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Posts posted by HiJolly

  1. Thanks for doing it. I'm in tears thinking about all that is good in my life. We so often take for granted the things we have that we sometimes forget the great things God has done for us. I'm here today by the grace of God and will strive from this day forward to show it more. My conversion story goes as follows:

    I started dating my beautiful wife in 1986. She and her 3 sisters along with her mother were members. There dad died in a horrible accident just 5 years earlier. My now MIL gave me a copy of BOM and I read it. Didn't sink in at the time but I was living life hard. Drinking and smoking partying all night. I had gotten kicked out of my parents home that same fall. Living on my own and trying to work full time and finish high school was not easy but was necessary for me to learn lifes lessons. My wife broke up with me the following spring and I went to the service to learn a trade. I got more than I expected. I loved the service. I was promoted often and was enjoying life. In 3 short years I had gotten to the rank of E-5. On my way to having all that I desired. Something was missing....Really long story short I went to the desert and spent a year in the sand with desert shield, desert watch and desert storm. Walking the sands of saudi arabia and kuwait I had this over bearing feeling that God was watching over me. I couldn't shake that feeling. When I got back to the states I went home to see my folks and make things right with them. I found out that my wife was still single and I wanted to see her. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes to. I was totally smitten with her beauty and kindness and asked her to marry me within 3 days. She excepted and we were married 3 months later.She being the good LDS she is started the ball rolling in converting me to Lds. I joined the church 7 years later. I went through 40+ missionaries. No joke!!I love the church and thank Heavenly Father for keeping me safely within His grasp when I am careless. With out my wife and four kids I am just a man. With them I'm a man with a life long mission. Thanks for this post I needed to tell that story.


    Beautiful! Thank you.


  2. Hi there - I was wondering what LDS teaches or what beliefs you all hold about what happens to you after you die.

    I'd like to know what possible destinations there are, and how each destination may be reached, and perhaps a bit of background as to the basis of these beliefs.

    I suggest searching through the Gospel Principles manual here.

    In a nutshell, after this life there is an initial division of souls between Paradise and Prison. It is not stated anywhere I know of just how long that state continues. I think it may be based on individual, personal progression. But I suppose that's conjecture. Paradise and Prison are here(on earth), and possibly other places as well.

    From there, there is the final judgement into one of two places, heaven or 'outer darkness'. Heaven is quite different from the typical creedal Christian view, in that it includes (at its lowest levels) murderers and rapists & whatnot. The extent and breadth of 'heaven' in the LDS view is truly amazing. It has three basic levels, these are the Celestial Glory, the Terrestrial Glory, and the Telestial Glory. Or, three heavens.


  3. I would have to disagree with Dr. Mom. True, all points of doctrine have been restored to the earth in these latter-days, but those points of doctrine were taken from each of the previous dispensations. Never has the complete gospel existed in any single dispensation previously. It's called the dispensation of the fullness of times because it IS the first dispensation with the fullness of the gospel.

    It seems I recall a statement from Joseph Smith to that effect --- but I'm not sure about that, so I would love to see it if anyone knows where it might be...


  4. Well, considering the gospel was restored to its fullness by our prophet Joseph Smith, I would have to say yes. Restoration does mean to make whole once more. So in order for something to be restored, it had to have once existed. If you look at the prefix RE as in REsurrection, REstored, REmission, REceive, REpent or even REcompense the "RE" is giving back to the present tense what the root word is saying from a past tense. I've done some research in the past and there are many similarities to the gospel as we have it now compared to what was before Christ's time. Keep in mind, the restoration happened because righteousness in the land was lacking and the rites/ceremonies became corrupt so God took the truth from the earth to prevent further corruption promising us that we would once again have it when the time was right.

    Hope this helps!

    Nice post, good points. Btw, you forgot REplenish :o


  5. Avatar4321 and gVr,

    Ok, it's obvious I need to go back and read Numbers again. I last read it (twice) in the 70's, and back then, it was just tedious. I'll erase that old opinion based on your comments, and put the book into my scripture-reading queue.

    Thanks for your views!


  6. Had an opportunity to share the gospel yesterday and took it. While at physical therapy the young guy that was hurting me made a reference to mormons that was not all that nice. I corrected him and told him I was a member and that I didn't appreciate his humor. He apologized and for the next half hour we visited and shared our thoughts on many things. I in turn invited him to church. Going to see him again today at 330. Many of the therapists were there and were listening. Maybe I'll invite them all.

    Have anyone else taken the opportunities that God has given them to spread the gospel? Tell me about it. I want to know what you have done and to inspire others to do the same.


    That's cool! Sharing the gospel can be scary, but when we act in faith, we have the most beautiful experiences! (usually - :blink: )

    Shortly after my mission, I moved into a house with two other guys, one of which was a non-member. So, we had to let him know about garments and our Sunday schedule and things - and this started the conversations. He ended up joining the Church, at about the same time I became engaged to my (now) wife. Busy times!

