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Posts posted by Aphrodite

  1. Don't wait "until" something ..until you have enough money...until you graduate...until whatever..because there will always be an "until" out there.

    You dont think you should wait until you graduate? Surely yo need an education for a decent job to support thos precious souls? Surely thats the least they deserve.

  2. I think the reason they discourage it is passionately kissing leads onto feelings that make you want to do more things.....

    Its true that you may not find it hard, but for guys its a different story. Be kind to them ;)

  3. Ive noticed this too checkerboy. It is sad. I think its maybe that men take longer to grow up, and when they have, and a big life event comes along like a baby, they revert back to their childish ways. This doesnt apply to everyone of course, just an observation. My Dad said he thought he was quite selfish when he was younger, and feels bad for that now. Maybe its just the way mens brains work. The same way womens brains work when they drive-i.e, they dont HAHA!!

  4. Aphrodite has just given you, perhaps, the best advice you could get anywhere!!

    Thanks pushka. I like to think Im learning something useful at uni! Plus u cant fit into those rave outfits and last till 6am if ur unfit and unhealthy. A great incentive if ever there was one!!!! :lol:

  5. I am not overweight and never have been, so if you feel I am the wrong person to give advice I acompletely understand.

    I agree with Ms Magnolia-Diets dont work. You need to decide, 'I am going to change my eating habits permanently, and for the better as I want to be healthy'. Its better to look at losing weight as a lifestyle choice than a temporary 'diet' where u will most likely put the weight back on again.

    I'll try and clear up some of your confusions about food and give some advice.

    1)White pasts, bread, flour etc is not BAD for you. However, eating these types of carbs will convert into glucose in your body. Glucose, or sugar, will give you a 'quick fix' of energy and feeling full only to dip later making you feel like you have no energy and in all likelihood, hungry. Therefore you tend to eat more. The Better carbs are the wholmeal types and things like wholgrains, as they give a slow release energy throughout the day, keeping you fuller for longer. These are things like oats, wholemeal pasta, millet, quinoa and wholemeal bread.

    2) Get your five portions of fruit and veg a day. Its easier than you think. A bowl of porridge for breakfast with a chopped banana on top and a glass of fresh fruit juice (counts as one portion) is 2 portions before you've left the house. The porridge is slow release so that lot will keep you going well until lunchtime. If you are used to eating a lot, you may feel hungry at first while your stomach adjusts toless food. Once it realises thats it, you will stop feeling hungry. Also, if you are focusing on getting your portions, you are more likely to eat healthier, as say fish and chips for dinner includes no portions of fruit or veg, so you may think, well perhaps Ill have fresh fish instead and potatoes and salad, theres a portion....do you see what Im saying?

    3) Do not buy processed or pre-packaged food. Its just so much safer to avoid them as it is very hard to interpret all the information on a packet. Eat fresh foods, and if you can, make dinners from scratch with fresh ingredients (I do this in the week and have a rest at weekends-it can be time consuming but its so worth it).

    4) Plan in advance how you will eat. Dont go to the supermarket on an empty stomach as you are more likely to grab something unhealthy whilst there. Take a healthy packed lunch to work and NO money so you arent tempted to buy anything else like a chocolate bar (I do this too as my will power used to be appauling-Im better now tho as Ive trained my mind!!!!)

    5) Vegetables should make up half your plate, carbs a quarter and protein a quarter. Protein you need, but not too much as it will make you put on weight as in proteins such as meat there is saturated fats. Likewise with dairy. Have it, you need it, but dont overdo it.

    6) Dont weigh yourself too often as you will get obsessed over what you may interpret as nothing happening. Your body and metabolism will start to change and it needs time to settle down-so one week you may lose a lot, another week nothing. Do it maybe once a fortnight.

    7) Have healthy snacks in the house like dried fruit, unsalted nuts and fruit. Dont buy biscuits or crisps even if its for the kids as the temptation will be too great. They too can learn to eat healthily.

    8) Dont deny yourself everything nice or you will fail. Allow yourself treats every so often like a saturday or have a pudding with your sunday meal. Then at least you have things to look forward to.

