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  1. The lord will bless you if you make the correct decision
  2. I am no philosopher but it occurs to me that there is a lot of lds people posting on this subject who do not accept the church position on abortion. The church is very clear that abortion is not murder. This may have not been stated per se however it is a logical conclusion from what has been said. i.e. The church's view is that murder is always wrong. Abortion is not always wrong therefore abortion is not murder. That to me seems to be pretty uncomplicated. The subject is very difficult and very emotive and it is difficult I think to justify abortion in my opinion other than where the life of the mother is at risk or where the child will not be born alive due to defects and to carry to term causes the mother a risk. I think even in cases of incest or rape it is difficult to justify abortion since why should the innocent child be killed for the sins of the father. I understand that for the mother the pregnancy will be difficult but who is to say that the memory of the abortion may not have as long a lasting impact on the mother throughout her life. The child could be placed for adoption if the mother could not face the constant reminder of her trauma. I think the problem with abortion laws are that it is too easy to get an abortion. Inconvenience should never be an acceptable reason. There are thousands of childless couples who would adopt these unwanted babies. I understand that the pregnancy experience and givng birth can be difficult but unfortunately this is a result of having sex without taking precautions. There is also the morning after pill. (Perhaps I ave opened pandoras box with that one!! - where does everyone stand on that? Surely not also abortion?) Once you have become pregnat it is too late. Live with the consequences! Sorry if this seems heartless
  3. Thank you for the many responses. It is interesting to see so many different views. I am a convert to the church and moved to Utah to study. It seems as though many members of the church see things very much as black and white. I don't think that things are ever that simple. There are assumptions that our marriage is as strong as many of yours. Unfortunately that may not be the case. I don't know if we will live happily ever after. I do know that I would die for my children and whatever the current defivciencies in our marriage we are raising well adjusted and balanced children who are grounded in the gospel and know they are 100% loved. I am convinced they will grow up and live succesful lifes and serve diligently in the church and develop testimonies of the gospel. Perhaps my original question was the wrong one. Of course in an ideal world there is only one correct answer. Confess and take the consequences. However, if the consequences of confessing results in the possibilty of damage to my children I would rather take the risk of my whole soul. My welfare is less important to me than theirs. I guess my question is more how serious in the scheme of things is what I have done and is it such that could be forgiven by years of service and living a christlike life regardless of whether or not my wife knows. To be clear on something it is not my intention to keep this to myself forever and in fact I will speak to my wife about it at some stage when I think there is no risk to my children. Is there not the possibility that if I confess after many years of impeccible behaviour it will come accross as more sincere in that she will be convinced that there has been no repetition and therefore less likelihood of a repeat of it? Also if it comes out after my children have left home and she decides she cant accept it then at least they will not suffer for my failures and perhaps her failure to forgive. I don't think this is all as simple as some have suggested.
  4. Absolutely. We must be honest in our dealings and be willing to accept the consequences. Ignoring or hiding a sin will not make it go away. We have to pay for them eventually. It's better for us if we do not procrastinate our repentance. I am fine about suffering for it. What about my children? Should they suffer for it?
  5. My wife has already said that if she ever found out anything like that she would leave me. I have 2 young children. Is it right for me to salve my conscience at the expense of a broken home for them. Would your advice be the same if you knew 100% that consequence would be divorce? Please think before you reply
  6. I have been married for 10 years and have always been completely faithful. I have never flirted with another girl and my wife is the only woman I have had any relations with. We went through a bad spell a couple of years ago and I started flirting (I thought harmlesslessly with a workmate). One thing led to another and we ended up kissing. This happened a few times over a couple of weeks. I realised how stupid this was. I stopped it. I broke off contact and got a new job where I don't see her. Do you think I should tell my wife. I am certain that she will end the marriage if I do. Is it better just to keep this to myself and never do it again. Would this be considered sinful not to confess. Do I need to tell my bishop who will then probably tell me to discuss with my wife? Any advise please?