    What was really cool was that when he was confirmed, he had the experience of a 'rare' initiation, in that he immediately was baptized by fire, spiritually speaking. I had the same gift when I was confirmed at the age of 8. A special thing we shared.


  7. What a THRILL.... I honestly feel your enthusiasm and love for the gospel... literally by the spirit as I read your post! And I don't even know you personally or these individuals, but all of your spirits must be powerfully transmitting some wonderful joy through the circuits of eternity and I am feeling them so strong.

    Quite unexpected I must say, but delightful. Thank you for sharing and god bless you in your great work. What a witness of the power of this technology to move this great cause, is it not?

    Same here. Beautiful, and reminds me of times in my life when this was my situation. I spent 6 months as a Ward Mission Leader - such amazing experiences!


  8. I do think it is clear that there were reasonably smart bi-pedal hominids running around, making pottery, tools, and burying their dead, for many tens of thousands of years before the birth of Christ. It seems that according to the Church, we should not term these as 'men', or, we should utterly reject Bishop Usher's chronology. Good thing Man, His Origin and Destiny isn't doctrine...

    Either way, I think it's a bad idea to reject the evidence coming forth from the earth. I think instead we should integrate it into our paradigm of reality. To do that, I had to learn about it and study it for many years. Now I feel pretty good about it all, but along the way I certainly had to adjust my views. A few times.


  9. For a woman whose husband drags his feet about giving her or their children a blessing, what do you suggest?

    I used to struggle with worthiness issues, too. I hated not feeling worthy to give blessings, but certainly didn't want to stop my wife/kids from receiving them. So I didn't mind going to the HT or good friends for a blessing. Sometimes awkward questions were asked, but I didn't give any reason as to why I wouldn't do it myself. I know some men would rather damn themselves than do that, but at least I didn't have that problem.

    Then I started thinking about certain priests in the ward who blessed the sacrament unworthily. I don't think that their unworthiness kept the sacrament from blessing the lives of the members. It may have condemned the priests, but not the members. So, too, I think that a blessing from an unworthy father is not good for the father, but can still heal or bless the recipient. So...


  10. Wow interesting, what do you think about our agency and of course opposition in all things? Would that be considered law? Or does god control that? In 2 Nephi Chapter 2 verse 11 it talks about opposition in all things along with other vs. but does god make opposition or is it just there? I also read in that same chapter vs. 16 that god gave us our agency, am I miss interpreting that?

    My view is that agency and oppostition go hand in hand, you can't have one without the other, or there would be no point. All through life we have things in opposition, even if they are complementary. For example, flesh and spirit, reason and emotion, justice and mercy, understanding and wisdom, earth and heaven. What's REALLY cool to me is that the one thing that brings all of these together in harmony, is Jesus Christ, the Mediator of all things. I think Heavenly Father set it all up, and he HAD to set it up that way, or the objective couldn't be met. That is, that we could learn and develop to have the same level of self limitation and goodness that He has.

    Cause also in D&C 93 vs. 30 that all truth (which is us) is independent in a sphere which god has placed us to act for ourselves or there is no existence. But what about the third that chose to go with the devil? Anyway if that is too out of wack I understand I probably don't even know what I’m talking about.

    As it is said, we are free to choose our actions, but not so free that we can also choose our consequences. Those consequences are set out by law and are exactly what we need, to further our development. Of course, that opinon requires a great deal of faith and trust in our Heavely Father. Proverbs 3:5-6.

    Oh and thank you for responding I love to hear that people are interested in learning more, tragically when I moved to Utah I found allot of members not as enthused as I was to learn how deep this adventure of our existence can go.

    Yes, me too. I've been here in Utah now for almost 15 years, and I have found that most members are afraid of learning too much. I lost that fear when Heavenly Father taught me that if I am keeping my covenants and keeping my heart close to Him, I need not fear, for He will lead me aright. Thanks for posting this thread.


  11. <snip>... my question is, is there a law that even god follows? and what is it?

    anyway I was just seeing your thoughts on the subject.

    Yes, in my opinion, His law is for Him fullfilled, and it is to "be". And since he loves, He allows us to "be" as He is, if we will. And so, the Creation, the Plan of Salvation, prophets, commandments, the atonement, the Holy Ghost and all the rest.


  12. What is the differince between an Intellignce and a Spirit? I keep hearing that there was no start, that we have, and will, live forever, but then I hear that God is our Father of our Spirits and that he somehow formed us out of Intelligence. So again, what is the differince

    Well, that's a deep subject. <pun intended - sorry) Anything touching on eternity is not well understood on Earth. That doesn't mean, though, that God doesn't sometimes reveal things that concern the eternities; but it does mean that when He does do so, the recipient can have a very difficult time sharing it with other people. Or even understanding it, themselves. Joseph spoke about things of this nature only a few times (maybe even only once or twice). The major case in point is his King Follett sermon. Here's part of the sermon.

