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Posts posted by Sunnysprite

  1. Living in the Seattle area, we have had quite a few espresso stands sprout up advertising women in bikinis, lingerie, etc. After a new one showed up in the Snohomish area here, another espresso stand down the street put up a sign that said "Modest is the Hottest". Then I was just passing through Renton the other day and one stand had a sign that said, "We serve our beans in our jeans". The other side said, "Freshly roasted. Fully clothed."

    Are any other areas plagued with these ridculous places my friend calls "slut huts"? I hate them. But I'm so grateful for the places that value modesty. I wonder if they serve hot chocolate? :D Maybe I should just drive through to tell them thank you.

    Reminds me of the plank, speck thing. Perhaps you should simply live your life out reverently before Heavenly Father, eh?

  2. I'm stunned. Do you like Wagner?

    Wagner is dark, but I have one CD that is Wagner and it is pleasant to listen to after midnight when I am watching. Bach is fun. Handel's "Messiah" is probably my most favorite. Thank you for reminding me of this. For me this is not just Christmas Music, it can be heard in my home in July or September :)

    Katherine Jenkins music is heavenly to me, but I will not hide the fact that I liked ZZ Top and AC/DC when I was younger. :) Heavenly Father has changed me so much, He protects my soul.

  3. I have been into everything from punk to country and am looking for some new music to listen to. These day I am growing tierd of what I used to listen to and am not really into what I hear on the radio. I think it would be interesting to find out what people here listen to. So whatcha got?

    I mostly like cheery, reverent music, but have my moments. LOL

    I don't like Italian Opera and most rap. The rest of it, I am up for at least for a while. Yesterday, I discovered Magnetic Zeros, "Home". Wow! What ever they have I want some of. :)

    There is one series of songs that have been my favorites for years and they tell a story. They start with "Where did you go?", by Ft Minor, then "What do you want from me?" by Adam Lambert, then "Paralizer" by Finger Eleven, then "The Thrill is Gone, by BB King. then, "We coulda had it all", by Adelle. Those were the dark years.

    Lately, I really like, "More Holiness Give Me", "And Can It Be", and several LDS hyms that were written during the formative years of our church.

    The loudest head banger rock has given way to reverent, worshipful praise to Heavenly Father. Wut happened? :)

  4. I think there are only about two of you who really get where I'm coming from. I did toss out the idea of missionary work being voluntary for young people as it is for seniors. It was really only a hypothetical idea. And I can see, not a very good one. Missions are a great thing (generally speaking) and yes, it's great if a fence sitter is somehow motivated to jump to the right side by these pulpit pounding talks.

    But my focus on this problem is very narrow. Please read back over my last few posts before going off on a rant about Priesthood duties and such. That's not the issue. The thing that is bugging me is that we tend to automatically subconsciously label someone who is a good kid as having worthiness problems if they don't go on a mission by the time they are 19 1/2. Black and white statements from the pulpit like "Every young man should go on a mission" without any wiggle room for exceptions, perpetuate that tendency. And the stink-eye, shifty looks as well as negative and unwelcoming vibes these young guys might pick up on from the most rigid and dogged members of the ward could well drive them away completely.

    And ...I have been vindicated on the missing the funeral thing. In the Ensign that came today: "Senior missionaries may return home for critical family events (for up to 10 days) at their own expense."

    I'm not gonna chase this whole thing down, but I would like to make a few observations. I think it is undeniable that Missionary service grows children up. Two years of enduring rejection and pain for men. and 18 months for women teaches skills that will be of life long use. To the young it may seem like to much of a sacrifice because they are impatient and immature.

    From what I can see, there is "wiggle" room, but if you don't want to go, pray about it.

    Have a good time.

  5. After having done extensive research into the history of the church and its doctrines, I have reached the conclusion that the LDS church is not the continuation of the word of Heavenly Father. That's my personal opinion based on the evidence presented to me.

    I do care about my child and I would give my life and soul to save her's. My love for my daughter is the driving force for me wanting to the leave the church right now. I believe that she would be much better off outside the LDS church than inside of it. I know that it's hard for true believers to understand; but apostates do love and care for their families.

    Well, let us know how that goes. I am sure that you will see differences.

  6. I was at a bible study group meeting at our Branch last night, we were starting with Genesis, and a member brought up that when we see references to God in the Old Testament, that they are talking about Jesus Christ. I am looking for more info on this, as it seems to be a key belief of the LDS faith. Any help would be appreciated.

    I'd heard it said that Melchizedek was Jesus Christ, but Jesus Christ as God? That directly contradicts the New Testament. Of course you have the, "I and the Father are one", but I was once told that the more correct interpretation is: "I and the Father agree".

  7. She need information on underwear in order to determine who to vote for?

    Methinks this is not the most propitious sign of responsible voting.

    Garments are something that I hear "nons" wonder about. There is that presure from some to see our church as something laughable. It's not of course, but people are people. I got in trouble for picking some that were folded and fell on the floor up and putting them back on the table. I just laughed it off. If fallen underwear is the worst emergency you ever face ...:lol:

  8. I converted a few years ago; don't ask me to figure it out. LOL Went to church in Indianapolis a few months ago. Hope to go Sunday somewhere in Idaho, really pretty solitary though. Passed through Utah this spring. It was pretty. I wasn't Military. I just make things stay put.

  9. I'm a convert into the church since the late 1990s. I'm married to a "Molly Mormon" for the last 15 years. We are sealed in the temple and we have a preteen daughter (baptised and born in the Covenant). I have followed the Commandments, the Covenant, Word of Wisdom, etc, and I been a good father and husband through the years.

    The problem is that I never truly gained a real testimony about the truthfulness of the Gospel and the church. I joined the church to make my wife happy with the hopes that I one day would gain a testimony. Unfortunately,I never gained a this testimony and for the last decade I have pretty much only done enough in the church to get by and to please my wife.

    I how now reached a point in my life when I can no longer pretend to be a true believer. I'm a very spiritual person, but I have not been able to follow my true spiritual path for many years and I am tired of not being able to do so. I do not have (and will never have) a testimony about the truthfulness of the gospel; I disagree with many of the church doctrines; and I can not sustain the church leadership anymore. I want to resign my membership and join a different religious group.

    The problem is that I do love my "Molly Mormon" wife and don't want to hurt her feeling. How can I best let her know about my disbelief without completely destroy her? Any advice is appreciated.

    My gosh, I doubt that there is a Mormon less active than I am, but for me the establishment of our church is simply a continuation of the word of Heavenly Father and that is pretty easy to see. Is your family worth your satisfaction? Brace yourself for lots of alimony and child support. Do you care about your child?

  10. I'm not very active but do believe in the church and all the stuff. Just work too much I guess. Maybe someday, I'll slow down a bit. Been all over the place and found some interesting people. I like people.

    Who knows maybe someday, I'll find a place that sticks my foot, and I'll find a guy. Who knows what'll happen after that? Too busy so far.
