounced off the skull. Same with the 9mm. Both calibers have also killed the assailants. We use a high quality tactical round from Federal as our duty ammo, so the ammo wasn't the cause of either "bouncing" incident.

    Um, well don't want to sound silly, but isn't center of mass a better target than a head?

    I suppose I did not write plainly. When I was writing about having to **** after each shot, I was talking my a revolver, which I have now. It will shoot without cocking but the hard pull makes me less accurate.

    In time, I will likely return to a Ruger p-90 .45. Not really in that business on the street any more. The desk seems much safer, unless I spill my water. :)

  7. I appreciate Phi39s questions, and find thinking about our eternal future to be a fantastic and optimistic exercise. The "No more death, no more tears" promise of Rev. 21 is such a comfort--it even permeates many modern contemporary Christian lyrics.

    The idea that the Plan of Salvation cycles throughout eternity does seem to run counter to the promise of no more death. Is it LDS teaching that exalted humans in the Celestial Kingdom will eventually oversee their own worlds, and that each one will experience an Adam/Eve-like rebellion, requiring that the exalted ones will sacrifice their sons for the sins of their worlds? Or, is this speculative?

    I've always felt like some people try to explain things in scripture that just aren't there. It seemed redundant that a Pastor could talk for 20 Minutes on John 3:16. The scripture is there to contemplate, and it seemed to me that sometimes people try to do the listeners job for them.

  8. Try a steel-frame 1911 with good Hogue wraparound grips. If it's still too pushy for you, get a EGW firing pin stop and just barely radius the bottom edge enough that it won't tear up the hammer. It sounds crazy, but that little mod makes the gun quite a bit more accurate for fast follow-on shots because it causes more snap and less push at the very start of the slide movement.

    I prefer to do it on the first shot, but we all know about preferences.

  9. For me, brand loyalty is good and all, but when I shop for a gun I focus on the caliber I want first, then look at four or five manufacturers options in that caliber. I'll then settle on the style I want, semi-auto, revolver, etc. For rifles I love a good lever-action, but bolt-action is preferred for hunting. In this way, I can do a lot of research on my own before going out to a gun shop or gun show. When I'm at that point, I generally know what I'm looking for and can maximize the time spent.

    For the gun itself, the regular items have to be right, balance, overall weight, trigger pull, trigger pull length, etc. By that time I'm usually down to two or three options, at which point I allow myself to look at the options such as integrated laser, and so on.

    I used to have a 7 1/2 inch Ruger Redhawk .44 mag that was an excellent firearm. I wish I still had it. I also had a US-made Makarov 9mm x 18 that was a fun gun to own and shoot. Right now I have a .22 pack rifle that seems to come from the 50's or 60's, but I'm not sure. It needs work, so I don't shoot it often. Gotta get another self-defense gun though. I had a Ruger GP-101 spurless .357 that was great but it had to be sold as well. As I said...gotta get shopping ;)

    For years, I carried a Ruger p-90 .45, and thought it was much better than the old 1911 A-1, which were hand killers. Now, I have a .38 special revolver, and have to say the first shot is really accurate. On subsequent shots, it either has to be cocked again, or accuracy is compromised.

    One thing about the .45 ACP is it will absolutely set a close assailant on his back side, but it will not penetrate a car door. And, there is no recocking, so I think the accuracy is better.

    So far, I have avoided the 9mm because they seem like a pea shooter to me. I am not speaking as a gun expert, I just use them.

  10. Please don't misunderstand. I'm not saying you should leave. I think you probably have a lot in common with many posters here, maybe even yours truly. But the fact is, any thread with political undertones can be skirted around at best in order to abide the site rules; therefore, you aren't going to have satisfying, in-depth conversations about topics that tend to turn political. I honestly linked you to ornery because I think you would find more the kind of conversation you're looking for on those topics over there. I'm sure there are other things you'd enjoy discussing, though, and personally I'd like to see you stick around and share your opinions on non-political topics. :)

    I'm sorry. It is late, I am tired, and I responded with a flash of anger that was not appropriate. Please forgive me.

  11. I'm confused by the bringing up of the amendments. Perhaps I missed something in the news, but is it really being decided we'd be better off without them?

    This has been a really disappointing thread. Attacks on our constitution have been going on for a long time and I think that neither party is innocent. I have my own opinion about who would gain most by the destruction of our founding documents.

    Our own church was systematically deprived of our 1st Amendment rights in the founding years, and I have been told frequently by Elders that there will come a time when the constitution will hang by a thread, and the LDS will save it.

    Certain factions in the US have been fighting to end the 2nd Amendment, but thankfully, right thinking people have fought them off. Our founding fathers had keen remembrance of the need to defend themselves from British troops.