    Here's the basic premise: intelligence (co-eternal w/ God) >> spirit creation into spirit body >> physical creation into mortal body >> resurrection into immortal body .

    So we start as immortal, and end as immortal, and in between we are still immortal inside; we are progressing from one into the next, following a Godly plan we call the Plan of Salvation.


  13. Melinda...

    Your decision as to join, or not to join must be a family decison. Should your husband elect not to become a member, but to stay within the Catholic faith it will put your sons in the middle of a religious tug of war.

    That much I agree with. Not that it will neccessarily be that way, but it sure happens a lot.

    Now throwing out the cold water....The LDS theology is gnostic with Masonic undercurrents where men, and men only can rise to godhood.

    Pure hogwash. The gnostics believe the physical world, physical body, etc. is evil. Not the Mormon Church. BIG difference. There are many, many more differences also - the gnostics believe that the creator of the Earth is evil. Not the Mormons. I couldn't possibly list all the facts to disprove DS's opinion on this -- there are just too many! As to Masonry's men-only teachings, Joseph clearly refuted that view by including the Sisters in the temple ordinances, even to their being involved in the administration thereof. Mason's don't allow women to worship in their lodges (temples), but Mormons not only do, but add that the man CANNOT be exalted in Celestial glory without the woman. That's two points made, two points WRONG for Deer Slayer. Not a good start.

    Know that as a woman in the LDS Church, your place in this life and the next will always be subservient to males.

    Not true, except as it applies to Church administration, and even then, the word 'subservient' is ridiculous. And there is far, far more to this life and the NEXT life, than Church administration. Such a narrow view is, again, ridiculous. DS may be alluding to wording in the temple ceremony for some of his/her opinion, but we're not allowed to go into specifics of that here, or I would. You can see, though, from DS's track record, there is reason to doubt DS's accuracy of opinion.

    <sigh> I'm getting tired of responding already. Sorry. Here's something to keep in mind, regarding odd quotes from various people in the Church: Approaching Mormon Doctrine

    Reading the entire thing is something every church member ought to do, in my opinion.


  14. I hope you have a wonderful baptism. I'll be baptizing my youngest child tomorrow, too. I keep thinking of what a blessing it has been in my life, and even though I was only 8, it has given me much good all my life. I don't think I said that well, but, whatever.

    Have a great day tomorrow!


  15. Do you have a reference that Rabbi at that time meant they were married? I don't doubt you, just want a reference. It doesn't mean that today to my knowledge. Just teacher within the Jewish faith, generally a leader in the religion.....

    I have also heard that one could not be a Rabbi without being married.

    I also heard that the Jewish mystics couldn't study the mysteries unless they were over the age of 40 and married.


  16. Hijolly,

    What would make one of the general authorities publish a book before bringing it before the President for approval ? Talk about a bad move there.


    It hadn't been policy before then, and I think Elder McConkie was so sure of himself, he didn't feel the need. I would say that was a significant error in judgement, but it's all hindsight and so rather unfair to him.

    bottom line: we all mess up. Trust in God, not in man.


  17. Hijolly,

    My question is this. Why when brought before the current President of the church did they not discipline Elder McConkie for publishing this book ? I know that I personally have had people bring this book into question and use it against the Church. At least the parts that they want to use against it. Did they discipline him ? I know they wanted to save face but to what extent ? What would make one of the general authorities publish a book before bringing it before the President for approval ? Talk about a bad move there. Maybe you don't know but if someone does please let me know I'm curious to know more on the subject.


    Dang. The fact is I don't know for sure, but I do have an opinion. :D

    Joseph Smith Jr. was a wonderful man. He had many strengths, including a genuine willingness to allow other people to believe whatever they wanted, regardless of how heretical it was. He also supported the idea that no one should be excommunicated for 'apostate' beliefs, though he drew the line when people took action to hurt the Church or the Saints. He once said (paraphrase) "No man was ever damned for believing too much."

    But he also had weaknesses, born of the difficult life all people experienced back then. One of these was an intense and profound loyalty to his friends. Weakness? Loyalty was actually required to survive all the oppression, mob actions, etc. But Joseph took it to a fault, and was absolutely devastated when his loyalty to a friend was betrayed. cf. John C. Bennett.

    This mini-lecture actually does have a point... :unsure:

    David O. McKay had this same 'weakness' of intense and profound loyalty to his friends. He would NEVER, EVER discipline one in whom he had placed his trust. One in whom the trust of the Church was invested. For more of an understanding, read the wonderful book David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism. Also, to understand Joseph's sense of loyalty, read Joseph Smith, Rough Stone Rolling.

    Hope that helps. Feel free to ask, I just love to pontificate :(


  18. I'm sorry if I'm stepping out of line-it's just one of the concerns I have about my own mormon culture. I hope it doesn't seem that I'm defending WCU's behavior - I'm just trying to make sure the rules apply to everyone.

    I hope you're reporting them when you see them, Ztodd.