    I hope this is useful, this is what I do, and I maintain a healthy weight doing so. I also walk everwhere and do a cardio and resistance workout DVD 3 times a week. Start slowly though as you will have a better chance of success. Start with your food and take more walks. Then up it a bit each week. I hope this works for you. Good luck!!!

    Aph xx

  6. Hmm this is a difficult one. I would let your boyfriend know whats invloved in living as a member and get his thoughts on it. I suppose you will have to play it by ear depending on what he says. Dont go rushing into anything tho-just tell him they are the facts, and a possibility, but not yet a reality. How serious are you and your boyfriend? How long have you been together? Do you have a close relationship? The answers to these questions will determine his reaction.

  7. Everything here in Luton is open almost 24/7. The garage is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It NEVER closes, the only times ive seen 'no access' is when the police are taking statements after a robberry........even then its usually open within the hour. Our local supermarket is also open 24/7 apart from saturday and sunday nights. I personally am grateful for this in case I need anything-Its a safety thing for some reason. Willow is right, sundays are more busy. If I go to Asda on a Sunday it is rammed to the rafters-worth gettin in everything on a saturday for that reason alone. Otherwise you feel like you never leave the rat race. I like having chilled out Sundays.

  8. You dont have to have the disease they are testing for to trial a drug. the very opposite, in fact, you need to be healthy. If I decide to go ahead, I will do more reasearch on it. But it is not an initial test to see if it works, it will have been through several tests already. The trial would be looking for how long the drug stays in your system, how well its absorbed, whether it needs to be administered by weight, that kind of thing. Its not the sort of trial where they test out a new drug on existing patients. The trials are not that like that. And they have already been trialled by humans before-drugs have to go through a rigorous testing process to ensure they're safe, involving many trials of the drug where they monitor different things each time-its not simply a case of, 'oh i took it and my pain is gone, therefore it works and we can market it'. Its far more complex. Thats why drugs that are developed take 10, sometimes 15 years or more before they can be marketed as they have so many tests to ensure thier safety. Ill see if I can find link to the unit i would be tested at.

  9. Aphrodite said:

    "The particular drug I would be trialling is one to help arthritis-it could save so many people years of agony and inactivity."

    You don't say that it is something that could help you be free from years of agony and inactivity.

    Is it safe for us to assume that you do currently suffer from arthritis? Or is this just the next clinical trial on schedule? I know, I sound silly, why would you consider taking a drug for something you don't have? Just want to make sure of the facts.

    No I dont have arthritis. Why WOULDNT I trial a drug for something I dont have? It would be selfish to do it for only that reason. Arthritis is a crippling disease that brings misery to many. I care about these things, thats why alaska :). As a future nurse I am interested in helping in anything to stop horrible diseases. When you have seen and nursed many unpleasant conditions, you hate seeing people suffer, and if I can be a part of helping those conditions then all the better. ^_^

  10. Tell me more Moksha....how did your partner react? If you have one....

    I dont want to cause marital strife, but this could be such a help for us. Where do you draw the line between what you want and what he wants? I already compromise for him in some areas, as he does for me. so..I find it hard to know what I should do in that sense.

    Of course I could not do it, and our debt will drag on for years as it has already....its just so tempting!!!

  11. Just wanted a bit of feedback from you all:-

    Im seriously considering doing a clinical medical trial. The main motivation is money-you can get paid anywhere between 2-3,000 quid for a trial that lasts 3 months. The money would clear a big chunk of our debts in a relatively short space of time, for a very minimum amount of effort. It basically involves taking a drug, and having regular blood tests over a 3 month period. The last 2 days you are required to stay in a unit so they can check your blood more regularly. You get fed, and have entertainments like XBOX, Sky tv etc-bit like ahotel really but with nurses lol.

    I have one big obstacle-my husband.

    He is dead against it, he is worried something will go wrong. His reason for this is a year or so ago, some clinical trials at northwick park hospital in London went catastrophically wrong leaving one man in a coma and now disabled.

