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Posts posted by LeSellers

  1. As a former Catholic, I must say that I don't find LDS to be similar to the faith I grew up in.

    She might be referring to the hierarchical structure of the Church and of the concept we share of Petrine supremacy.

    It is true that we see each of these somewhat differently, but they are similar.


  2. I'm surprised and sorry to hear that the missionaries don't seem happy. I have known very few missionaries who were not happy and who didn't radiate that happiness.

    As Chantale implied, the mission where she lives is not the fruitful field of Mexico. It's a lot harder to be happy all the time when your efforts are not producing visible fruit. Missionaries are, by and large, very young, and have too little experience with disappointment.

    I served in a mission where the average 2 1/2-year mission saw 2 conversions (and many of those were young Francaises who thought that baptism was a possible entrance into America rather than the kingdom of God). Even though there were three people who accepted the Gospel due, at least partially, to my efforts, there were days, and weeks when the emotional stresses were little short of depressing.

    I must say, however, that teaching the Olive family was far from depressing, and I suppose my companion and I radiated happiness for those five weeks (and many afterwards). The other three or four times when we had active, serious investigators would have been the same, even though the eventual result was not optimal.

    The Gospel is the Gospel of joy, but the work is hard (even when the sheaves are numerous), and no one likes his garden to fail dispite the effort he's put into it.


  3. I am a jewish lady in my 30's married with one child.

    I have always been curious about the Mormons, I have done many research and watched many documentaries.

    It has been a fews months since I have started meeting Missionnaries and learning.




    I am very uncomfortable with the Missionaries asking me to pray in the name of Jesus and get baptized already. I feel pressured but I still want to learn and love my meetings with them !

    Welcome, from a newer board member than you.

    I agree -- the process of conversion can be daunting. It's supposed to be. But, as with anything worth your while, the cost is directly proportional to the benefit. As we both know the truth is a "pearl of great price", ergo, the cost of obtaining it is, and should be, high. Jesus toldd us that it would be all we have.

    As many others have said, I look forward to discussing Judaism with someone who really understands it. Ever since I watched a stage performance of Fiddler on the Roof forty-six years back, the family-centered Sabbath has intrigued me. We Saints are commanded to have the Sabbath be a joyous day, that fasting is joy, and other similar injunctions. But we have no rituals or traditions that help us make it so, aside from the Sacrament (not to be belittled, but it's a five-to-ten minute ceremony, a tiny fracton of the 1440 minutes in the day).

    The Sabbath is not the only topic where I see a Jewish perspective's giving us more depth and substance to our own understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but it's vast enough on its own to take a while to discuss. Please, either start a topic here or look for one (it may already exist) and help us see the beauty of the restoration of the Gospel under Moses.

    Your fellow Israelite,

    Lehi (of Ephraim)

  4. My real name is Doria!

    I am from Dijon the mustard land, and i have 35 years old. I am member of the LDS church since 17 years!

    I'm here to make friends who have the same values as me.

    Bien Venue!

    I believe I'd qualify under your criteria for friendship, although I've been a member of The Chuch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints nearly four times as long as you have been. People rarely question my sincerity. (Tact, yes: I also say exactly what I think, although I do not say everything I think. That's one luxury I allow myself:that of the unexpressed thought.)

    Une fois de plus: bien venue.


  5. It may be that I was here many years ago; I'm so old I don't recall.

    I have a son-in-law and a grandson who are active in this forum, but to save their honor, I won't disclose who they are. In any case, the father of this pair sortta, kinda suggested I join.

    As the profile says, I'm LDS. My birth-certificate name is Lehi, but most people know me by a nickname. My gandfather had the same name, so being LDS is a very long tradition chez nous.

    I served a mission in the old French-East (now Switzerland, Geneva) Mission. Yes, I still speak French, but this keyboard isn't set up to write it effectively. In addition to French, I have Italian, enough German to get into trouble and enough Spanish to get laughed at. I love Hebrew, but do not speak it at all, and koine Greek, which I have studied enough to be overly confident.

    My wife and I celebrated our 45th anniversary with our seven children and thirty-three grandchildren this past summer. We recently retired, and now have more time to spend with those little ones -- all except the two who are serving missions in Texas and the Dominican Republic.

    We educated our children in our own family for fifteen years. I retired from the military two decades ago, and taught in the government-run, tax-funded welfare schools for a while. My civilian career also covered many years in technical writing, from electronics and programming to mechanical pumps and aircraft maintenance manuals.

    In my six plus decades on this planet, it has become apparent that there are people who do not respect the Restored Gospel, Church, and Priesthood of Jesus Christ. I find this to be based on three shakey foundations: ignorance, belligerance, and the cunning craftiness of men.

    Finally, I love the Gospel. I love The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. I love my family, I love the Temple. I love my Lord, my God, and His work.

    I believe I follow the admonition of Paul: I stand ready to answer critics of the Restoration with logic, scripture, history, and testimony, not necessarily in that order.

    May we all feel the Spirit of God as we discuss His word and His work.


    P.S. My callings include stake Interfaith Outreach Specialist. I feel a special need to defend our religious freedoms, the Family, and Marriage, and most sincerely want to work with anyone whose goals align with these, irrespective of his own faith tradition, or even if he has any such beliefs. LS