    The 4th, 5th, 6th Amendments are null and void right now. If you do not think so, then look at the Homeland Security Patriot Act. If you think that act is necessary then we do not have much need to talk about it. Americans are so used to being comfortable that I see that as more dangerous than any attack from outside.

    I've seen Hughes MD 500 Helicopters flying at tree top level, in downtown areas of two cities. In one, I was so close that I could see the soldiers carrying weapons. I doubt that they were loaded. Though I am not comfortable with even Military training operations in our own cities

  12. quite possibly. Or possibly not... most of the things i've heard critics claim are very hard to verify, and in the cases they are verifiable they tend not to have an impact on the gospel even as strange as it may seem to us today.

    Abraham was instructed to misdirect the Pharoah so he wouldnt be killed and his wife taken.

    in the end the is that the important question? I"d put forth that it is not. The question you need to answer is he God's prophet? (or does God want you to accept him).

    I am not sure who you are talking about? Jesus Christ is of course the Son of God. Married or not makes no difference to me. In fact the realization that he was married only seems right.

    Now, as to Joseph Smith, him as a prophet only follows Biblical precidence. How can people assume that all down through recorded history, that Heavenly Father had prophets here to instruct us, and then he suddenly stopped? That is just silly. I am just unfamiliar with passages that prohibit our speaking of Jesus's marriage.

    Our church has a dynamic like no other. It is sad that some do not see that. :)

  13. is clearly superior...though perhaps not ideal....speaking of...charmin vs northern, of course.

    I'm not going there. ;)

    I did not have politics in mind when I started this thread. I did have constitutional law in mind. I actually think that most of what is wrong in this country is the American people. Unmarried couples having children, polyamory, conditional morality, drugs, selfishness, laziness, slothfulness, lovers of selves, backbiters, liars ...

  14. Hopefully the news media will find God and learn not to lie. :) Maybe the citizens will too!

    Seriously I see the old forms of news media disappearing. Newspapers, news magazines etc are facing extinction all ready. The tv media is owned by huge media moguls so is not very news worthy anymore.

    I think we will find more live streaming iwth social media carrying a lot of the informational and 'breaking news.

    The problem we face is that these are not so much for profit in the traditional methods which means that the current methods are going to fight back and are. There are bills proposed to limit the use of video cameras at news events. There are bills that would curtail you being able to publish 'dangerous' videos.

    I think that we are going to have a huge battle soon if we want to protect our free speech rights. Already the rights are eroded greatly in practice and in law.

    I was raised with the idea that the USA was the "good guy". But in light of what I am seeing today, I do not see us occupying the moral high ground. Then I was reading the Book of Mormon in Mormon 4, where the wicked shall punish the wicked. Now it begins to make sense.

  15. For a very long time, I have loved our country, and have given much consideration to our founding documents. Currently, our 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th amendmens are in question.

    The events that caused Middle Eastern violence recently, made me look into the right of free speech in Canada and the UK. I don't know exactly what they are in either country, but am aware that recently a certain US based news agency was not allowed into Canada because they "Lie", according to the Canadian Government. In the UK, I know that hate speech can get you into lots of trouble.

    I am wondering what the next decade will hold for the citizens of the US?

  16. Ok, ok, this is a pretty heated political time but for the life of me, is it too much for people to behave? I have facebook friends who post political views from both sides of the spectrum. Not a problem. I may not agree but it's good to read them because I get to know not only what others think about issues, but I also get to know the poster better. It's actually very cool.

    But I just unfriended one because she just kept on posting "are they dumb?" type stuff. The last one was the final straw, it was a rand about how stupid, dumb, ignorant the opposing party is about fiscal issues. Just full of vitriol. I don't need that.

    So I unfriended her. We'll see what happens this Sunday in church. But man, now I lost some respect for this person. Is it too much to ask my friends to not subject me to this type of rabid hatred. At the least, it's what I don't want in a friends. :mad:

    Facebook is extremely dangerous. They are a for profit company, and that is what drives them, even though it may hurt their users. Beware.

  17. Seems that the possibly that Jesus was married was considered long before Latter day Saints hypothesized the idea. Story here.

    Considering cultural norms and life spans at the time, I always thought that he was married. For a very long time before I was LDS, I felt as if the church was apostate very soon after the crucifiction. Look at what happened to Hypatia, the Gnostics, and the Essenes. It seemed as if there was an organized movement to go round and destroy truth about Jesus Christ. Then they accused Mary Magdalene of being a whore. And who exactly was it that participated in the process of canonization?

    The discovery is big for me. But it is not the first time I have heard it.

    These same people got Constantine involved and he further deviated from the truth. Then they had the inquisition. All through history, there has been a big effort to suppress the truth about Jesus Christ.

    Truth is, I did not trust organized religion when I found Jesus Christ. For years and years I searched for the true church, and I hope I found it with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.