    I obviously am aware there are some risks involved, but is 99% of the time inordinately safe. I mean, planes crash, but it doesnt stop us flying does it? Everthing in life involves some risk. Plus this is the only time a drug trial going wrong has ever made the news, so I can surmise its probably the only time its ever happened.

    Its a difficult situation as while I want to respect Hs wishes, its my body and such an easy way to make money. Plus, I am well aware at how drug companies need people to trial drugs or else they will never be developed. The particular drug I would be trialling is one to help arthritis-it could save so many people years of agony and inactivity.

    Has anyone ever done a clinical drug trial? If so what did their family think of it? My parents are very supportive and even fancy doing it themselves. But Rob is DEAD SET against it.

    Just wondered what your thoughts were on this situation.

  12. Change is good!

    I promise to change this about my self.

    OK, I go first.

    I will soon get married. I will get pregnant. I will have five children.


    Your turn

    You may not have any choice in the above Leanne!

    I dont want to change or improve anything about my life. Thats the honest truth. I am doing absolutely everything I want, and I am getting everything I want from my life. I feel so so lucky to have a life I know many can only dream of. A loving husband, the chance to study for a job I adore. Fantastic friends and family-enough money, good health.

    Its important to remember what you have lest you bevcome complacent. I hope that never happens, Ill always be grateful ^_^

  13. When it comes to modest clothing, I like tops that don't show anything when I bend forward or skirts that are long enough that they don't show my underwear when I sit down. (I've seen some women at church with this problem and I never know whether I should say something.)

    im tall and slim which is sometimes just as hard to find clothes that fit. When I used to wear the garments and I bent over they would all show, and cause of the material, i was constantly having to hike my jeans up. Wearing three layers in summer made me sweat..yuk. Tops are never long enough for me no matter what style or what shop its from. It was just a constant losing battle. Im glad women who want to dress modestly have found the clothes that enable them to do so, as i certainly didnt. I never dared bend down just in case, so even my movement was restricted! Every day I would think and obsess about clothes-what was covering what, what would fit, what wouldnt rub/show/fall down.

    What a nightmare!!!

  14. How long ago did you have your name removed? What has made you want to come back? To me, if someone has their name removed its a really serious decision. Just curious really-although Id think really realy carefully to make sure its what you want :)

  15. I personally have no problem with coke,pepsi or caffeine in any form. The word of wisdom does not say, thou shalt not drink tea and coffee due its tannin and caffeine. Theres nothing there about it atall. The caffeine thing has come, in my opinion, from over zealous mormons looking for a specific reason as to why its forbidden, so they can ban all other substances containing the evil caffeine. It is just peoples interpretation of it. I dont even like tea or coffee (apart from the smell..mmmmm) so i stay away from it but I do like herbal teas, and I also sometimes drink a fruit flavoured instant tea which has something like 2% of tea extract in it. (only as a treat mind as its a fiver a tub!!! :D )

  16. yeah, I think ur right. Most members here are only 2nd generation members-their parents converted perhaps in the 60s or 70s when they were alread married. So thats why its more normal. My ward is very chilled really. There are always the odd one or two who think its their duty to tell you what to do, but we have single mothers, teenage parents, smokers, people who wear shock, horror trousers, to church-and nobody bats an eyelid.

    I like that. True christian acceptance :)

  17. fiona where is your husband from?

    I think you are right about the church being more accepting abroad. I think members here can be more open minded, compared to some people I have come accross. I dont know why that is, but hey. I know loads of people who have a non member spouse, its just normal here really. Looking forward to get to know you better :D

  18. i feel for you peanut gallery. I am well aware that church leaders turn a blind eye to problems, especially when it concerns 'a priesthood holder'. It looks bad on the church if they 'sin'.

    Of course there are exceptions to the rule, one member of the stake presidency refused my dad a temple recommend (in time for my wedding) without even asking him a single question. He did not agree with divorce and that was that. My Dad saw the stake president who DID ask him the questions and he got one in time for my wedding. Not worth the hassle in my opinion. Leaders can have their own agenda, separate from that of the church. It sucks.