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Posts posted by MacDow

  1. So, I m sorry I have not posted back. With my struggles with cultural aspects I will give an example. There is an older woman in the ward. Twice a month I pick her up for church because no one else will. I am by myself when I pick her up because my wife attends ward council. I have no problem doing this. The bishop has no problem with me doing this. I have prayed about it and believe it is the right thing. Yet many people in the ward think I should not pick her up and some have gone as far as to say that I am transgressing by doing so.

  2. The advice I always gave to people going to the templefor the first time is pay attention to how you feel. You have the rest if your life to gain a better understand of the ordinances and what you see inside. It is good that you are going for baptisms for your first time IMO . I hope you have a wonderful, faith promoting experience

  3. Last week during fast testimony meeting many of the testimonies ended with the statement " I know the church is true" I found what that means can be different things to different people depending on factors such as age, maturity, wether one is a life long member or convet ect.......


    My question is what does this phrase mean to you? To start off I will share what this statement means to me.


    I believe that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds within it the oridinances neccisary for salvation and the authority from God to perform said ordiances. I know that the Book of Mormon is scripture and was translated by the spirit of revelation. I know Joseph Smith was called to restore the church that Jesus Christ established during his mortal ministry. I struggle with many of the cultural components of this church. I sometimes don't fit in becasue of my political leanings but my word I love this church and the members.


    So, If you would please share what this means to you. This has really been on my mind a lot and want to get peoples thoughts and feelings.

  4. Im sorry but it seems like your daughter may be disturbed mentally and may have done some damage to the bishop. He might be aprehensive next time he questions a teen and thats a shame because its so important to be able to do his job. As far as him being alone with your daughter that is a valid concern. When my then my teen daughter had concerns about being alone with the bishop I simply asked for my wife and I to sit in the back of the chapel while he interviewed her in the front. He had no problem with this and worked out well. She even voiced some concerns she had to him.

  5. So, there was this guy... he got shipwrecked and got stranded on an island.  He sought help and advice from the Lord.

    A rowboat came by and told him to hop on... and he said, "Oh, it's okay, the Lord will help me."...

    A helicopter came by...


    You know how that story goes, right?


    It is the advice forum.  You're going to get advice on an advice forum.  Some useless, some useful, some are even rowboats and helicopters.




    I'm not sure what you mean by "hog pile"... but, abortion is quite serious.  It would be like having somebody say on the forum, "I have this problem.  Can you advice me on what to do?  I'm thinking of going out to the soup kitchen, or maybe talk to the Bishop and Stake President, or maybe I'll kill myself... but probably not... I'll probably just talk to my parents... "


    The I'll kill myself statement is going to get glommed on just to make sure that doesn't enter the equation as it is quite serious...


    She simply mentioned to word abortion only to say that it was NOT an option for her. It looked like people did not read the OP post and saw a response that was mistaken in thinking she was considering abortion as an option and just piled on top of her. Im sorry but that it not any way.


    Yes the Lord works through people. People who take time to listen to and understand people's problems. People who don't imediatley brand them with a scarlet letter before they know their situation.

  6. Talk to a bishop. Take optimal care of yourself and seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost as much as it is available to you. I would say taking advice on what to do with the child should be between you and the Lord with council from a bishop. I am sorry you are going through this and please remember the atonement is their to help you through this. Also, I am sorry that some people feel the need the hog pile you because you used the word abortion in your post.

  7. I used to be Mclaindow now I'm Mac Dow. When I tried to sign in under my old name recieved an error message saying I didn't exist or something like that. I assure everyone rumors of my demise are greatley exagerated. I perfer "Mac" anyways.