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  1. I'd be happy to open a different thread. But I am a Catholic and was curious as to why they gave up their faith. What sub forum would you recommend?
  2. I have a question. How and why did the Catholics on here become former Catholics? How did you give up the Eucharist?
  3. Why would I have to acknowledge that Christ was created by God the father? I'm a Trinitarian. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, always were and will always be. God is not created, He is the first cause. That's why I cannot believe in pre-mortal spirit beings.
  4. Years ago, I almost ordered a Book of Mormon. And then decided not to. I don't like any home visitors, especially uninvited home visitors. Occasionally JWs or Mormons will come to my door or try to park in my driveway and I am quick to let them know that "I'm not interested, thank you." Of course having the Holy Family on my front door should give them a clue.
  5. Glad to hear that. You would be surprised how many customers blame wait staff and do not tip because they didn't like the food even if the service was impeccable.
  6. Does anyone here not tip if the food is not up to standard?
  7. You are so right about the wages that restaurants pay. I always tip at least 20%. Most of my time was spent in dinner houses which paid hardly anything per hour so it was mostly tips. Another thing that many customers do not understand is that nowadays the IRS decides that you made a percentage as tips and that will be your income whether you received it or not. It is based on percentage of sales. So, theoretically your server may be paying taxes on a tip you never left. Don't you just love the IRS? NOT.
  8. Mary is a great name for a Catholic.
  9. Thank you all for the welcomes. I really appreciate it.
  10. I always hated working in restaurants where you had to pool tips. Too many wait staff can be quite lazy and then they want part of my money? Not good, not good at all. I usually made the most because I am a very hard worker and took very good care of my customers. I really loved waiting tables when raising my kids. It was more money than I could make in an office, I got to wear uniforms so my clothing expense was minimal and I loved working with people.
  11. Thanks Skippy. Have a great Independence Day!
  12. My late husband came from a Mormon family and his father was the youngest of 14. Wow! My father-in-law was a wonderful man and I loved him very much. When he died I was devastasted since he was much more of a loving father to me than my own was. It's important to state that my own father came from a very militaristic, unkind, family and was an alcoholic. I have long ago forgiven him and pray for the mercy of God for him. I loved him very much. My husband's family called themselves jack Mormons. My late husband declared himself atheist. At one time he had prayed very strongly for something (he never told me about what) and when there was no answer, he decided there was no God. Whatever it was affected him very strongly. He was a lovely man and a very good person and a wonderful step-father to my children so I can only leave him to the mercy of God and hope that he is in Heaven. Some of his family seem to have gone back to the Mormon religion and I feel I should know more about it. Most of my life I was agnostic/atheist but when I was 61 I was baptized into the Catholic Church. Every single day I thank God for making me Catholic.
  13. Wow, I am so glad that so many here have such wonderful high paying jobs and that the waiters or waitresses are worth so much less because they are sub-human. That is how it sounds to me. And kitchen staff do the jobs they can do and were not treated as less by me. In most of the places I worked, I tipped the bussers and staff. I waited tables to support two children on my own with a deadbeat dad for a father. Thank God for tips. That is how I paid the rent, bought groceries, clothing, paid babysitters and did all the other things that single mothers must do. Must be nice to have it so great. I have had those religious tracts left and my thought, "what hypocrites." And on Sundays too. After they went to church.
  14. The Catholic Church teaches invincible ignorance. She is truly ignorant, and we have no idea how God will treat her at her judgement. He is the only one who knows her heart. We may all see her in Heaven and in fact be very surprised to find out who else may be there with us.